Hawaii Gov. Josh Green blames global warming


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Hawaii Gov. Josh Green claimed Sunday that global warming played a major role in the Maui wildfire that destroyed a historic town and has so far killed at least 93 people.

Green spoke about the devastation in the centuries-old town of Lahaina during an appearance on MSNBC’s "The Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart," describing the wildfire as a "fire hurricane" with gusting 80 mph winds and "1,000-degree heat creating fire cyclones going through buildings."

"Everything is burnt to the ground in Lahaina," the Democrat said, calling it a "war zone" that is "completely destroyed."

Green attributed strong winds from Hurricane Dora, which passed far to the south of the island last week, and very dry drought conditions on Maui to the fast-moving blaze.

"When fire jumped from one spot to another – there were three or four fires going on at the same time – it got seeded very quickly with those 80 mph gusted winds," he said. "And then the fire moved at essentially a mile per minute, 60 mph down through the community."

"That’s what a fire hurricane is going to look like in the era of global warming," Green warned.

Hurricanes have hit Hawaii lots of times.
Governor Green is either dumb or a global warming fear monger.
Man Made Climate Change is a Left Wing Totalitarianist political tool of fear.
They say elect us and we can save you from global warming.

A Hawaiian hurricane is a tropical cyclone that forms in the Pacific Ocean and affects the Hawaiian Islands. Hawaii lies in the central Pacific, where about four or five tropical cyclones appear each year, although as many as fifteen have occurred, such as in the 2015 season; rarely do these storms actually affect Hawaii. Tropical cyclone records were not kept before the 1950s. Earlier windstorms that struck Hawaii were not labeled as hurricanes.[1] Extratropical cyclones are also common, causing considerable damage; they are known as Kona storms, but are not included in counts of hurricanes.
MORE BLATANT LIES:- They are also lying to us about the hurricane, Dora, saying it created hurricane force winds that drove the wildfires. Except for one thing: Dora missed Hawaii by hundreds of miles and wasn't a strong hurricane when it passed Hawaii on that worst day. It is cat. 3, two days later. In videos on the ground from that day we see flags and business awnings, and they obviously aren't in hurricane winds. That bozo above fighting the fire with a garden hose isn't in hurricane winds either ( refers to photo in full report ). We see winds in some videos, but nothing hurricane level. And since Dora passed to the south of Hawaii, coming from the west, the winds should have been blowing the other direction. Obviously, the fire couldn't come in from the east on a wind blowing northeast.
Hawaii Gov. Josh Green claimed Sunday that global warming played a major role in the Maui wildfire that destroyed a historic town and has so far killed at least 93 people.

Green spoke about the devastation in the centuries-old town of Lahaina during an appearance on MSNBC’s "The Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart," describing the wildfire as a "fire hurricane" with gusting 80 mph winds and "1,000-degree heat creating fire cyclones going through buildings."

"Everything is burnt to the ground in Lahaina," the Democrat said, calling it a "war zone" that is "completely destroyed."

Green attributed strong winds from Hurricane Dora, which passed far to the south of the island last week, and very dry drought conditions on Maui to the fast-moving blaze.

"When fire jumped from one spot to another – there were three or four fires going on at the same time – it got seeded very quickly with those 80 mph gusted winds," he said. "And then the fire moved at essentially a mile per minute, 60 mph down through the community."

"That’s what a fire hurricane is going to look like in the era of global warming," Green warned.

Hurricanes have hit Hawaii lots of times.
Governor Green is either dumb or a global warming fear monger.
Man Made Climate Change is a Left Wing Totalitarianist political tool of fear.
They say elect us and we can save you from global warming.

A Hawaiian hurricane is a tropical cyclone that forms in the Pacific Ocean and affects the Hawaiian Islands. Hawaii lies in the central Pacific, where about four or five tropical cyclones appear each year, although as many as fifteen have occurred, such as in the 2015 season; rarely do these storms actually affect Hawaii. Tropical cyclone records were not kept before the 1950s. Earlier windstorms that struck Hawaii were not labeled as hurricanes.[1] Extratropical cyclones are also common, causing considerable damage; they are known as Kona storms, but are not included in counts of hurricanes.

Why didn't he blame Trump?
Polar bears would not exist today without climate change, and they may even be thriving because of current climate trends. That's what the co-founder of Greenpeace told scientists, economists, and academics who took part in an international conference challenging alarmist claims about global warming.

Patrick Moore, a Canadian environmentalist who previously served as president of Greenpeace Canada and director of Greenpeace International, was one of several speakers featured as part of the Heartland Institute’s conference on the topic held this month.

Moore is now a director for the CO2 Coalition, a nonprofit group that includes scientists devoted to highlighting the benefits of carbon dioxide. He is also the author of a new book titled Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom, which takes aim at what Moore described as “scare stories” that cannot be justified on the basis of scientific observation and verification.

Man Made Global Warming is for dumb left wing fanatics to worry about.
Normal people know that it is a political scam.

Something tells me that the leadership on Maui isn't the MAGA crowd......something tells me democrats run the place...but I could be wrong.......I know if republicans did run the place, that would lead every story.,.....
Sometimes incompetence is arranged and promoted as something else.
Of course, climate change is making hurricanes more powerful and is causing more extreme weather events, like the flash drought in hawaii.

No....actually it isn't......hurricanes are not more numerous or more powerful...that is a lie..

Alexander’s paper begins by remarking, “The purported link between extreme weather and global warming has captured the public imagination and attention of the mainstream media far more than any of the other claims made by the narrative of human-caused climate change.” This is odd because data and analyses from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the U.N. body that climate alarmists in academic, political, and media circles continually cite as the authoritative source of information on climate change, confirm that “if there is any trend at all in extreme weather, it’s downward rather than upward. Our most extreme weather, be it heat wave, drought, flood, hurricane or tornado, occurred many years ago, long before the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere began to climb at its present rate,” writes Alexander.

“Recent atmospheric heat waves in western Europe,” writes Alexander, “pale in comparison with the soaring temperatures of the 1930s, a period when three of the seven continents and 32 of the 50 US states set all-time high temperature records, which still stand today.”

Nor has the IPCC discerned or identified any long-term trend in drought patterns, either in the United States or globally. And even though rainfall has modestly increased in recent years, there is no evidence floods are becoming more frequent or severe. Many recent flood events can be traced almost entirely to land-use changes such as channelization, deforestation, the destruction of wetlands, and the building of dams, Alexander notes.


If you don't believe that, then look at the series of charts below, which are taken from government sites, that depict trends in hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts and wildfires — all of which should be, according to environmentalists, on the uptrend.

What do you see in these charts. There is no trend in any of them.
Look at the data on drought conditions, from the EPA. There is no meaningful increase from 1900 to 2016. In fact, the past decade has been relatively mild on the drought front, with several years below average.

The same is true when it comes to tornadoes. The number of tornadoes in 2014 was below the number in 1954, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association data show. Indeed, the trend line seems to indicate that tornado activity has been lower since the mid-1980s than it was in three decades before that.

What about hurricanes? Yes, this year was a bad one in terms of the number and damage caused by hurricanes. But these storms came after years of lower than normal hurricane activity, both in the Atlantic and in the Pacific. NOAA data show the annual Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE) in each region going back to 1970.

Of course, climate change is making hurricanes more powerful and is causing more extreme weather events, like the flash drought in hawaii.

You guys simply swallow whatever the democrats say or you are part of the lie....

Which is it with you?

Despite the claims of activists and the mainstream media that climate change is making major hurricanes – such as U.S. Hurricane Harvey in 2017 or Hurricane Katrina in 2005 – more frequent and stronger, several recent studies have found no evidence for either of these assertions.

In fact, a 2022 study reveals that tropical cyclones in general, which include hurricanes, typhoons and tropical storms, are letting up as the globe warms. Over the period from 1900 to 2012, the study authors found that the annual number of tropical cyclones declined by about 13% compared with the period between 1850 and 1900, when such powerful storms were actually on the rise.

This is illustrated in the figure below, showing the tropical cyclone trend calculated by the researchers, using a combination of actual sea-level observations and climate model experiments. The solid blue line is the annual number of tropical cyclones globally, and the red line is a five-year running mean.

You can see that hurricane activity in this basin has escalated over the last 20 years, especially in 2005 and 2020. But, despite the upsurge, the data also show that the frequency of major North Atlantic hurricanes in recent decades is merely comparable to that in the 1950s and 1960s – a period when the earth was cooling rather than warming.

A team of hurricane experts concluded in a 2021 study that, at least in the Atlantic, the recent apparent increase in major hurricanes results from improvements in observational capabilities since 1970 and is unlikely to be a true climate trend. And, even though it appears that major Atlantic hurricanes were less frequent before about 1940, the lower numbers simply reflect the relative lack of measurements in early years of the record. Aircraft reconnaissance flights to gather data on hurricanes only began in 1944, while satellite coverage dates only from the 1960s.

Hawaii Gov. Josh Green claimed Sunday that global warming played a major role in the Maui wildfire that destroyed a historic town and has so far killed at least 93 people.

Green spoke about the devastation in the centuries-old town of Lahaina during an appearance on MSNBC’s "The Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart," describing the wildfire as a "fire hurricane" with gusting 80 mph winds and "1,000-degree heat creating fire cyclones going through buildings."

"Everything is burnt to the ground in Lahaina," the Democrat said, calling it a "war zone" that is "completely destroyed."

Green attributed strong winds from Hurricane Dora, which passed far to the south of the island last week, and very dry drought conditions on Maui to the fast-moving blaze.

"When fire jumped from one spot to another – there were three or four fires going on at the same time – it got seeded very quickly with those 80 mph gusted winds," he said. "And then the fire moved at essentially a mile per minute, 60 mph down through the community."

"That’s what a fire hurricane is going to look like in the era of global warming," Green warned.

Hurricanes have hit Hawaii lots of times.
Governor Green is either dumb or a global warming fear monger.
Man Made Climate Change is a Left Wing Totalitarianist political tool of fear.
They say elect us and we can save you from global warming.

A Hawaiian hurricane is a tropical cyclone that forms in the Pacific Ocean and affects the Hawaiian Islands. Hawaii lies in the central Pacific, where about four or five tropical cyclones appear each year, although as many as fifteen have occurred, such as in the 2015 season; rarely do these storms actually affect Hawaii. Tropical cyclone records were not kept before the 1950s. Earlier windstorms that struck Hawaii were not labeled as hurricanes.[1] Extratropical cyclones are also common, causing considerable damage; they are known as Kona storms, but are not included in counts of hurricanes.
We also had very strong winds at Kauai and Oahu. So why didn't those towns burn down?
I am told by a woman who was at Maui that she believes the cause was falling power lines. She said she lost power and cell phone ability at the same moment. She was at Maui for the fires.

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