If you are wearing a mask and need to sneeze, what do you do? I saw this first hand...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I was at a mall a few days ago, all masks are mandatory. I was watching a lady on the other side walking along and suddenly she did the chicken twerk, it was apparent to me that a sneeze was upon her fairly rapidly.

This being the case, she quickly dropped her mask from her mouth and released her internal chemicals upon the world, quickly placed the mask back on and continued along her way.

THIS is the logic of the masks, which many suggest don't work at all (I have a mask I wear and on the packaging it clearly state that it is useless for protection of almost any kind), even when they do, people will react by instinct anyways.

Really, are we expected to sneeze in our mask? I took a note and decided that, yes, if the urge occurs, I will do so and put my face in my elbow gap. There are no guarantees with this virus though and urges we've had all of our lives.
She is an idiot.

Hopefully the vaccines are being utilized to cull.

I hope she has not bred excessively.
I push my mask up with my left shoulder and sneeze into it in a single motion. I don't care about protecting other people from me. I care about protecting me from everybody else.
It's a good point. Instead of having time to take out a hankie to cover the sneeze or even holding a hand over it, the person fiddles with a mask and lets it all loose. The thing of it is that clueless mask wearers pretend that everything is fine when they put the thing back on.
I was watching a lady on the other side walking along and suddenly she did the chicken twerk, it was apparent to me that a sneeze was upon her fairly rapidly.
Probably from wearing a damp mask for hours that was only intended to be worn for minutes that had collected a load of germs on the inside she was re-breathing.

This being the case, she quickly dropped her mask from her mouth and released her internal chemicals upon the world, quickly placed the mask back on and continued along her way.
Well, if you sneeze inside the mask, you certain won't want to or can't wear it any longer. But if you remove it to sneeze, you've just defeated the purpose of the ONE THING it was actually designed for! If people are going to sneeze into free space around other people then clearly we are all just jerking off with these masks.
I was at a mall a few days ago, all masks are mandatory. I was watching a lady on the other side walking along and suddenly she did the chicken twerk, it was apparent to me that a sneeze was upon her fairly rapidly.

This being the case, she quickly dropped her mask from her mouth and released her internal chemicals upon the world, quickly placed the mask back on and continued along her way.

THIS is the logic of the masks, which many suggest don't work at all (I have a mask I wear and on the packaging it clearly state that it is useless for protection of almost any kind), even when they do, people will react by instinct anyways.

Really, are we expected to sneeze in our mask? I took a note and decided that, yes, if the urge occurs, I will do so and put my face in my elbow gap. There are no guarantees with this virus though and urges we've had all of our lives.

I see this all the time. In fact I think most people don't know why they wear a mask. They just wear it like sheep.
Do not sneeze into your mask! You will end up inhaling all your nasty biological and bacterial waste! Launch the waste as far from your body as possible. Do not direct it toward other people
I was at a mall a few days ago, all masks are mandatory. I was watching a lady on the other side walking along and suddenly she did the chicken twerk, it was apparent to me that a sneeze was upon her fairly rapidly.

This being the case, she quickly dropped her mask from her mouth and released her internal chemicals upon the world, quickly placed the mask back on and continued along her way.

THIS is the logic of the masks, which many suggest don't work at all (I have a mask I wear and on the packaging it clearly state that it is useless for protection of almost any kind), even when they do, people will react by instinct anyways.

Really, are we expected to sneeze in our mask? I took a note and decided that, yes, if the urge occurs, I will do so and put my face in my elbow gap. There are no guarantees with this virus though and urges we've had all of our lives.
SC, the lady was unprepared to have her allergy or illness that made her sneeze. The first time I sneezed while wearing a mask was to lower my head, remove the mask, and cover my nose and mouth as best I could. Then I realized I hadn't thought through the procedure of sneezing or coughing, and how I would try to keep the spray from the sneeze or cough away from other people. Removing the mask was a first-time response, and I haven't had the problem. Fortunately, I am negative to covid because of staying away from others most of the time on my remote farm. when I do go out, I've started wearing cotton gloves and carrying a couple of extra masks in case one gets sneezed on. Because I did have a cause to sneeze a day later, but this time was better prepared to not share issues from my sinus to the public by keeping the mask on, and remove the gloves only to use hand sanitizer to deal with any germs on hands that could be compromised by a virus. I hope you avoid the disease entirely. People still have winter allergies--they cause post nasal drip and frequently, small explosions when sneezing unexpectedly. Winter allergies are often house molds and mildews. A few perennials and trees cycle into each month that also cause winter issues, but much more Spring, Summer and fall issues. Guys could fold a couple of extra masks folded into a sealable sandwich baggie for emergency changes.

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