Iran says documents on alleged atom bomb research are full of mistakes


Gold Member
May 21, 2014
Fuck israel
Iran said it has provided evidence to the United Nations atomic agency showing that documents on suspected nuclear bomb research by the country were forged and riddled with errors.

In a statement to the International Atomic Energy Agency, it dismissed accusations that it is stonewalling an IAEA investigation into what the U.N. watchdog calls the possible military dimensions (PMD) of Iran's nuclear program.

Iran has offered detailed explanations to the IAEA and there has never been "any authenticated documents for PMD claims", said the Iranian note posted on the agency's website.

It said Iranian officials had also given "pieces of evidence" during meetings in October and November indicating that documents shown by the IAEA were fabricated.

They "are full of mistakes and contain fake names with specific pronunciations, which only point toward a certain member of the IAEA as their forger", it said.
Iran says documents on alleged atom bomb research are full of mistakes Reuters

point toward a certain member of the IAEA as their forger, I wonder who that is?
Iran said it has provided evidence to the United Nations atomic agency showing that documents on suspected nuclear bomb research by the country were forged and riddled with errors.

In a statement to the International Atomic Energy Agency, it dismissed accusations that it is stonewalling an IAEA investigation into what the U.N. watchdog calls the possible military dimensions (PMD) of Iran's nuclear program.

Iran has offered detailed explanations to the IAEA and there has never been "any authenticated documents for PMD claims", said the Iranian note posted on the agency's website.

It said Iranian officials had also given "pieces of evidence" during meetings in October and November indicating that documents shown by the IAEA were fabricated.

They "are full of mistakes and contain fake names with specific pronunciations, which only point toward a certain member of the IAEA as their forger", it said.
Iran says documents on alleged atom bomb research are full of mistakes Reuters

point toward a certain member of the IAEA as their forger, I wonder who that is?

Right, because the iranian monks in gov't there just figured out that the laptop and other evidence, discovered like 6 years ago, are "fake."

Right, because this cancerous, diseased, terrorist, filthy regime of murderous trash is so, so reliable - especially after they have shot hundreds of their own people in the streets, cut out the tongues of bus drivers, conducted terrorism across the mideast, run one of the world's biggest gulag systems for political prisoners, are severely oppressing minorities like the bahia, azeri, baluchis, etc., are fomenting war in four other mideast countries, and have lied about their nuclear program so many times before?

You don't sound particularly bright, so I'll assume most of these facts are new to you, but let's leave it that iran's regime is the scum of the earth, and should be wiped off the map as soon as possible. Death to iran.
Right, because this cancerous, diseased, terrorist, filthy regime of murderous trash is so, so reliable - especially after they have shot hundreds of their own people in the streets, cut out the tongues of bus drivers, conducted terrorism across the mideast, run one of the world's biggest gulag systems for political prisoners, are severely oppressing minorities like the bahia, azeri, baluchis, etc., are fomenting war in four other mideast countries, and have lied about their nuclear program so many times before?
Sounds just like Israel, dont it?
Right, because this cancerous, diseased, terrorist, filthy regime of murderous trash is so, so reliable - especially after they have shot hundreds of their own people in the streets, cut out the tongues of bus drivers, conducted terrorism across the mideast, run one of the world's biggest gulag systems for political prisoners, are severely oppressing minorities like the bahia, azeri, baluchis, etc., are fomenting war in four other mideast countries, and have lied about their nuclear program so many times before?
Sounds just like Israel, dont it?
No, sounds just like a typical Muslim country filled with typical Muslim terrorist filth like you Mohamed
Mansour Osanlou - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Where does it say he had his tongue cut?
The youtube you posted just shows a semi naked man babbling on in Farsi

Mansour Osanloo International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran

"As a leading member of the labor movement in Iran, Osanloo campaigned for government recognition of the right to form independent unions. He and his colleagues held a founding meeting to establish independent unions on May 9, 2005. Members of the government-controlled Islamic Workers Council attacked the gathering and Osanloo suffered serious injuries including knife wounds, necessitating stitches in his neck and tongue.."

You're a lazy, stupid fucking idiot.
Mansour Osanlou - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Where does it say he had his tongue cut?
The youtube you posted just shows a semi naked man babbling on in Farsi

Mansour Osanloo International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran

"As a leading member of the labor movement in Iran, Osanloo campaigned for government recognition of the right to form independent unions. He and his colleagues held a founding meeting to establish independent unions on May 9, 2005. Members of the government-controlled Islamic Workers Council attacked the gathering and Osanloo suffered serious injuries including knife wounds, necessitating stitches in his neck and tongue.."

You're a lazy, stupid fucking idiot.

Excuse fanger, he is a bit on the retarded side.
So your favourite Iranian,is not the one you Mentioned?
Idiot could be defined by someone using the name Rhodescholar, who has obviously never been educated further than High school, and flaunts the rule by mentioning banned members in his sig line
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