Zone1 Hello from Hector12

I do not scare easily. I have been in internet forums that were tougher than USMessageBoard seems to be.

Welcome, Hector.

I am relatively new here myself. My real name is Jim H., I live in Virginia, and I am a husband, father, Conservative, and engineer.

I like to participate primarily in discussions of politics, humor, current events and science.

What I like best about USMB is that there are plenty of intelligent people with a variety of opinions. You seem like a smart person, so hopefully you will experience that as well. Plenty of posters act like adults here. Of course, there are plenty who do otherwise and you'll deal with them in your own way.

I also greatly appreciate the strong lean towards free speech that this board has. I would not still be here if that were not the case.

I was pleased to see that you have been welcomed so warmly by a great group of posters that I have come to know a little bit and have respect for. Yeah, you, OhPleaseJustQuit , TroglocratsRdumb , JGalt , 1srelluc , toobfreak .

I hope you find the board full of enjoyment, fun, and intellectual stimulation like I find.

Welcome and best regards,
I am interested in Greek literature. I cannot read Greek.



Welcome to the free for all. Some words of advice: None of what you see here is real, nobody is who they say that are, you'll never convince anyone of the opposing party of your point of view, don't take yourself or anyone else too seriously, and have yourself some fun, even if it's at the expense of someone else.

You could have broke him in easy, but I'll have to say something...
Hi. What are you wearing?
This is a great line to use when a female telemarketer calls you. Use a very deep voice for added effect. My wife cracked up when she watched me do that.

Works for male spam callers too, but I'm not sure I could go to that level without cracking up.
This is a great line to use when a female telemarketer calls you. Use a very deep voice for added effect. My wife cracked up when she watched me do that. Works for male spam callers too, but I'm not sure I could go to that level without cracking up.

I tried that once, Jim but all it got me instead was just a dinner invitation. :smoke:
Say, Mike, is that Mickey Mouse I see in your Avatar now? No . . . wait . . . upon closer examination, that looks like our Resident In Thief!
The bow is a great touch.

Reminds me of this South Park episode from 2014 where Eric uses a bow to demonstrably gain better bathroom privileges....

A Kennywood shirt black sweat pants, white socks and a green and black plaid hat for Saint Patrick's Day along with my unmentionables. Why do you ask?
Because I've been stalking you. In fact i'm looking in your window right now. Thanks for telling me who was who!!!! ;)
welcome to our little corner of the interwebs - i do hope you picked up yer complimentary hazmat suit at the door. hope to cross paths with you soon!
Hello from Hector12. I choose Hector12 as my nickname because Hector is a Trojan hero of Homer's Iliad. Hector's brother, Paris, stole Helen from her Greek husband, Menelaos. Hector opposed the act of his brother, but when the Greeks attacked Troy, Hector defended his homeland from the invaders.
Welcome to USMB, Hector. Hope you enjoy the boards.
Obviously you haven't met miketx yet. :laughing0301:
Mike's OK. He trains people to be stronger on a political debate board. Everyone is a target except people who "get it." And after a while most people kinda get it. :thup:

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