Have any of you ever just walked into a bar alone for the purposes of drinking?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
In the "good old days" this often signaled someone looking to perhaps meet someone who is doing the same.

This generation definitely does NOT do this but I was reading an article about how they yearn for this as opposed to "swiping left" etc. I'm not sure my generation did much either though it did happen I'm sure.

What say you?
In the "good old days" this often signaled someone looking to perhaps meet someone who is doing the same.

This generation definitely does NOT do this but I was reading an article about how they yearn for this as opposed to "swiping left" etc. I'm not sure my generation did much either though it did happen I'm sure.

What say you?
many times. both to drink and, on a good night, get lucky. not proud of it, but the number and profitability of pubs attests that i am nor alone.
In the "good old days" this often signaled someone looking to perhaps meet someone who is doing the same.

This generation definitely does NOT do this but I was reading an article about how they yearn for this as opposed to "swiping left" etc. I'm not sure my generation did much either though it did happen I'm sure.

What say you?
You said "with the purpose of drinking." Not picking up. I've gone into bars with the thought of picking up many times, but not with the sole purpose of drinking. If I just want to drink and get a buzz, I'll stay home. When I go to a bar, it is usually to socialize either with someone who accompanies me or someone I hope to meet.
You said "with the purpose of drinking." Not picking up. I've gone into bars with the thought of picking up many times, but not with the sole purpose of drinking. If I just want to drink and get a buzz, I'll stay home. When I go to a bar, it is usually to socialize either with someone who accompanies me or someone I hope to meet.
Well, it could be a multi-purpose trek. Go to bar, you might meet someone, might not, but you will drink regardless.

Whatever priority one places for their primary purpose is fine.

This used to be very acceptable but I admit I only did it once and in fact I could have gotten lucky but she invited me to her place which I declined. I was a young Atheist then.

The most unusual I find it seeing a person walk into a movie theatre alone. That isn't done too often but kudos to them.
In the "good old days" this often signaled someone looking to perhaps meet someone who is doing the same.

This generation definitely does NOT do this but I was reading an article about how they yearn for this as opposed to "swiping left" etc. I'm not sure my generation did much either though it did happen I'm sure.

What say you?
Souds like you might be meeting the wrong kinda people.
In the "good old days" this often signaled someone looking to perhaps meet someone who is doing the same.

This generation definitely does NOT do this but I was reading an article about how they yearn for this as opposed to "swiping left" etc. I'm not sure my generation did much either though it did happen I'm sure.

What say you?

Yes, many times. And sometimes it even resulted in unpleasant events, like the time I set a left-wing newspaper stand on fire on a sidewalk in Dallas, Texas.

Ask me why I don't go to bars much anymore.
A little old lady answered a knock on the door one day, to be confronted by a well-dressed young man carrying a vacuum cleaner.
'Good morning,' said the young man. 'If I could take a couple minutes of your time, I would like to demonstrate the very latest in high-powered vacuum cleaners. ''Go away!'' said the old lady. ''I'm broke and haven't got any money!'' and she proceeded to close the door.

Quick as a flash, the young man wedged his foot in the door and pushed it wide open... ''Don't be too hasty!'' he said. ''Not until you have at least seen my demonstration.'' And with that, he emptied a bucket of horse manure onto her hallway carpet. Now if this vacuum cleaner does not remove all traces of this horse manure from your carpet, Madam, I will personally eat the remainder."

The old lady stepped back and said, "Well, let me get you a fork, 'cause they cut off my electricity this morning."
You know who was drinking shooters late into the night the rest of their life !
I've only gone in to a bar alone, when I was meeting a girlfriend there or co-workers there or a guy friend there....

Never, ever, by myself for the night, to drink alone!

my hubby on the other hand, is a very friendly guy, even with strangers, he will find something to talk with them about....millionaires to the homeless, grocery store clerks to store managers...I can't go anywhere with him, without him striking up a conversation or two or three with strangers... even if I am so hoping we can make it in and out of the grocery store while I had no make up on or my hair in rollers with no one seeing me that I know....no such luck!

So he can do real well in a bar setting, sitting at the bar by himself....it won't be long before he's talking to someone...even if only the bartender.

We are now fuddy duds and haven't been in a bar for at least a decade or two, outside of restaurants that also serve liquor...
All the time in my drinking days. Working night shift you would get off after stores could sell alcohol but a few bars would still be open. Heck made friends with the owners and got to stay past closing time and throw back a couple with the staff after hours on a few occasions. I wasn’t there to meet someone. I wasn’t there to socialize with strangers. I was there to toss back some cold ones and forget about the shitty day I had.

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