Debate Now I find it amusing, why so much anger against the Wall?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
People keep talking about the costs, meanwhile it's a drop in the bucket compared to the costs of paying for illegal immigration.

The real question is, really, why is there SO much rage and emotional triggering by the thought of a wall? To me it's as transparent as can be, some realize the ability to turn America socialist and another global shytehole is impacted greatly if they cannot send mass illegal immigration over the border.

I can imagine some heated arguments over abortion, religious freedom, even right to bear arms...but a wall? It's a structure designed to protect your border, what in the hell is wrong with this that so many lose it?
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People keep talking about the costs, meanwhile it's a drop in the bucket compared to the costs of paying for illegal immigration.

The real question is, really, why is there SO much rage and emotional triggering by the thought of a wall? To me it's as transparent as can be, some realize the ability to turn America socialist and another global shytehole is impacted greatly if they cannot send mass illegal immigration over the border.

I can imagine some heated arguments over abortion, religious freedom, eve right to bear arms...but a wall? It's a structure designed to protect your border, what in the hell is wrong with this that so many lose it?
The Soviets (Russian alter-ego's) have already proved that to keep people in or out you need a good wall.
In the end I don't care if we build a wall or not. I just don't think it's going to do much good. I think we need to increase border security in other more practical areas. Increase manpower, fencing, sensors, etc.
In the end I don't care if we build a wall or not. I just don't think it's going to do much good. I think we need to increase border security in other more practical areas. Increase manpower, fencing, sensors, etc.

You build a Wall people cannot climb over (with belongings) uh yes, that will do a lot of good. Why pay for men to stand in the desert 1000 yards apart watching? And the next Obama can't pull the guard off. 50 year old disabled can't climb over and run to American hospitals.

They don't want it because to allow it is to admit a problem exists. Symbolism......bad neighbors, win for Trump.....whatever. They all lock house and cars, probably fence their yards. But America can't fence a problem spot?

Slow the drugs. Move enforcement to the gates.
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In the end I don't care if we build a wall or not. I just don't think it's going to do much good. I think we need to increase border security in other more practical areas. Increase manpower, fencing, sensors, etc.

You build a Wall people cannot climb over (with belongings) uh yes, that will do a lot of good. Why pay for men to stand in the desert 1000 yards apart watching? And the next Obama can't pull the guard off. 50 year old disabled can't climb over and run to American hospitals.

They don't want it because to allow it is to admit a problem exists. Symbolism......bad neighbors, win for Trump.....whatever. They all lock house snd cars, probably fence their yards. But America can't fence a problem spot?

Slow the drugs. Move enforcement to the gates.

Some people may be deterred, but anybody desperate enough to get here will. Cubans refugees risk their lives floating through 90 miles of ocean on a wooden raft to get here. Illegals will have the luxury of time and planning.
People keep talking about the costs, meanwhile it's a drop in the bucket compared to the costs of paying for illegal immigration.

The real question is, really, why is there SO much rage and emotional triggering by the thought of a wall? To me it's as transparent as can be, some realize the ability to turn America socialist and another global shytehole is impacted greatly if they cannot send mass illegal immigration over the border.

I can imagine some heated arguments over abortion, religious freedom, even right to bear arms...but a wall? It's a structure designed to protect your border, what in the hell is wrong with this that so many lose it?
There are better ways to spend our money and protect our borders. I think it also gives us a black eye.

We already have fences, now we need a wall? If the wall doesn't work what then? A Korean-style DMZ? Ask the French how they liked the Maginot Line?
People keep talking about the costs, meanwhile it's a drop in the bucket compared to the costs of paying for illegal immigration.

The real question is, really, why is there SO much rage and emotional triggering by the thought of a wall? To me it's as transparent as can be, some realize the ability to turn America socialist and another global shytehole is impacted greatly if they cannot send mass illegal immigration over the border.

I can imagine some heated arguments over abortion, religious freedom, even right to bear arms...but a wall? It's a structure designed to protect your border, what in the hell is wrong with this that so many lose it?

The same words the Soviet Union used when they built the Berlin Wall.

It is entirely against the fabric of America.
People keep talking about the costs, meanwhile it's a drop in the bucket compared to the costs of paying for illegal immigration.

The real question is, really, why is there SO much rage and emotional triggering by the thought of a wall? To me it's as transparent as can be, some realize the ability to turn America socialist and another global shytehole is impacted greatly if they cannot send mass illegal immigration over the border.

I can imagine some heated arguments over abortion, religious freedom, even right to bear arms...but a wall? It's a structure designed to protect your border, what in the hell is wrong with this that so many lose it?

The same words the Soviet Union used when they built the Berlin Wall.

It is entirely against the fabric of America.

Wrong. You don't have a wall on the Canadian border, because it isn't a sieve. If it was, you should put one up. As it were you have some pressing major problems with Canada unrelated but that's neither here nor there.

Clearly you must understand the difference between a wall designed to keep people out, which the wall on your southern border will accomplish, versus a wall designed to keep people in, oppress and limit movement of their own citizens, as the Berlin Wall achieved.
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People keep talking about the costs, meanwhile it's a drop in the bucket compared to the costs of paying for illegal immigration.

The real question is, really, why is there SO much rage and emotional triggering by the thought of a wall? To me it's as transparent as can be, some realize the ability to turn America socialist and another global shytehole is impacted greatly if they cannot send mass illegal immigration over the border.

I can imagine some heated arguments over abortion, religious freedom, even right to bear arms...but a wall? It's a structure designed to protect your border, what in the hell is wrong with this that so many lose it?
There are better ways to spend our money and protect our borders. I think it also gives us a black eye.

We already have fences, now we need a wall? If the wall doesn't work what then? A Korean-style DMZ? Ask the French how they liked the Maginot Line?

No, we don't. Many areas have nothing to limit access.
People keep talking about the costs, meanwhile it's a drop in the bucket compared to the costs of paying for illegal immigration.

The real question is, really, why is there SO much rage and emotional triggering by the thought of a wall? To me it's as transparent as can be, some realize the ability to turn America socialist and another global shytehole is impacted greatly if they cannot send mass illegal immigration over the border.

I can imagine some heated arguments over abortion, religious freedom, even right to bear arms...but a wall? It's a structure designed to protect your border, what in the hell is wrong with this that so many lose it?

The same words the Soviet Union used when they built the Berlin Wall.

It is entirely against the fabric of America.

Wrong. You don't have a wall on the Canadian border, because it isn't a sieve. If it was, you should put one up. As it were you have some pressing major problems with Canada unrelated but that's neither here nor there.

Clearly you must understand the difference between a wall designed to keep people out, which the wall on your southern border will accomplish, versus a wall designed to keep people in, oppress and limit movement of their own citizens, as the Berlin Wall achieved.

There is far more border patrol already along the southern border. You act as if it is undefended and anyone can just walk across. Not by a long shot.
People keep talking about the costs, meanwhile it's a drop in the bucket compared to the costs of paying for illegal immigration.

The real question is, really, why is there SO much rage and emotional triggering by the thought of a wall? To me it's as transparent as can be, some realize the ability to turn America socialist and another global shytehole is impacted greatly if they cannot send mass illegal immigration over the border.

I can imagine some heated arguments over abortion, religious freedom, even right to bear arms...but a wall? It's a structure designed to protect your border, what in the hell is wrong with this that so many lose it?

The same words the Soviet Union used when they built the Berlin Wall.

It is entirely against the fabric of America.

Wrong. You don't have a wall on the Canadian border, because it isn't a sieve. If it was, you should put one up. As it were you have some pressing major problems with Canada unrelated but that's neither here nor there.

Clearly you must understand the difference between a wall designed to keep people out, which the wall on your southern border will accomplish, versus a wall designed to keep people in, oppress and limit movement of their own citizens, as the Berlin Wall achieved.

There is far more border patrol already along the southern border. You act as if it is undefended and anyone can just walk across. Not by a long shot.

Isaac I know you are smarter than this, if you have a position, fair enough, but let's be transparent with this. Just as I don't think all illegals are criminals and bad people, and I do feel for them, there is still the reality that you have upwards of 11 million illegals in your country. America is already the home of 1 in 5 immigrants in the entire world. Now I don't know if they all walked, ran, bicycled over or dug a hole to enter America, but they got there somehow.

20 Years ago, maybe the idea of a wall doesn't make sense. Now with the excessive debt, massive demands on the middle class and Americans in general, there are too many obligations and it will only get worse. By sheer necessity, you need a wall.
upwards of 11 million illegals in your country

That 11 mil number has been floated around for over 10 years?

Some quick math: Today, the number of children (under age 18) in the United States is at an all-time high of
74.2 million

CA has 40 million persons with 10 million children in CA. They report 1/5 is illegal children in CA schools (probably closer to 2/5?). Each child has Parents or other Guardians?
2 million kids, result in 4 million adult Parents/Guardians/Ilegals.
Sure some could be single parents? agreed.
But maybe
6 million in CA at this time from kids and parents?

Use only half the "CA ratio" nationwide (or 10%): I calculate
21 million.
(7 mil Children + 14 mil parents = 21 mil). still going with 11 million? please.

1/4-1/3 of CA imprisoned are illegals. on and on it goes.
1/4 of Federal prisoners are illegal? Are these the ones that are not parents? or a subset of above?
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People keep talking about the costs, meanwhile it's a drop in the bucket compared to the costs of paying for illegal immigration.

The real question is, really, why is there SO much rage and emotional triggering by the thought of a wall? To me it's as transparent as can be, some realize the ability to turn America socialist and another global shytehole is impacted greatly if they cannot send mass illegal immigration over the border.

I can imagine some heated arguments over abortion, religious freedom, even right to bear arms...but a wall? It's a structure designed to protect your border, what in the hell is wrong with this that so many lose it?

The answer is too complex for most of the pro-wall types to comprehend. It requires critical thinking skills.

For example:

You already see AMERICANS at the border having to subject themselves and their laptops to warrant-less searches. As a matter of fact, the Constitution is, for the most part, suspended if you are within a hundred miles of the border.

The "Constitution Free Zone" is unconstitutional! - Freedom Outpost

Let us carry this a bit further:

According to the build the wall types, they are giving us the pretext of fighting what they perceive as a "crime" (though improper entry is more related to civil law.) But, I won't belabor the point. Let's treat it as a crime.

If we have to suspend the Fourth Amendment at the border in order to catch criminals, then you might as well say that ANYWHERE in the vicinity of a possible criminal act, the Fourth Amendment don't apply. Well there goes your Fourth Amendment. You would have to understand the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment in order to understand what I'm talking about.
The answer is too complex for most of the pro-wall types to comprehend. It requires critical thinking skills.

For example:

You already see AMERICANS at the border having to subject themselves and their laptops to warrant-less searches. As a matter of fact, the Constitution is, for the most part, suspended if you are within a hundred miles of the border.

The "Constitution Free Zone" is unconstitutional! - Freedom Outpost

Let us carry this a bit further:

According to the build the wall types, they are giving us the pretext of fighting what they perceive as a "crime" (though improper entry is more related to civil law.) But, I won't belabor the point. Let's treat it as a crime.

If we have to suspend the Fourth Amendment at the border in order to catch criminals, then you might as well say that ANYWHERE in the vicinity of a possible criminal act, the Fourth Amendment don't apply. Well there goes your Fourth Amendment. You would have to understand the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment in order to understand what I'm talking about.
Talk about someone needing to "learn" the constitution, nothing is "suspended" in the CFZ. Hell 70+ % of all Americans live within the CFZ.

The hyperbolic ignorance in both the claimant and his link deserve the dumbest turd award. SMFH
People keep talking about the costs, meanwhile it's a drop in the bucket compared to the costs of paying for illegal immigration.

The real question is, really, why is there SO much rage and emotional triggering by the thought of a wall? To me it's as transparent as can be, some realize the ability to turn America socialist and another global shytehole is impacted greatly if they cannot send mass illegal immigration over the border.

I can imagine some heated arguments over abortion, religious freedom, even right to bear arms...but a wall? It's a structure designed to protect your border, what in the hell is wrong with this that so many lose it?
All illegals are not just Hispanics...
People keep talking about the costs, meanwhile it's a drop in the bucket compared to the costs of paying for illegal immigration.

The real question is, really, why is there SO much rage and emotional triggering by the thought of a wall? To me it's as transparent as can be, some realize the ability to turn America socialist and another global shytehole is impacted greatly if they cannot send mass illegal immigration over the border.

I can imagine some heated arguments over abortion, religious freedom, even right to bear arms...but a wall? It's a structure designed to protect your border, what in the hell is wrong with this that so many lose it?

The same words the Soviet Union used when they built the Berlin Wall.

It is entirely against the fabric of America.
So are you.
People keep talking about the costs, meanwhile it's a drop in the bucket compared to the costs of paying for illegal immigration.

The real question is, really, why is there SO much rage and emotional triggering by the thought of a wall? To me it's as transparent as can be, some realize the ability to turn America socialist and another global shytehole is impacted greatly if they cannot send mass illegal immigration over the border.

I can imagine some heated arguments over abortion, religious freedom, even right to bear arms...but a wall? It's a structure designed to protect your border, what in the hell is wrong with this that so many lose it?
it's a drop in the bucket compared to the costs of paying for illegal immigration.

Right there is your problem: you seem to have assumed that the net economic impact of illegal immigration is negative. Were you to read the book that contains the foremost and most comprehensive analysis of the economic impact of immigration in the U.S., what you'd find is that illegal immigration has a net positive economic impact on the U.S. economy, positive to the extent of $395 to $472 billion increase in GDP. You will find a brief summary of the findings reported in detail in the book here: Immigration and the American Worker. Reading it, one will the unequivocal statement: "illegal immigrants increased GDP by $395 to $472 billion."

It's nice to talk about costs, and it's nice to talk about gains. When one evaluating the impact of something, however, one must consider the costs and gains and subtract the former from the latter to determine what the net impact is.

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