In your opinion, what was the largest mistake made in history?


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021
In your opinion, what was the largest mistake made in history?

I'd say religion. Imagine how much more advanced humanity would be without religion! Tens of thousands of years of progress flushed down the crapper because of religious idiots. Billions dead!

Imagine no death
Imagine no cancer
Imagine a society that feeds and helps one another
Imagine cities on mars
Imagine a world ran by solar and fusion energy
Imagine 90% of all war never happening.

The wars between religions are the cause of most war. Fact. For what? For something that doesn't give a single damn about anyone even if they were real. what a sick joke.
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In your opinion, what was the largest mistake made in history?

I'd say religion. Imagine how much more advanced humanity would be without religion! Tens of thousands of years of progress flushed down the crapper because of religious idiots. Billions dead!

Imagine no death
Imagine no cancer
Imagine a society that feds and helps one another
Imagine cities on mars
Imagine a world ran by solar and fusion energy
Imagine 90% of all war never happening.

The wars between religions are the cause of most world. Fact. For what? For something that doesn't give a single damn about anyone even if they were real. what a sick joke.
religion has its uses.

the monks who preserved the learning of the greeks through he dark ages to the renaissance
In your opinion, what was the largest mistake made in history?

I'd say religion. Imagine how much more advanced humanity would be without religion! Tens of thousands of years of progress flushed down the crapper because of religious idiots. Billions dead!

Imagine no death
Imagine no cancer
Imagine a society that feeds and helps one another
Imagine cities on mars
Imagine a world ran by solar and fusion energy
Imagine 90% of all war never happening.

The wars between religions are the cause of most war. Fact. For what? For something that doesn't give a single damn about anyone even if they were real. what a sick joke.

Not being a matriarchal society. I'm sure with women in charge, things would be better
In your opinion, what was the largest mistake made in history?

I'd say religion. Imagine how much more advanced humanity would be without religion! Tens of thousands of years of progress flushed down the crapper because of religious idiots. Billions dead!

Imagine no death
Imagine no cancer
Imagine a society that feeds and helps one another
Imagine cities on mars
Imagine a world ran by solar and fusion energy
Imagine 90% of all war never happening.

The wars between religions are the cause of most war. Fact. For what? For something that doesn't give a single damn about anyone even if they were real. what a sick joke.
Its easy to say in hindsight but the north allowed the former slave states back into the union way too early.

When it happens next time, we really need like a 100 year buffer to starve out the hate. This along with tens of thousands of “missionaries” to re-educate the natives in what will be the former red states.
Religion was one of the organizing principles around which civilizations were founded across the globe...
stable families

Family is the Building Block of society 231004 {post •2}

ActionJackson Oct’23 Sfitbb: “A community of strong and stable families lead to a strong and stable community. America's first mistake was kicking God and His moral standards out of the public square and filled the void with lunacy, lust, and love of money.” ctnjcksn 231004 Sfitbb00002

Did stable families create the human idea of God or did God create the human idea of stable families?
In your opinion, what was the largest mistake made in history?

I'd say religion. Imagine how much more advanced humanity would be without religion! Tens of thousands of years of progress flushed down the crapper because of religious idiots. Billions dead!

Imagine no death
Imagine no cancer
Imagine a society that feeds and helps one another
Imagine cities on mars
Imagine a world ran by solar and fusion energy
Imagine 90% of all war never happening.

The wars between religions are the cause of most war. Fact. For what? For something that doesn't give a single damn about anyone even if they were real. what a sick joke.
Spiritual impulses are one of the founding principles of civilization.

There, more than likely, would have never even have been science, with out the study of the mystery schools.

Nearly all of the earliest scientists, were also into studying occult practice and ritual. It is very likely, the development of writing, and hence the push for mathematics itself, came from need the seek of arcane knowledge and the search for the divine. . it originally had nothing to do with "pure science."

Go anywhere, ANYWHERE on the globe, and you will find ancient structures, as old, and some in fact, older than writing itself. These are devoted to the study of the heavens and mapping out the procession of the stars.

Sir Isaac Newton, the inventor of the calculus, was a notorious dabbler in the occult, and he sought for a successful solution to the philosopher's stone, as much as a riddle to the mystery of gravity.

In fact? Chemistry CAME from Alchemy, which is branched off of, I don't know, the hocus pocus of gnostic religion? So you could say, with out religion? NO SCIENCE.

You don't know much about anthropology, history, or how epistemology, philosophy, and the philosophy of science are indebted to all of the world's religions.

. . . this thing you have? This hatred and denial about what humanity's history really is? Is, I suspect, a deep hatred for the truth and facts of your own being. . . but this is just a hunch.

You can't deny what humans are though.
Would it have?

Can you offer any proof of that?

Religion was one of the organizing principles around which civilizations were founded across the globe...

Without civilization, there is no progress.

It was also the primary catalyst for scientific research. Also go ahead and try to develop any meaningful scientific data without a strong moral framework such as what the more advanced religions provide as anchors. It won't happen, and sure enough these days we see more and more faked data as the role of religion recedes in modern societies.

See F. A. Hayek's The Fatal Conceit for why 'rational constructivism' is a failure and actually leads to more superstition and atavism, not less. The so-called 'Nazi science' is a modern example, and then we have the equally ridiculous 'soviet science'. In the U.S. it's now estimated that some 35% of new doctoral theses in the sciences used faked data.

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