IN PICTURES: How German women suffered largest mass rape in history by Moscow Marxist hordes

a lie, The American left loved stalinism until 1986 ....

LOL! Do you have a "Make the USSR Great Again" hat, too? I'll bet you do.

That the opportunity wasn't for the rapist, but rather for the child. an opportunity of life.

Hmm ... It exists indeed a kind of weird wide spread automatism in a form of pseudo-ethics of the masses that a woman has to abort a baby from a rapist. What the most people "forget" = don't like to accept: Indeed has such a baby also 50% of the biological information of the mother so this is not only an abortion of the baby of the rapist - it is also an abortion of the baby of the mother. Anyway also this human being has an identity which I would describe with the words: it is also an innocent child of god. I understand every woman who is not able to love such a baby or hates it and aborts it - but if such a mother decides not to do so, because this is her baby, then I hope for the blessing of god for her and her child and I think it is a good thing to make a secret out of such an origin. Many people would hate such baby on not any reason to have to do so.
Yeah. I gave you a link on the French raping by Germans and you look really stupid now. My last board was a challenge. This is so retarded here

You gave me a long fairy tale in English. I would need days to read this and to find out the real facts. How many German soldiers raped how many French women in which year of the war where? And how many of them had been immediatelly shot down from their own comrades?
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You know, that don't look like they were raped. It looks like they were killed somehow.
It should come as no surprise that that happened, because war turns people into monsters. The difference is that decent and just societies follow laws that fairly judge and punish those who do it; that's why laws exist in the first place, to temper the worst impulses of humanity. In brutal autocracies and warlord juntas and expansionist empires and other unjust societies, their focus on power rather than equal justice let many get away with it.

Nazi Germany was a brutal dictatorship. The Soviet Union at the time was also a brutal dictatorship, whose goals just happened to align with ours, but they were still a brutal dictatorship. Give a few million young men a guns and power and a total lack of restraint, and of course this will happen, in large numbers. Wait until you read about what happened in Nanking.
It should come as no surprise that that happened, because war turns people into monsters. The difference is that decent and just societies follow laws that fairly judge and punish those who do it; that's why laws exist in the first place, to temper the worst impulses of humanity. In brutal autocracies and warlord juntas and expansionist empires and other unjust societies, their focus on power rather than equal justice let many get away with it.

Nazi Germany was a brutal dictatorship. The Soviet Union at the time was also a brutal dictatorship, whose goals just happened to align with ours, but they were still a brutal dictatorship. Give a few million young men a guns and power and a total lack of restraint, and of course this will happen, in large numbers. Wait until you read about what happened in Nanking.

Nationalism often goes with expansionist empires. Good post.
It should come as no surprise that that happened, because war turns people into monsters. The difference is that decent and just societies follow laws that fairly judge and punish those who do it; that's why laws exist in the first place, to temper the worst impulses of humanity. In brutal autocracies and warlord juntas and expansionist empires and other unjust societies, their focus on power rather than equal justice let many get away with it.

Nazi Germany was a brutal dictatorship. The Soviet Union at the time was also a brutal dictatorship, whose goals just happened to align with ours, but they were still a brutal dictatorship. Give a few million young men a guns and power and a total lack of restraint, and of course this will happen, in large numbers. Wait until you read about what happened in Nanking.

Exactly. That's why Americans won't ever give up our guns. So long as we have them, those atrocities won't happen matter how much the leftists want them to.
Exactly. That's why Americans won't ever give up our guns. So long as we have them, those atrocities won't happen matter how much the leftists want them to.

How simplistic. Hitler only took guns from the Jews and the enemies of the Reich.


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