If You're Still Wearing A Mask Then You Are Crazy


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Have you been at the store and seen these people that are still wearing masks?
These people who aren't even wearing them properly in the first place? They have the thing pulled down on their chin and not covering their nose.
Personally I think that anyone who's still wearing a mask has mental problems.

I can understand people wearing masks while on an aircraft, or when you're in confined spaces. But the truth is a mask is useless in keeping you from catching a virus. The primary reason doctors wear masks is to keep from infecting their patients during surgery. Wearing a mask helps prevent you from infecting others.

Back when I used to travel to the Far East I often saw people in Japan wearing masks during the Winter during the Cold & Flu season. They were just being polite and telling everyone that they're sick and they don't want to spread it to others.

You can also tell when you see pictures or videos of people still wearing masks. Socialist countries are still imposing mask requirements on their people. They don't have much of a choice in Canada or France. They don't have the freedom of choice we still have. Their government tells them what to do, and they just shrug and go along with it.

Here in the states this doesn't fly at all. Especially since we saw in 2020 that even though we were in a pandemic, most protesters weren't wearing masks or keeping proper safe distance from each other (LOL). (They weren't requiring illegals to be vaccinated) How can they say we need to wear their stupid masks when they weren't forcing their paid protesters to do it? Heck, the only time they wore one was when they were looting Target. Fact is, that mask was just a sign of solitary and compliance. Biden would walk up to the podium and peal off that disgusting mask (which evidently was stuck to his face) before he began talking. It was obvious that he was telling us that the mask was a symbol, not a protection from COVID. They also said that we must wear a mask in restaurants but magically we could eat without wearing one. So apparently they were just a prop. Now we're finding out that masks were indeed just a prop, and anyone who is still wearing one is either psychotic or wearing one to be identified as one of the Democrat's minions.



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View attachment 802260

Have you been at the store and seen these people that are still wearing masks?
These people who aren't even wearing them properly in the first place? They have the thing pulled down on their chin and not covering their nose.
Personally I think that anyone who's still wearing a mask has mental problems.

I can understand people wearing masks while on an aircraft, or when you're in confined spaces. But the truth is a mask is useless in keeping you from catching a virus. The primary reason doctors wear masks is to keep from infecting their patients during surgery. Wearing a mask helps prevent you from infecting others.

Back when I used to travel to the Far East I often saw people in Japan wearing masks during the Winter during the Cold & Flu season. They were just being polite and telling everyone that they're sick and they don't want to spread it to others.

You can also tell when you see pictures or videos of people still wearing masks. Socialist countries are still imposing mask requirements on their people. They don't have much of a choice in Canada or France. They don't have the freedom of choice we still have. Their government tells them what to do, and they just shrug and go along with it.

Here in the states this doesn't fly at all. Especially since we saw in 2020 that even though we were in a pandemic, most protesters weren't wearing masks or keeping proper safe distance from each other (LOL). (They weren't requiring illegals to be vaccinated) How can they say we need to wear their stupid masks when they weren't forcing their paid protesters to do it? Heck, the only time they wore one was when they were looting Target. Fact is, that mask was just a sign of solitary and compliance. Biden would walk up to the podium and peal off that disgusting mask (which clearly was stuck to his face) before he began talking. It was obvious that he was telling us that the mask was a symbol, not a protection from COVID. They also said that we must wear a mask in restaurants but magically we could eat without wearing one. So apparently they were just a prop. Now we're finding out that masks were indeed just a prop, and anyone who is still wearing one is either psychotic or wearing one to be identified as one of the Democrat's minions.

View attachment 802259

Is there a reason why you are afraid of people wearing those masks?

Is covid over?

Trump was against the masks, you are against the masks. Surprise !!!!

Trump is taking his covid vaccines. Are you?

A very politically motivated thread, with absolutely nothing to show for it.

Say that to someone in person. That they are mentally ill for using the mask. Can they sue you? You won't, clearly. Too much of a risk.

So, come here anonymously and take it out on the masks....AGAIN .

No one in their right mind cares about what you care. Except that you truly do not care. Political all the way.
Most of the people I see still wearing masks are old. They are are probably creating more problems depriving themselves of oxygen and breathing back in their own carbon dioxide.
Most of the people I see still wearing them are African-American. There's not a lot of liberals here in TN, so blacks are just about the only folks wearing them anymore.

It's funny considering the fact that I noticed in 2019 they were the last group to start wearing them. But when it became a way of letting everyone know you're a Biden supporter....they all started wearing them. The only folks I saw not wearing them in 2020 when they were required was the occasional Red-neck.
View attachment 802260

Have you been at the store and seen these people that are still wearing masks?
These people who aren't even wearing them properly in the first place? They have the thing pulled down on their chin and not covering their nose.
Personally I think that anyone who's still wearing a mask has mental problems.

I can understand people wearing masks while on an aircraft, or when you're in confined spaces. But the truth is a mask is useless in keeping you from catching a virus. The primary reason doctors wear masks is to keep from infecting their patients during surgery. Wearing a mask helps prevent you from infecting others.

Back when I used to travel to the Far East I often saw people in Japan wearing masks during the Winter during the Cold & Flu season. They were just being polite and telling everyone that they're sick and they don't want to spread it to others.

You can also tell when you see pictures or videos of people still wearing masks. Socialist countries are still imposing mask requirements on their people. They don't have much of a choice in Canada or France. They don't have the freedom of choice we still have. Their government tells them what to do, and they just shrug and go along with it.

Here in the states this doesn't fly at all. Especially since we saw in 2020 that even though we were in a pandemic, most protesters weren't wearing masks or keeping proper safe distance from each other (LOL). (They weren't requiring illegals to be vaccinated) How can they say we need to wear their stupid masks when they weren't forcing their paid protesters to do it? Heck, the only time they wore one was when they were looting Target. Fact is, that mask was just a sign of solitary and compliance. Biden would walk up to the podium and peal off that disgusting mask (which evidently was stuck to his face) before he began talking. It was obvious that he was telling us that the mask was a symbol, not a protection from COVID. They also said that we must wear a mask in restaurants but magically we could eat without wearing one. So apparently they were just a prop. Now we're finding out that masks were indeed just a prop, and anyone who is still wearing one is either psychotic or wearing one to be identified as one of the Democrat's minions.

View attachment 802259

View attachment 802270

Next time you or your family members are in for surgery, show this to the surgeon. I am sure he will be happy to oblige.
Next time you or your family members are in for surgery, show this to the surgeon. I am sure he will be happy to oblige.
Surgical masks are worn to prevent infecting the patient, are used in a closed theater with negative pressurization, and have an effective lifespan of about 1/2 hour.

You know the old saying "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me?

With the government lying every step of the way, intelligent people stopped believing after "we only want to flatten the curve". Only the numbskulls believed every new lie.
I never believed the original lie....Knew instinctively that the goalposts were never going to stop being moved.
Next time you or your family members are in for surgery, show this to the surgeon. I am sure he will be happy to oblige.
Oh, you must be on of those silly f**ks that only reads the headlines and doesn't read the content.

You're a perfect Democrat.

I mentioned the fact that doctors wear them during surgery in the OP.
I never believed the original lie....Knew instinctively that the goalposts were never going to stop being moved.
Yes. Same here.

When they closed down small business and declared that some people are simply non essential, I knew there was a plan

They did NOT shut down municipal transport which is the number one vector for spreading disease, and by forcing people to ship at fewer places, they actually INCREASED the likelihood of transmission.

Of course, you and I ask questions and are capable of logic. Most people do not and can not.
Most of the people I see still wearing masks are old. They are are probably creating more problems depriving themselves of oxygen and breathing back in their own carbon dioxide.
In other words, you are totally ignorant of what you post, and do it in order to make Trump's rules about masks valid.

They are not. Anywhere on the planet, as the whole planet continues to experience covid and people continue to die on a daily basis because of it.

Be more assured the next time.
I never believed the original lie....Knew instinctively that the goalposts were never going to stop being moved.
That's the consequence of lying to the public all of the time, even when it's so obvious you're lying.

Nobody trusts anything you say anymore.

But when communists take over countries they always lie.

They use lies to sow mistrust in government and institutions.
To each their own. Whether effective or not, if it allows someone to cope then so be it. Some carry a gun with them wherever the go, right? They are afraid of that one in a million chance of having to face an armed criminal.
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Yes. Same here.

When they closed down small business and declared that some people are simply non essential, I knew there was a plan

They did NOT shut down municipal transport which is the number one vector for spreading disease, and by forcing people to ship at fewer places, they actually INCREASED the likelihood of transmission.

Of course, you and I ask questions and are capable of logic. Most people do not and can not.
When they started running down joggers on the beach, it became crystal clear what they were doing.

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