Zone1 How Blacks can help their own communities


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
Certain blacks on this forum keep demanding reparations from whites*, but since the majority of the country is opposed to something so unfair, it will never happen. Instead of expensing time and energy demanding something that will not happen, what about rechanneling that into ACTUAL efforts that will help the black community, and right away?

The ideas that pop to mind are:

1) Start a daycare business in poor black communities populated with single mothers. That way, these mothers can get jobs, acquire work experience, and of course earn money - the starting steps to breaking the welfare cycle.

2) Start a tutoring business in a poor black neighborhood, helping at-at risk teens to pass subjects they are failing and complete high school.

3) Start a “funding search” businesses, in which you help poor blacks find educational grants for vocational schools, and the high-achieving ones for colleges.

4) Start a business incubator service that will provide resources to small start-ups, this helping both the would-be business owners as well as the neighborhoods they will serve.

Finally, there are Governmwnt programs to help blacks start these businesses.

* Whites provide the majority of. Government funds, so whites will bear the expense of reparations.

Nothing racist about it. Improverished Jews did it at the turn of the last century.

So JoeB131 says "Just let them continue destroying the businesses in their neighborhoods and having all those illegitimate babies. That's really constructive! Much better idea".

I'll tell that today to the black African priest I know who just shepherded about 50 Ethiopians to receiving their Catholic confirmation last Saturday. I'll tell him that he's wasting his time and that he needs to get them all on welfare and robbing the WalMart store instead.


So JoeB131 says "Just let them continue destroying the businesses in their neighborhoods and having all those illegitimate babies. That's really constructive! Much better idea".

I'll tell that today to the black African priest I know who just shepherded about 50 Ethiopians to receiving their Catholic confirmation last Saturday. I'll tell him that he's wasting his time and that he needs to get them all on welfare and robbing the WalMart store instead.

Thank you! I came up with some really great ideas, but because it doesn’t involve just handing more free money to blacks, I’m called Hitler.

Libs think that blacks are too incapable of improving their own communities, so they think the solution is to keep them dependent on other people’s money.
Certain blacks on this forum keep demanding reparations from whites*, but since the majority of the country is opposed to something so unfair, it will never happen. Instead of expensing time and energy demanding something that will not happen, what about rechanneling that into ACTUAL efforts that will help the black community, and right away?

The ideas that pop to mind are:

1) Start a daycare business in poor black communities populated with single mothers. That way, these mothers can get jobs, acquire work experience, and of course earn money - the starting steps to breaking the welfare cycle.

2) Start a tutoring business in a poor black neighborhood, helping at-at risk teens to pass subjects they are failing and complete high school.

3) Start a “funding search” businesses, in which you help poor blacks find educational grants for vocational schools, and the high-achieving ones for colleges.

4) Start a business incubator service that will provide resources to small start-ups, this helping both the would-be business owners as well as the neighborhoods they will serve.

Finally, there are Governmwnt programs to help blacks start these businesses.

* Whites provide the majority of. Government funds, so whites will bear the expense of reparations.

1. daycare business? so you guys can falsely claim i'm molesting your children. mcmain day care was one of many cases in that round of hysteria.

2. is tutoring a business? well, capitalism is a competitive system. and there is no better way to learn something than to teach it.

3. "funding search" is an interesting idea. that could be a great way to cream off the top of a "public private partnership"

4. cooperative efforts like this are important. i thin k this was the purpose of the small business administration until they got the "disaster loan" portfolio.

there are government programs directed specifically towards minorities. do you intend to keep them under trump47? .
Wow, really, Lisa?

Racists have been singing this "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" garbage as long as I've been alive. Probably longer.
Also, you will notice that I pointed out that government grants are available to help blacks start these businesses,

In fact, one of my business ideas was to help blacks find grants for job training! And somehow a busimess idea to help blacks get free money is considered telling blacks “boot-straps”? It’s just the opposite.

Shows that liberals hate self-sufficiency and only want to throw money at people without them doing anything to help themselves.
So JoeB131 says "Just let them continue destroying the businesses in their neighborhoods and having all those illegitimate babies. That's really constructive! Much better idea".
No babies are "illegitimate".

And frankly, being born out of wedlock just isn't that big of a deal.

As for looting stores. um, yeah, that was unfortunate, I guess. But most people aren't doing that.

I'll tell that today to the black African priest I know who just shepherded about 50 Ethiopians to receiving their Catholic confirmation last Saturday. I'll tell him that he's wasting his time and that he needs to get them all on welfare and robbing the WalMart store instead.
Well, yeah, probably more practical than grovelling in front of an imaginary sky man.
Also, you will notice that I pointed out that government grants are available to help blacks start these businesses,

In fact, one of my business ideas was to help blacks find grants for job training! And somehow a busimess idea to help blacks get free money is considered telling blacks “boot-straps”? It’s just the opposite.

Shows that liberals hate self-sufficiency and only want to throw money at people without them doing anything to help themselves.
There's far more dependency by white people on government with Entitlements than there is black people with welfare.

I'd be happy to exchange welfare for workfare.

But the fake concern xxxxx doesn't impress me.

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Nothing racist about it. Improverished Jews did it at the turn of the last century.
There is a huge difference between how those early Jewish immigrants thought and how African Americans today think.

If African Americans as a group have not chosen the route that you suggest by now, they never will.

One of President Nixon's advisers suggested a policy of "benign neglect."

In plain English, the group under discussion -- not the federal government -- should take the initiative in raising themselves -- AS YOU HAVE SUGGESTED.
There is a huge difference between how those early Jewish immigrants thought and how African Americans today think.

If African Americans as a group have not chosen the route that you suggest by now, they never will.

One of President Nixon's advisers suggested a policy of "benign neglect."

In plain English, the group under discussion -- not the federal government -- should take the initiative in raising themselves -- AS YOU HAVE SUGGESTED.
Oh, bullshit.

The thing is, Jews in this country have never experienced slavery or Jim Crow or Miscegenation laws or Sundown Laws, or a whole host of other things intended to keep them down.

Now, in Europe, yes, Horrible things were done to Jews. And Europe's Jews were poorer than shit. The word "Ghetto" originally meant the Jewish Enclaves of Europe . When they came here, though, they were just another group of white people from Europe. They got all the advantages of American White Privilege.
Certain blacks on this forum keep demanding reparations from whites*, but since the majority of the country is opposed to something so unfair, it will never happen. Instead of expensing time and energy demanding something that will not happen, what about rechanneling that into ACTUAL efforts that will help the black community, and right away?

The ideas that pop to mind are:

1) Start a daycare business in poor black communities populated with single mothers. That way, these mothers can get jobs, acquire work experience, and of course earn money - the starting steps to breaking the welfare cycle.

2) Start a tutoring business in a poor black neighborhood, helping at-at risk teens to pass subjects they are failing and complete high school.

3) Start a “funding search” businesses, in which you help poor blacks find educational grants for vocational schools, and the high-achieving ones for colleges.

4) Start a business incubator service that will provide resources to small start-ups, this helping both the would-be business owners as well as the neighborhoods they will serve.

Finally, there are Governmwnt programs to help blacks start these businesses.

* Whites provide the majority of. Government funds, so whites will bear the expense of reparations.

These are all sound, impactful ideas! Help locally, build from within. This is how many communities help themselves and build and grow!
And you notice the response of libersls to my suggestion? I was called a racist and Hitler.

It is obvious that liberals WANT to keep blacks dependent, and most likely for votes.

Again, we spend far more on White Middle Class entitlements.

At least black people are grateful. You guys collect your checks and whine about the government.
Oh, bullshit.

The thing is, Jews in this country have never experienced slavery or Jim Crow or Miscegenation laws or Sundown Laws, or a whole host of other things intended to keep them down.

Now, in Europe, yes, Horrible things were done to Jews. And Europe's Jews were poorer than shit. The word "Ghetto" originally meant the Jewish Enclaves of Europe . When they came here, though, they were just another group of white people from Europe. They got all the advantages of American White Privilege.
Blacks have all sorts of resources now that Jews of 100 years ago did not. Stop trying to hold black people down!
Oh, bullshit.

The thing is, Jews in this country have never experienced slavery or Jim Crow or Miscegenation laws or Sundown Laws, or a whole host of other things intended to keep them down.

Now, in Europe, yes, Horrible things were done to Jews. And Europe's Jews were poorer than shit. The word "Ghetto" originally meant the Jewish Enclaves of Europe . When they came here, though, they were just another group of white people from Europe. They got all the advantages of American White Privilege.
i think it took the jews a few generations to overcome the antisemitism here, and the usual maga trash still deface their synagigues and cemetaries, but , generally easier assimilation than the famine irish or sicilian "dagos"

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