I Won't Root For US World Cup Women Trump Haters


They support who they choose. That is a benefit of living in a free country.

Oh, and in case you didn't see, the US Women's Soccer Team beat everyone and won the World Cup. Back to back championships!!
They should CHOOSE to support Trump. Like that better ? :biggrin:
If you do not support USA teams in World championship events, then you are no patriot.
I support team, but not some bad players, and you support those bad players, then YOU are no patriot.
I support USA players to perform their best and win as a TEAM (go USA!).
I support free speech too, and you cannot lump all players together regarding politics. That is not only unfair, but stupid and un-American.
A real USA patriot defends his/her nation’s team AND free speech/opinions.
You are a traitor if you don’t.

They support who they choose. That is a benefit of living in a free country.

Oh, and in case you didn't see, the US Women's Soccer Team beat everyone and won the World Cup. Back to back championships!!
They should CHOOSE to support Trump. Like that better ? :biggrin:

The fact that you demand that any athlete supports a politician is laughable.

They made the team because of their athletic ability. That is it. There is no political quiz at tryouts.

You don't like the athlete personally? That is fine.
You cheer for another team? Don't claim to be a patriot.
Desecrating the flag is Far More Traitorous than not cheering on the women.
You're confused. The team is not shitting on the USA. "trump" is not our KING. "trump" is not the USA. He thinks we are all his subjects when in reality a real president understands that she's there as a public servant to serve ALL of the American people. The truly vile and disgusting orange one is only there for his perverted ego gratification and to further the fortunes of his pathetic family empire.

You're confused. If they can't even stand and honor our flag they are attacking America, not Trump.
Who didn't stand for the flag during the World Cup? Name them. Better yet, show pics.

I said, "stand and honor", ditz.
And how do you define "honor"?

What a stupid question. Americans universally are taught that in the first grade.
I fail to see when ANY of them were NOT honoring the flag. (Hint: the flag is not donnie and donnie isn't the flag)
The sick thing is that it's obvious that "trump" and his insipid cult followers were hoping the USA team would lose. Why? Because they criticized their dear leader. Talk about unpatriotic! Madman ego over country.

No, the dykes disrespected the White House....typical Rat perverts...fuck them....they won, now let's see them get more money.....Not only do they deserve less, I hope the IRS takes every penny of what they get....just on general principles of being ugly and flat-chested. :badgrin:
Sound very shrill. CRCs can't stand it when their cult leader is disrespected.
The sick thing is that it's obvious that "trump" and his insipid cult followers were hoping the USA team would lose. Why? Because they criticized their dear leader. Talk about unpatriotic! Madman ego over country.

No, the dykes disrespected the White House....typical Rat perverts...fuck them....they won, now let's see them get more money.....Not only do they deserve less, I hope the IRS takes every penny of what they get....just on general principles of being ugly and flat-chested. :badgrin:
Sound very shrill. CRCs can't stand it when their cult leader is disrespected.

no, it would be YOU sounding shrill. Crying about people calling out an America hating, unsportsmanlike, uneducated slob who throws the flag on the frond. Thank goodness somebody picked it up before they could whatever they had planned to do. Yet you approve of the idiotic behavior of this jerk. Yes I disrespect her and you. That's called you getting what you deserve.
ohhh so tough. Careful about picking internet fights, bitch

ZERO chance of a fight with you...you've never been in one and I don't hit women....now run along and pretend you got a pair, pussy.
Homophobic much?
Dude, they wouldn't have won without all those lesbians.
But I get it, the "trump" team of hatred never wanted them to win.

"phobic" is fear...why would anybody be afraid of lesbian perverts. HINT: nobody cares about women's soccer...the game is hideous, designed for drunk Brits/Irish and insomniacs....any game that allows ties is anti-American...here we have winners and losers and no matter how many gold-plated orbs they win, they're still losers.
Nothing says "nobody cares" more than millions watching in person and on TV.....nothing REALLY says "nobody cares" more than CRCs ranting and raving over and over on social media about how they don't care.
The lefties tying themselves in knots to try to defend an America hating, uneducated moron like Rapinoe. Who'll be forgotten in about 2 days. Did you idiots also cheer when these "women" shit on their country by throwing the flag on the ground? They embarrassed themselves with their behavior yet you lefties cheer them on. Then turn around and cry about Trump. Hypocrites much?
It's been more than two days and we all still remember her and are talking about her. :clap:
The lefties tying themselves in knots to try to defend an America hating, uneducated moron like Rapinoe. Who'll be forgotten in about 2 days. Did you idiots also cheer when these "women" shit on their country by throwing the flag on the ground? They embarrassed themselves with their behavior yet you lefties cheer them on. Then turn around and cry about Trump. Hypocrites much?
One of the US women (Kelly O'Hara) grabbed the flag and picked it up off the ground, before the others could stomp on it, or whatever they were going to do.
So you are making up future "stompings" eh? :71:
You are a traitor.
Go USA!!!
Sports is one thing, politics is another.
I am a PATRIOT. You support traitors You are one of THEM, A TRAITOR. You should be arrested for treason, tried, convicted, and hung until you are dead.Then we'll have a dead traitor party. :mm: Drinks are on me!
You are loyal to fat donnie before anything else. And quite the keyboard kommando too. :71:
You are loyal to fat donnie before anything else. And quite the keyboard kommando too. :71:
Why shouldn't I be loyal to him ? He's the POTUS, is working on behalf of the American people, and doing a great job, despite fanatical and idiotic opposition,
I fail to see when ANY of them were NOT honoring the flag. (Hint: the flag is not donnie and donnie isn't the flag)
You call dropping it on the ground, "honoring" it ? It's only because of Kelly O'Hara's quick action, that they didn't step on the flag, and/or kick it.

You're right. You "fail"
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The fact that you demand that any athlete supports a politician is laughable.

They made the team because of their athletic ability. That is it. There is no political quiz at tryouts.

You don't like the athlete personally? That is fine.
You cheer for another team? Don't claim to be a patriot.
What is laughable is you claiming that I "demand that any athlete supports a politician" One of the requirements to be a good poster is to understand what people post.

I know you don't like me, but you shouldn't let that get the better of you.

Hint: "should" does not = "demand"

As for cheering for another team, the US team lost their national dignity, and status for support, when the 3 stooges went political against a duly elected president, and disrespected the national anthem and the flag.

I don't know how many more of them went anti-American, but 3 strikes is pretty bad.

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