Iowa Reaches Milestone on Wind-Energy Production - 64%

Are you seriously arguing that solar and wind run times are comparable to nuclear, coal and natural gas fired plants?
Obviously not. I am stating that nothing runs forever. Nuclear, natural gas, coal all have to be shut down now and then. They are all of the class "Intermittent".
Obviously not. I am stating that nothing runs forever. Nuclear, natural gas, coal all have to be shut down now and then. They are all of the class "Intermittent".
No, that's an idiotic comparison. As there is no comparison between something that is greater than 90% run time and something that is less than 50% runtime. And I haven't even gotten into the comparison of peak generation.
No, that's an idiotic comparison. As there is no comparison between something that is greater than 90% run time and something that is less than 50% runtime. And I haven't even gotten into the comparison of peak generation.
Intermittent is intermittent.
Intermittent is intermittent.

Nuclear running full out, 24 hours a day, for 2 years is just like solar?


You're dropping into SSDD territory.


Another thread for those that can't possibly conceive of the 'math'

Do ANY of you posting here live off grid?

Another thread for those that can't possibly conceive of the 'math'

Do ANY of you posting here live off grid?

I don't. I sort of know a lady who lives off the grid. She walks around town all day pushing a cart with all her belongings. She wears so much makeup that she looks like a circus clown and, as the years have gone by, she wears more and more and more makeup and has really become quite horrible looking. Her ankles have swelled badly; she's not young. I actually haven't seen her in a few months and she may have simply died.

Are you off the grid? And, if you are, how are you posting here?
Going up by about 2% a year.
Granted IOWA is more conducive due to it's rural population, but it gives one an idea.
The Southwest could easily get near or above this with wind and solar.

Monday, July 17, 2023
Sixty-four percent of Iowa's energy production now comes from wind - a new record for the state, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Green-energy advocates call it a big step along the road to fossil-fuel independence.
Iowa has been a wind-energy leader for decades, but the Iowa Environmental Council Staff Attorney Michael Schmidt said the IEC has a goal of becoming fossil-fuel independent by 2035.
"The energy mix in Iowa has shifted from being dominated more by coal with some natural gas," said Schmidt, "to being dominated by wind with a much smaller fraction of coal and natural gas."
The IEC contends that wind is the Least Expensive source of energy generation, even without considering tax credits or subsidies, and says it is dramatically lower than the costs of coal - especially when accounting for factors such as human health and crop damage from fossil fuel-based energy production.
crick, you made the claim that if I was right I would link cause you can link to all facts

so I challenged you to tell us the cost of Green Energy. I know you can't, nobody can. It is a secret, never to be found, but there was a cost, and it is known.

Hence, facts are facts, even if there is no link to them.

yet, I have linked and wrote OP's supporting everything I state.

crick, you do not have facts on your side, yes, you can link, to propaganda but not facts.
According to Several Idiots posting here, especially ToasterParrot....
Iowa should be out near a Trillion Dollars (their share of "$76 Trillion") with what all that wind power cost.

crick, you made the claim that if I was right I would link cause you can link to all facts

so I challenged you to tell us the cost of Green Energy. I know you can't, nobody can. It is a secret, never to be found, but there was a cost, and it is known.

Hence, facts are facts, even if there is no link to them.

yet, I have linked and wrote OP's supporting everything I state.

crick, you do not have facts on your side, yes, you can link, to propaganda but not facts.

According to Several Idiots posting here, especially ToasterParrot, FrusaderCrank, and JesusDing....
Iowa should be out near a Trillion Dollars (their share of "$76 Trillion") with what all that wind power cost.

According to Several Idiots posting here, especially ToasterParrot, FrusaderCrank, and JesusDing....
Iowa should be out near a Trillion Dollars (their share of "$76 Trillion") with what all that wind power cost.

How’s it cheaper?
According to Several Idiots posting here, especially ToasterParrot, FrusaderCrank, and JesusDing....
Iowa should be out near a Trillion Dollars (their share of "$76 Trillion") with what all that wind power cost.
Really? Because these are the only comments I've made in this thread you illiterate shit stain of a human being.

Good for them. I hope they put all their eggs in one basket.

Actually since both are of the intermittent variety it's still one basket; the intermittent one that cannot be dialed up to meet increased demand. Now if you were to tell me that those technologies are to augment fossil fuels or nuclear, then I wouldn't have a problem. At least not as long as it was a well thought out plan for responding quickly to changing demands.

Are you seriously arguing that solar and wind run times are comparable to nuclear, coal and natural gas fired plants?

No, that's an idiotic comparison. As there is no comparison between something that is greater than 90% run time and something that is less than 50% runtime. And I haven't even gotten into the comparison of peak generation.
I am not. Do YOU live off the grid?
My dear lad, I live in a very rural area, where there's lots of off grid & grid ties which i've been wiring since you were in short pants.

I've seen an entire evolution of the industry turned on it's ear by the greenies who don't want you to know the 'math', want to disguise the 'math' or otherwise convince you their 'math' will work for you

ALL of it is about their back pocket(s) cloaked in the guise of saving the planet

My dear lad, I live in a very rural area, where there's lots of off grid & grid ties which i've been wiring since you were in short pants.
That was a while ago. I'm in my 70s.
I've seen an entire evolution of the industry turned on it's ear by the greenies who don't want you to know the 'math', want to disguise the 'math' or otherwise convince you their 'math' will work for you
Their math about electrical power?
ALL of it is about their back pocket(s) cloaked in the guise of saving the planet
Are you rejecting the possibility that the planet might actually need saving?
According to Several Idiots posting here, especially ToasterParrot, FrusaderCrank, and JesusDing....
Iowa should be out near a Trillion Dollars (their share of "$76 Trillion") with what all that wind power cost.
The Federal government must pay the $76 trillion, which is now stated to be $300 trillion.

Abu, you can only disagree if you know how much has been spent.

Abu, how much has been spent! Show us you are not of such low intelligence that all you can do is contradict.
The Federal government must pay the $76 trillion, which is now stated to be $300 trillion.

Abu, you can only disagree if you know how much has been spent.

Abu, how much has been spent! Show us you are not of such low intelligence that all you can do is contradict.
And your (current) link for "knowing" $300T and when?
Is Iowa in the hole at all? No.

And - most importantly - the cost must be offset by the rebuilding of fossil fuel Infrastructure and 25 yeas of fuel for it. And oil goes up, while tech gets more efficient over time. the cost of Renewables has dropped dramatically. Wind and Solar now the most efficient in the right setting.

The cost, as in Iowa, may very well be Zero, or even profit. [Each] Turbine site is now the states newest cash crop for farmers.

Last edited:
And your (current) link for "knowing" and when?
Is Iowa in the hole at all? No.

And - most importantly - the cost must be offset by the rebuilding of fossil fuel Infrastructure and 25 yeas of fuel for it. Because the cost of Renewables has dropped dramatically. Wind and Solar now the most efficient in the right setting.

The cost, as in Iowa, may very well be Zero, or even profit. [Each] Turbine site is now the states newest cash crop for farmers.
You have no idea of the cost.
Abu only offers a long rant that is nothing more than a contradiction based on abu's imagination.

Abu, a fossil fuel plant lasts over 80 years. Wind turbines maybe 10 years.

Abu you are clueless
You have no idea of the cost.
Abu only offers a long rant that is nothing more than a contradiction based on abu's imagination.

Abu, a fossil fuel plant lasts over 80 years. Wind turbines maybe 10 years.

Abu you are clueless
Show us an 80 year old fossil fuel plant. The estimated lifespan of a wind turbine is 25-30 years.

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