Iran Cheers On Anti-Semitic Protests On US Campuses


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
American Democrats won't condemn the anti-Israel protests happening daily on US college campuses. Not even our own President will condemn them, and those protesters are now being praised by the terrorist nation of Iran.

Iran Cheers on Antisemitic Protests on U.S. Campuses​

"Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian on Thursday expressed support for the violent antisemitic protests breaking out on American college campuses, applauding the demonstrators for criticizing the “Israeli regime” and slamming “American police and security forces” for attempting to restore order.

Amir-Abdollahian said:

"The suppression and harsh treatment of the American police and security forces against professors and students protesting the genocide and war crimes of the Israeli regime in various universities of this country is deeply worried and disgusted by the public opinion of the world."

“This repression is in line with the continuation of Washington’s full-fledged support for the Israeli regime and clearly shows the dual policy and contradictory behavior of the American government towards freedom of expression,” he claimed:

Following the genocide of tens of thousands of Palestinian women and children, especially after the discovery of mass graves of the sick and wounded and medical staff in the vicinity of Nasser Hospital in the Gaza Strip, the global wave of disgust towards the Israeli regime and its supporters cannot be hidden.

“The White House must immediately stop supporting the Israeli regime’s war crimes and be held accountable,” Amir-Abdollahian concluded....

Iran’s PressTV gleefully repeated statements from the protesters occupying Columbia University and Yale University:

“The future belongs to the daring…Bold actions win support,” asserted the statement that was addressed to “everyone currently taking action in solidarity with Gaza on campuses” throughout North America.
“This is only the beginning,” it said, asserting, “Pushing the university struggle to its limit might contribute in a similar way to producing a constellation of revolutionary forces in the city today.”
The statement advised that buildings be occupied “on campus, throughout the city, and across the country” in favor of spreading the campaign.

“Pro-Palestinian academic activism has grown significantly across the U.S. since the onset of the U.S.-backed war on Gaza,” PressTV burbled, forgetting as always to mention who started that war, and how they did it."

Iran Cheers on Antisemitic Protests on U.S. Campuses
Been the pattern since 1967, when the commies began instructing their useful idiots in the West's universities to start trashing Israel for winning the war against the Soviet's ME allies.

Common Ground between Right and Left​

Today's German anti-Semitism is deeply connected to the Nazi period and the wish to expunge guilt and responsibility for dealing with it. Right-wing extremism, neo-Nazism, and extreme conservatism seem "naturally" linked to denial or minimalization of the Holocaust, or calling for a new one. As elsewhere in Europe, a relatively new "brotherhood" has emerged in Germany between the extreme Right and fundamentalist Islam.

Anti-Zionism, however - which is not mere criticism of Israeli policies, but the denial of the Jewish people's right to live in their own state - also links leftists and rightists. Since the Six Day War of 1967, both the extreme and the mainstream Left in Europe have shown strong anti-Zionist tendencies, not always distinguishable from anti-Semitism. Although leftist anti-Zionism seemed to decline after the fall of Communism in 1990, it was reanimated by the Second Intifada and the antiglobalization movement, which is today a main source of leftist anti-Semitism.

Student Radicalization​

During the Six Day War, the New Left definitively transformed its hitherto moderate pro-Arab positions into full support for Arab states and the Palestinians, and its fragile pro-Israeli attitudes dissolved into anti-Semitic slogans thinly disguised as "anti-imperialist" criticism of a "fascist state."

After 1967, however, not only the radicals but large parts of the German Left turned their backs on Israel. This went hand in hand with protests against the Vietnam War, against the conservative mainstream in Adenauer's Germany and afterward the "Great Coalition" that was headed from 1966 by Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger, a former member of the Nazi Party.6 The New Left also idealized Communist China and Ho Chi Minh, despite their involvement in mass murder against their own people.7

Well-known intellectuals who were more moderate leftists tried to dissuade the New Left from its extreme positions. Ernst Bloch, Jean Amery, Herbert Marcuse, Iring Fetscher, and Jean-Paul Sartre argued with the radicals and discouraged blind solidarity with the PLO, as opposed to legitimate criticism of Israeli policies. They warned that notions of Israel's annihilation were intolerable and linked to National Socialist ideology. However, they were not heeded by the radicals.8

U.S. parrots copied the Euro Trash movements, being burb brat fashion victims then and now.

What sort of sensitive and sane person would be opposed to anti Israel protests ?

Is this Chat Site suddenly made up of vile individuals who support a Hitler impersonator and his insane cronies?
Are we expected to approve of Ethnic Cleansing and be supportive of a people who are collectively clinically deranged ?
Yeah protesting Genocide is just so nutty.

You can’t be this clueless can you?

For so many Americans losing Nazi Israel feels like losing one of their arms and a leg .
Their position in the ME suddenly becomes next to nothing . And the same applies to the UK , the architects of this Evil .

To me it is just another perspective from watching the US disappear down the plug hole .
The Jewish people and their few remaining allies simply cannot believe what they are seeing or understand its full implications .

The simple fact is that the world wants to change for the better, and those that cannot or will not join in need re-educating or be set apart from the real human species .
American Democrats won't condemn the anti-Israel protests happening daily on US college campuses. Not even our own President will condemn them, and those protesters are now being praised by the terrorist nation of Iran.

Iran Cheers on Antisemitic Protests on U.S. Campuses​

"Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian on Thursday expressed support for the violent antisemitic protests breaking out on American college campuses, applauding the demonstrators for criticizing the “Israeli regime” and slamming “American police and security forces” for attempting to restore order.

Amir-Abdollahian said:

"The suppression and harsh treatment of the American police and security forces against professors and students protesting the genocide and war crimes of the Israeli regime in various universities of this country is deeply worried and disgusted by the public opinion of the world."

“This repression is in line with the continuation of Washington’s full-fledged support for the Israeli regime and clearly shows the dual policy and contradictory behavior of the American government towards freedom of expression,” he claimed:

“The White House must immediately stop supporting the Israeli regime’s war crimes and be held accountable,” Amir-Abdollahian concluded....

Iran’s PressTV gleefully repeated statements from the protesters occupying Columbia University and Yale University:

“Pro-Palestinian academic activism has grown significantly across the U.S. since the onset of the U.S.-backed war on Gaza,” PressTV burbled, forgetting as always to mention who started that war, and how they did it."

Iran Cheers on Antisemitic Protests on U.S. Campuses
Here is what you chimps dont get. Disliking the policies of Bibi does not make one anti-semitic.
Remember when the Iranian Leader went to the American College Campus to speak and he said “ There are no Homosexuals in Iran “ ( And he meant it )
How many times a day do you think about homosexuals? I'm guessing it's a lot by the number of times a day you talk about them on here.

lol go watch some of your kiddie porn and feel up a faggot or something, freak. You're just another joke poster and no challenge at all. Citing a major benefactor of terrorist scum as a 'source' is just silly, gimp. Your enthusiastic endorsement of brutally gang raping women as a valid war tactic is duly noted; it was a big fave of your Russian ancestors too.

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