Hitler clip, claimed to call for extermination of Jews - soaring among Arabs

Apart from being a Sillyarse , what would Sayiamanarse do when a nation publicly declares and practises Ethnic Cleansing against you ?

Troll and Forum Outcast , Sayiamanarse , shows again how much of a Nazi he is ,

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Hitler's Arab Legion

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Hitler's Younes Bahri
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December 2023 Palestinian official (Osama Al-Ali) justifies the Holocaust

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You quoted people who were not Jewish in Germany but had some 25 to 10 % non Jewish ancestorsy.
And tried to save their family by serving...


So what?

Typical BDS (BS) propaganda.

Then you link to neo Nazi Holocaust Denial material garbage ihr

Are you serious?

Incidentally historical Walter Laqeuer concluded that these soldiers who were non Jews but had some 20 percent or less linkage to Jews, were only about 10 000 and they did not consider themselves to be Jewish.

What part of: ""Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called 'full Jews' served in the German military with Adolf Hitler's knowledge and approval."
is beyond your comprehension?

Why were there 25 Jewish Generals and high ranking Nazi Party members?

Why did Jewish German soldiers receive Germany's highest honors with the full knowledge of Hitler and the German High Command?

Why did Hitler honor Jews who served in WW 1 who were already in Palestine?

Try reading more closely, Walter Laqueur didn't research and write "Hitler's Jewish Army". Bryan Mark Rigg who is Jewish did. It was Rigg who discovered that about 150,000 full and mixed Jews served in Hitler's military.

Finally, were all of the "6 million Jews" of Holocaust lore "Full Jews" and why, according to Jewish sources, did the world's Jewish population increase during the war years if "6 million" were really killed?

(1). "When Hitler Honored Jewish Soldiers"​

EXCERPT "The Nazi regime conferred honors on many of the 100,000 Jews who fought in the German army in the Great War, even on some who had already escaped to Palestine." CONTINUED

(2). "Was there Really a Holocaust?"

EXCERPT "The World Almanac for 1947 states that back in 1939 the world Jewish population was 15,688,259. The Almanac's figures were supplied by the American Jewish Committee. Next the Jewish-owned New York Times of February 22, 1948 stated the world Jewish population for that year amounted "to 15,600,000 to 18,700,000 in addition to the 600,000 to 700,000 living in Palestine." How could the Jewish population increase so rapidly over the war years if they had lost 6,000,000 people?"CONTINUED
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1938 book "The Rape of Palestine:

Not just the mufti. The wider extend Nazi Palestinian link...

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Perhaps you can explain this inconvenient fact:

If Germany's National Socialists were committed to killing Jews, why did they agree to the Haavara Agreement?

A Nazi travels to Palestine': A swastika and Star of David on one coin
Not really. They are good at butchering civilians like savages. They are certainly fighting Hamas, but when 1 terrorist group fights another there aren't really any competent combatants.
of course they are "competent"----they learn very early in life how to SLIT A THROAT---in islamic law even a five year old MUSLIM can slit the throat of a lamb and that meat is HALLAL---no matter how miserably the job was done as long as the five year old mumbles B'smallah as he is sawing away at the neck of the poor little lamb. Such actions actually happen in Mecca---during the HADJ thing---regularly. For that reason---muslims are COMPETENT in slitting the throats of infants and strive to proudly demonstrate their skills and obtain a free pass to JANNAH
Perhaps you can explain this inconvenient fact:

If Germany's National Socialists were committed to killing Jews, why did they agree to the Haavara Agreement?

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your nazi colleagues were desperate to squeeze every dime they could from any jew in the world----they knew that the arabs were delighted to accomplish the final solution that makes you salivate-----also well documented. Have you ever met anyone who was SAVED
from your hero ADOLF with money-----I have.
I am married to a man saved as an infant from islamic murder ----with money. Well---I won't wish you "BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME" Keep
praying for the MONEY!!!!!!
Apart from being a Sillyarse , what would Sayiamanarse do when a nation publicly declares and practises Ethnic Cleansing against you ?

Troll and Forum Outcast , Sayiamanarse , shows again how much of a Nazi he is ,
read the koran, review history.
Neo Nazis and radical Arab "Palestinians" (fascistic "p.remembered") are very upset that Zionists saved thousands of Jews on Haavara program - before Hitler saw that there is a concensus to murder all Jews.
So first he tried to expell them in 1933.

But as soon as he saw the German staff are all in at the Extermination program he canceled Haavara already in 1939.

He knew the will agree to the Holocayst even before the Wannsea 1941 pact.

As to Hitler's own extermination vision, it began at least in 1922.

The following is from a rather anti-Zionist outlet: "The Independent"

"Why the Haavara Agreement does not mean the Nazis were (so-called) Zionists"​



But Hitler was really pro palestine-Arab.
See his September 1938 speech.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on October 10 1938 - Page 2.
Arabs in the Holy Land were hailing Adolf Hitler of Germany and Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy as their "hope" in the Arab-Jewish dispute. The Italian premier and the German Fuehrer were brought into Palestine's troubled picture following Hitler's Nuremberg speech of September -12 in which he said Arabs-in the Holy Land were "defenseless and left in the lurch."
Pin Hope to Hitler
An Arab spokesman greeted Hitler's: statement with this declaration: "Now we are not without friends in Europe; our ultimate success as a nation lies in the hands of Hitler and Mussolini and not Britain and France
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Neo Nazis and radical Arab "Palestinians" (fascistic "p.remembered") are very upset that Zionists saved thousands of Jews on Haavara program - before Hitler saw that there is a concensus to murder all Jews.
So first he tried to expell them in 1933.

But as soon as he saw the German staff are all in at the Extermination program he canceled Haavara already in 1939.

He knew the will agree to the Holocayst even before the Wannsea 1941 pact.

As to Hitler's own extermination vision, it began at least in 1922.

The following is from a rather anti-Zionist outlet: "The Independent"

"Why the Haavara Agreement does not mean the Nazis were (so-called) Zionists"​


View attachment 881190
But Hitler was really pro palestine-Arab.
See his September 1938 speech.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on October 10 1938 - Page 2.
Well, both, nazis and extremist Arabs would rather have all Jews diec than be rescued in Haavara program.
To Grau.

Those soldiers were not really Jews but 75 to 95% Aryan.
But you knew that..

Besides, do you have any idea what people do to save their family members from extermination???
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Well, both, nazis and extremist Arabs would rather have all Jews die than be rescued in Haavara program.
The same as Hitler's-Mufti Arab Palestine leader Al Husseini, in 1943, intervened against saving thousands of children from Bulgaria and Hungary who were to be rescued into Mandatory Palestine.

Written in 1946/7:
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Then at Eichmann's trial:

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your nazi colleagues were desperate to squeeze every dime they could from any jew in the world----they knew that the arabs were delighted to accomplish the final solution that makes you salivate-----also well documented. Have you ever met anyone who was SAVED
from your hero ADOLF with money-----I have.
I am married to a man saved as an infant from islamic murder ----with money. Well---I won't wish you "BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME" Keep
praying for the MONEY!!!!!!

Your snarky tone is rivaled only by your ignorance and bigotry.

No other political party worked as closely with Germany's National Socialists than you Zionists.
Who do you think paid for the 40 training camps(1) that armed and prepared Zionist terrorist gangs so ruthless they would make any Gestapo officer blush?

How much money did Hitler try to get from his "pen pal", Rosa Nienau? (2).

If Hitler hated Jews as much as brainwashed holocaustians believe, why did he have a trusted Jewish driver, doctor and multiple Jewish friends in Vienna? (3)

Why did he honor Jewish WW 1 Veterans who were already in Palestine? (4)

Of course I don't expect an informed rebuttal concerning WW 2 or the Holocaust from snarky and gullible rubes who believe only what pro Israel MSM pours into their head.


(1). “Zionism and the Third Reich”
Zionism and the Third Reich

EXCERPT “In cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some forty camps and agricultural centers throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. Although the Nuremberg Laws forbid Jews from displaying the German flag, Jews were specifically guaranteed the right to display the blue and white Jewish national banner. The flag that would one day be adopted by Israel was flown at the Zionist camps and centers in Hitler's Germany. /19

Himmler's security service cooperated with the Haganah, the Zionist underground military organization in Palestine. The SS agency paid Haganah official Feivel Polkes for information about the situation in Palestine and for help in directing Jewish emigration to that country. Meanwhile, the Haganah was kept well informed about German plans by a spy it managed to plant in the Berlin headquarters of the SS. /20 Haganah-SS collaboration even included secret deliveries of German weapons to Jewish settlers for use in clashes with Palestinian Arabs. “ CONTINUED

(2). "The Fuhrer's Child': How Hitler Came To Adore A Girl With Jewish Roots"​

EXCERPT "The little girl was Adolf Hitler's favorite.

They shared the same birthday, April 20. She called him Uncle Hitler and was known as "the Fuhrer's child." She was so adored by the Nazi leader that his personal photographer frequently snapped pictures of the two them holding hands, exchanging kisses on the cheek, or just smiling at each other. Hitler refused to cut off contact with her even after he was told she had a Jewish grandmother." CONTINUED

(3). “5 Jews Hitler Actually Liked”

EXCERPT “Surprisingly, during this time in his life, Hitler also had extremely good relationships with Jewish people. At his house in Vienna, almost all of his friends were Jewish, with Josef Neumann being the closest.

And when Hitler took over Germany, he spared some of his old Jewish friends, kept some in his party, and even formed new friendships.” CONTINUED

(4). “When Hitler Honored Jewish Soldiers”
When Hitler honored Jewish soldiers

EXCERPT “The Nazi regime conferred honors on many of the 100,000 Jews who fought in the German army in the Great War, even on some who had already escaped to Palestine.” CONTINUED
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The same as Hitler's-Mufti Arab Palestine leader Al Husseini, in 1943, intervened against saving thousands of children from Bulgaria and Hungary who were to be rescued into Mandatory Palestine.

Written in 1946/7:
View attachment 881202

Then at Eichmann's trial:

View attachment 881198

View attachment 881201
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