Is it Time to Forgive Bud Light?

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Hear me out.

Sunday, I had lunch with my daughter and daughter-in-law. Naturally, I arrived on time and got texts from both saying they would be pretty late. I considered waiting at the bar and having a beer. Then it popped into my head to have a Bud Light. For reasons too complicated to explain without derailing the thread at its beginning, that would have likely lifted my DIL's spirits, at a time when they could use lifting.

Why forgive BL? Budwiser is an American company. All Bud Light sold in America is bottled in America. I pass by a large Budwiser building on my way to work. I don't know if it is a brewery or just a warehouse, but it must employ hundreds, if not thousands of people. I see the trucks driving out at all hours. Modelo, which I often see discussed as a replacement, is bottled in Mexico.

If we had our border secure with Mexico's cooperation, I would say "buy Modelo, a rising tide lifts all boats," but not while they are actively aiding child and drug trafficking into the U.S.

Yes, But Light screwed up with that idiotic Dylan Mulvaney move. But they fired no only the marketing genius behind that, but also the VP who hired her. Short of a mass resignation of all executives, I don't know how else they could demonstrate regret.

Anyway, while I was contemplating, I was saved by the bell as both my grown up young uns walked in.

Bracing for a flaming, I ask: what say you?
Hear me out.

Sunday, I had lunch with my daughter and daughter-in-law. Naturally, I arrived on time and got texts from both saying they would be pretty late. I considered waiting at the bar and having a beer. Then it popped into my head to have a Bud Light. For reasons too complicated to explain without derailing the thread at its beginning, that would have likely lifted my DIL's spirits, at a time when they could use lifting.

Why forgive BL? Budwiser is an American company. All Bud Light sold in America is bottled in America. I pass by a large Budwiser building on my way to work. I don't know if it is a brewery or just a warehouse, but it must employ hundreds, if not thousands of people. I see the trucks driving out at all hours. Modelo, which I often see discussed as a replacement, is bottled in Mexico.

If we had our border secure with Mexico's cooperation, I would say "buy Modelo, a rising tide lifts all boats," but not while they are actively aiding child and drug trafficking into the U.S.

Yes, But Light screwed up with that idiotic Dylan Mulvaney move. But they fired no only the marketing genius behind that, but also the VP who hired her. Short of a mass resignation of all executives, I don't know how else they could demonstrate regret.

Anyway, while I was contemplating, I was saved by the bell as both my grown up young uns walked in.

Bracing for a flaming, I ask: what say you?
I am from St. Louis, always supported Budweiser and Busch beer products having attended Cardinal baseball games and Blues hockey for years and years. I drank some Bud Light when it first came out, but compared to the variety of corporate brews and microbrews available now, it just isn't any good. I even make my own which I consider much better than Bud Light. So thats my story, but folks should drink what they think is best.
NO, we should not forgive Bud Light. We still have companies buying into all the Woke nonsense, and we have to fight back with our dollars. If we “forgive,” that is tantamount to giving all these companies permission to continue behaving as if straight white people don’t even exist.
Yes, But Light screwed up with that idiotic Dylan Mulvaney move. But they fired no only the marketing genius behind that, but also the VP who hired her. Short of a mass resignation of all executives, I don't know how else they could demonstrate regret.
A little additional info.

Dylan was not a paid spokesperson for Bud Light. He/She was given a free beer can with his/her likeness. He/she did a podcast with the beer can. People wrongly assumed he/she was a paid spokesperson.
I never had anything against A-B in the first place.

I don't have a problem with drinking regular Bud or Michelob. But I'm not going to drink an openly LGBTQ+ beer in public. Might give others the wrong impression about my own sexual preferences.

As age 67, I don't want to get into a fight with a homo in a bar if he sees me drinking a BL and comes up to me to ask if I want my butt hole violated.
I don't know how else they could demonstrate regret.
They have refused to acknowledge that they offended their customers. To this day, even after all the negative consequences they still have REFUSED TO APOLOGIZE. That's how they could "demonstrate regret" and they simply will not. They could have done that at any point during this crisis and they refuse. So be it. I hope their market share only rebounds once one of them acknowledges their choice in this matter. BTW In Bev is NOT a US company and hasn't been for quite a while.

Always have and always will be far more interested in home brews.

My late brother was a home brewer and put a lot of creativity into his brews, and probably would never have allowed something so lacking in taste and personality as Bud Lite to cross his tongue.

Brew your own. It's good, clean, science-ey fun! InBev makes enough money from the sheep. At least find a good micro brewery near you and spend you money in your own community.


Is it Time to Forgive Bud Light?​

Then it popped into my head to have a Bud Light.

That's exactly what the left predicted and expects the right to do. Just lose interest and give up.
There is nothing to forgive. I don't drink Bud nor ever will again not because of anything they did or didn't do but because I stand on principle. And I stand FOR a principle. Maybe you do not.

There is no anger involved, no rage, nothing to get over. It is simply a matter of CHOICE. And with more beers to choose from than stars in the sky, most of them far better, I simply choose not to patronize a company that thought that it was progressive to put a disfigured man dressed and talking like a woman as their vision for the future of their product while showing contempt for their actual customer base that made them rich.

Life is too short to demean myself like that giving in to such moral and entrepreneurial obscenity.

Always have and always will be far more interested in home brews.

My late brother was a home brewer and put a lot of creativity into his brews, and probably would never have allowed something so lacking in taste and personality as Bud Lite to cross his tongue.

Brew your own. It's good, clean, science-ey fun! InBev makes enough money from the sheep. At least find a good micro brewery near you and spend you money in your own community.

I’ve never been a fan of strong beers, but even Bud Light was too watered down for me. It was like drinking beer-flavored water.
I’ve never been a fan of strong beers, but even Bud Light was too watered down for me. It was like drinking beer-flavored water.

I've never met a dark beer I didn't like. It should have a head thick enough that you can sit a quarter on top and it won't sink in and be strong enough that any fly falling in sinks once and never resurfaces! :SMILEW~130:

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