It is over for Faux News, their only credible human just left the building...


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
Good. Now do that Negro who said seeing a Muslim in a plane makes him nervous.

And while we're at it, why the hell does Newsmax let Barney Frank on there so much? He's the one who caused the Great Recession of the Bush era.
Fox is cleaning house. Don't watch it but I wouldn't have hired Geraldo to begin with.
Fox is cleaning house. Don't watch it but I wouldn't have hired Geraldo to begin with.

Why not?

Didn't you watch The Geraldo Show?

Great TV...

There Geraldo was, he has found Al Capone's secret vault, and they are opening it.... and .....

Might as well shut it down and sell the assets and the buildings.

Faux News is OVER.



Their only credible human left just walked out...

Who else at Faux would have the courage to stay and slug it out with racist skinheads (who for some reason ALL HAVE HAIR!!! SHHH!!!!)

Why would I believe the word of a leftist about FoxNews
Why would I believe the word of a leftist about FoxNews


Because you have an IQ under 5 and you cannot define the word "conservative."

Indeed, if you are a Faux addict, it is likely that you are the real supporter of big government since your hero, W, expanded government more than LBJ did.

This is your hero, "conservative..."

Michelle Obama gives George W. Bush a great big hug and the internet ...

President Obama opens Smithsonian's African American museum | Daily ...
Might as well shut it down and sell the assets and the buildings.

Faux News is OVER.



Their only credible human left just walked out...

Who else at Faux would have the courage to stay and slug it out with racist skinheads (who for some reason ALL HAVE HAIR!!! SHHH!!!!)

They lost their credibility when the jerkoffs tried to demean Trump in the 2016 and 2020 Presidential debates. Also when they were giddy with joy when Potatohead stole the 2020 election and the commentators were not allowed to even discuss the thievery.

They also have several shitheads on there that don't support the right to keep and bear arms and are open about ban on firearms

They are CNN Light and piss on them. I stopped watching them a long time ago.
They lost their credibility when the jerkoffs tried to demean Trump in the 2016 and 2020 Presidential debates. Also when they were giddy with joy when Potatohead stole the 2020 election and the commentators were not allowed to even discuss the thievery.

They also have several shitheads on there that don't support the right to keep and bear arms and are open about ban on firearms

They are CNN Light and piss on them. I stopped watching them a long time ago.

They lost all credibility with every patriotic American who has an IQ over 5 covering 911.

The only people who take Faux seriously are faux conservative SUBS who think "the terrorists" did 911, and they are the only demographic on the planet still too stupid to see 911 as the obvious false flag hate hoax it was...

They also supported socializing senior drugs, which must have been "conservative" since W did it, and how...

I believe that we have reached a similar position here in the UK . In political terms the BBC is at the point of collapse . Their propaganda has become so outlandish and desperate that even the ordinary person, who knows no better than to rely on MSM, senses that things no longer add up and that so many of the old narratives have become clearly false and were manipulated -- Covid and the Killer Shots are the most obvious two examples . But it is the news papers which rightly are suffering the most . Publications like the Times , Telegraph and the Guardian are seen as Government and/or Intelligence Agency assets in the same way that WaPo and NYT are mostly CIA corrupted and organisations like CNN and MSNBC are just laughable .imho

Because you have an IQ under 5 and you cannot define the word "conservative."

Indeed, if you are a Faux addict, it is likely that you are the real supporter of big government since your hero, W, expanded government more than LBJ did.

This is your hero, "conservative..."

Michelle Obama gives George W. Bush a great big hug and the internet ...

President Obama opens Smithsonian's African American museum | Daily ...'s African American museum | Daily ...
“You are who you hang around.” I hang around people who get real facts, do real journalism and have great logical reasoning abilities. Why would I fill my head full of ridiculous lies and deceit from the left media who lied about the fake Russia Hoax and push insanity during Covid19 fake pandemic?

Because you have an IQ under 5 and you cannot define the word "conservative."

Indeed, if you are a Faux addict, it is likely that you are the real supporter of big government since your hero, W, expanded government more than LBJ did.

This is your hero, "conservative..."

Michelle Obama gives George W. Bush a great big hug and the internet ...

President Obama opens Smithsonian's African American museum | Daily ...'s African American museum | Daily ...
RINOs are not heroes!

Because you have an IQ under 5 and you cannot define the word "conservative."

Indeed, if you are a Faux addict, it is likely that you are the real supporter of big government since your hero, W, expanded government more than LBJ did.

This is your hero, "conservative..."

Michelle Obama gives George W. Bush a great big hug and the internet ...

President Obama opens Smithsonian's African American museum | Daily ...'s African American museum | Daily ...
bush vaseline.jpg

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