How to Effectively Deal with Your Rolex AD

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
How to effectively deal with your Rolex AD

Since I own a titty bar, I keep my Rolex ADā€™s cock greased with wet pussy. This is how I stay near the top of the waitlist. Then one day I get a call from my AD complaining about, of all things, bad pussy. I could not believe it. I was offended by the accusation.

He said he caught a bad case of the gooch from one of my whoowahs and his balls had swollen to twice the size of cantaloupes. He had to get his sacks lanced by the doc cuz of the pressure from all that there infected pus building up in them.

I protested, of course. ā€œLook, It canā€™t be from any of MY goils, Gerald! I keeps my pussies fresh and clean. I throws them out even before the freshness date expiresā€, I told him. But he doubled down on his unfair and slanderous accusation.

To be honest, I was torn. Gerald is my longtime Rollie AD. I donā€™t want no bad shit to come between us. On the other hand, dis here is my business. I canā€™t have the quality of my pussy stable called into question. It would hurt my professional reputation.

I decided to send Gerald a little message. Nothing terribly harmful, mind you. I still want to execute my Rolex purchases through him. But he talks a lotā€¦too much. I needed to shut him up. So I had my boys, Giacometti and Bobby Lasagna, firebomb Geraldā€™s Lambo.

The next day I got Gerald on the phone and said to him ā€œHey ya gabone. Yoose gonna stop talkin bout my pussy that way or the next time it may be ya children to get firebombed. Capisce? Now get me that Daytona I want, PRONTO!!!, and maybe I can get some protection over there to ya before some other bad thing befalls you, ya crazy matza eating bastard!ā€

Since then I ainā€™t had any more problems with Gerald. He supplies me with Rolex product. I supply him with primo, top-shelf, wet, sloppy pussy. By the way, I found the rotten skank who passed off the case of da clap to poor Gerald. She is, of course, no longer employed by me. These days she is sleeping with the fucking fishes, know what I mean?

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