I Think Some People Need to Remember Exactly What It Was Like During Trump

2nd, 3rd gen's UnKotare.....~S~
Once again, I work very closely with FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, etc. generations of immigrants all day, every day. I know first hand the experience of being an immigrant. And of course, my family has its own American story.
Once again, I work very closely with FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, etc. generations of immigrants all day, every day. I know first hand the experience of being an immigrant. And of course, my family has its own American story.
Understood, understand you're talking to one plz ~S~
The family or individual that immigrates to America is the first generation.

Children they give birth to in America are then the second generation.

The children of the second generation are the third generation, and so on.

Second generation immigrants frequently marry outside the family heritage, further hastening the process of adopting English as the primary form of communication in the home.

By the third generation, marrying within the family heritage usually ceases to be a matter of particular interest to the family. That's just the nature of America.
I have known many immigrant families long enough to see this process play out in real time over 3+ generations.

This is how it has always been. This is how it is now. This is how it will continue to be.

Immigrants today are assimilating just as generations before them did. Yes, even if their languages, skin tones, or faiths frighten some dopes posting here who have forgotten their own (real) family histories.
Helping her? Don't know who they were helping specifically. There were several men smashing windows. One guy broke out the window on the far right. Byrd trained his gun on that opened window. Everyone hitting the windows backed away. Ashes ignored the warning to get back and was the only one to charge forward and climb up where that window was.

You know the rest... HOP, POP and FLOP!
So there was only ONE person with several cops who could have easily just pushed her back, or pulled her through and cuffed her.


So there was only ONE person with several cops who could have easily just pushed her back, or pulled her through and cuffed her.



No cop was was near her when she climbed up into that window frame. You clearly don't know the facts of that shooting.
Cop picked a chick to shoot as she was being pushed through the opening. How very demcult
Babbitt was going through that window because she made a series of stupid decisions to get to that point.

It’s nobody’s fault but her own.
Babbitt was going through that window because she made a series of stupid decisions to get to that point.

It’s nobody’s fault but her own.
Haven’t we heard that story before? Oh that’s right, this time it was an unarmed white woman, so that’s different
Babbitt was going through that window because she made a series of stupid decisions to get to that point.

It’s nobody’s fault but her own.

If only the left actually saw things this way, Babbitt my still be alive today:

The cult’s hypocrisy is strong.
Haven’t we heard that story before? Oh that’s right, this time it was an unarmed white woman, so that’s different
BINGOl If this has been a violent black ex-felon hopped up on drugs, the Dems would make sure the cop was imprisoned for life and launch nationwide riots that do $2 billion in damages and take 30 lives.

But in this case, the victim was a white Republican veteran, so the Dems defend the cop.
Haven’t we heard that story before? Oh that’s right, this time it was an unarmed white woman, so that’s different
No, we haven’t heard that story before. There’s never been a Capitol riot till Trump.
No, we haven’t heard that story before. There’s never been a Capitol riot till Trump.
You know they lost when they so obviously deflect. 😂

It’s sad when they realize they have become part of a cult.
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