Is the world trying to get rid of white people?


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
Do you have the feeling that things are going on right in front of your eyes that you can't see for what they are? Why is the US border wide open? Why are people being encouraged to breach our borders? Did you get vaccinated? Did you get boosters? The people coming did not. Is it possible that those vaccinations will combine with new biological agents released that will kill you quicker?

The world does not need to do anything to get rid of Caucasians.

The world population of 8,000,000,000 human beings is already majority non-Caucasian, and demographers tell us that the growth is especially robust in Africa.
The world does not need to do anything to get rid of Caucasians.

The world population of 8,000,000,000 human beings is already majority non-Caucasian, and demographers tell us that the growth is especially robust in Africa.

I think the OP includes more than just Armenians or Azerbaijanis ... like Persians and Afghans ... "Caucasians" are the peoples of the Caucus Mountain region in Central Asia ... Clan of the Cave Bear is a fictional story, sir, not real ...

I think only Europe is majority whitie ... Mexico is the 12th most populous nation in the world, plus Mexicans in the USA ... but aren't Mexicans descended from the Spanish considered white? ... with beach temperatures pushing 80ºF today in LA, there's white girls there you'd swear were Burmese by how dark their skin color is, just lily white under the knickers ...
I think the OP includes more than just Armenians or Azerbaijanis ... like Persians and Afghans ... "Caucasians" are the peoples of the Caucus Mountain region in Central Asia ... Clan of the Cave Bear is a fictional story, sir, not real ...

I think only Europe is majority whitie ... Mexico is the 12th most populous nation in the world, plus Mexicans in the USA ... but aren't Mexicans descended from the Spanish considered white? ... with beach temperatures pushing 80ºF today in LA, there's white girls there you'd swear were Burmese by how dark their skin color is, just lily white under the knickers ...
Mexicans are mutts. They have ancestry from native people, Europeans and even Africans.
Why is the US border wide open?
Because it's not. It's all been mostly hyperbole since 2016 to create the illusion for the Neo GOP. 60 thousand border patrol officers.

Release Date

Sat, 10/21/2023
WASHINGTON — U.S. Customs and Border Protection released monthly operational statistics today for September 2023. CBP continues to address increased migration flows as we enhance the security of our borders; disrupt the entry of dangerous people, drugs, and goods into the country; perform life-saving rescues; and protect our nation.

CBP remains steadfast in enforcing our immigration laws, by continuing to increase operational capabilities as needed, deploying new technology projects, and fielding additional resources to support our border security mission and to act as a force multiplier for our agents and officers on the ground. We are actively combating the spread of disinformation by smugglers. We remain focused on decreasing the flow of fentanyl, which is primarily trafficked through ports of entry, and have stepped up our efforts to intercept the trafficking of chemical precursors used to produce fentanyl. We have added personnel to enhance border security, and we continue to work with foreign governments to ensure a regional approach to reducing irregular migration.

CBP is processing all noncitizens under Title 8 immigration authorities, and placing noncitizens who cross the border unlawfully into Expedited Removal or Section 240 Removal Proceedings. Noncitizens who cross between the ports of entry or who present themselves at a port of entry without making a CBP One™ appointment are subject to the Circumvention of Lawful Pathways rule. This rule presumes asylum ineligibility for those who fail to use lawful pathways, with certain exceptions.

Individuals and families without a legal basis to remain in the U.S. are subject to removal pursuant to CBP’s longstanding Title 8 authorities and are subject to a minimum five-year bar on reapplying for admission and potential criminal prosecution if they subsequently re-enter without authorization.
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For most of human history, travel was limited. Isolated populations resulted in different gene pools/races of people. Travel is much easier now so many populations are not Isolated. As time goes on, distinct races of people will disappear as the previously isolated gene pools of people are blended together.
White people are basically the descendants of ancient Israel, so we are a favorite target of Satan.
WW3 does not have to be a hot war. In fact it makes sense that a biological extinction event perpetrated by China on the US would be a much more efficient way to wipe out the west and its caucasian ancestry in Europe. If the majority of the enemy dies from disease and starvation with no definitive way to realize what or who is behind the attack then the land and infrastructure remains intact.

That spike protein is in the bodies of populations now either through vaccinations or Covid infections. Is the next wave going to be more pernicious? The urbanization of society makes us vulnerable. First disease, then panic, then the shutdown of modern supply chains.
Do you have the feeling that things are going on right in front of your eyes that you can't see for what they are? Why is the US border wide open? Why are people being encouraged to breach our borders? Did you get vaccinated? Did you get boosters? The people coming did not. Is it possible that those vaccinations will combine with new biological agents released that will kill you quicker?

Is it possible that you have been fed some boatload of bizarre bovine excrement and swallowed it whole?
Is it possible that you have been fed some boatload of bizarre bovine excrement and swallowed it whole?
Is it possible to make up for the missed Planned Unparenthood appointment? Even if you're in the 270th Trimester I'm fine with a retroactive abortion if it prevents you from stealing more oxygen.
Do you have the feeling that things are going on right in front of your eyes that you can't see for what they are? Why is the US border wide open? Why are people being encouraged to breach our borders? Did you get vaccinated? Did you get boosters? The people coming did not. Is it possible that those vaccinations will combine with new biological agents released that will kill you quicker?

Cry harder, you sad little snowflake :itsok:
The world does not need to do anything to get rid of Caucasians.

The world population of 8,000,000,000 human beings is already majority non-Caucasian, and demographers tell us that the growth is especially robust in Africa.
so it will be ….

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