It is time to give Israel free hand in making Gaza a parking lot

They were wars of choice imo, but they were fought by the modern rules of warfare
They were crimes against peace that were the root of all the ensuing war crimes. The modern rules of warfare include when war is appropriate. Wars of choice break those rules.
They were crimes against peace that were the root of all the ensuing war crimes. The modern rules of warfare include when war is appropriate. Wars of choice break those rules.

#7 was broken and the CIA admitted to destroying evidence.
sure thing these INNOCENCE have accepted Hamas rule for years and when given the choice VOTED them in. They have made mo statements against Hamas and its terrorism; they have taken no action against Hamas and its terrorism. they have done nothing to remove Hamas from power so they either support Hamas or are to cowardly to say or do anything. The people of Gaza SUPPORT Hamas and are as guilty as Hamas in any terrorism they conduct.
“Israel should expel all Arabs from Gaza any that resist die…”

Conservatives are as much cowards as they are hateful bigots; they don’t even have the courage to take ownership of their bigotry and hate concerning Muslims.
sure thing these INNOCENCE have accepted Hamas rule for years and when given the choice VOTED them in. They have made mo statements against Hamas and its terrorism; they have taken no action against Hamas and its terrorism. they have done nothing to remove Hamas from power so they either support Hamas or are to cowardly to say or do anything. The people of Gaza SUPPORT Hamas and are as guilty as Hamas in any terrorism they conduct.
be specific Clayton link for us statements by Palestinians in gaza against Hamas terrorism. Link the action taken by Palestinians in Gaza against Hamas. List what has been done by Palestinians in Gaza to remove Hamas. We can all list and link to the actions they have taken IN SUPPORT of Hamas.
I think he’s right about this.

All red blooded freedom loving American people should support the Palestinian people and their fight to free themselves from being forced to live in an open-air prison for decades surrounded by murderous IDF guards.
Palestinians have no rights to Israel. In fact Israel is smaller than when God gave the land to Hebrews or Jews.
The Israeli terror gangs Irgun Haganah and Leih all used terror in Palestine, the leder of Irgun before they split to form Leih was yet another Polish Zionist extremist, Stern his breakaway group even attacked British forces while WW2 was going on, they even tried to form a pact with the Nazis.

I believe that the Zionist terrorist gang that wanted to help Germany was Lehi and more can be found about it under the "Ankara Document"

Meanwhile, 150,000 Jews fought in Hitler's military(1) with many rising to the highest ranks and receiving Germany's highest honors with Hitler's full knowledge and approval.

Another heavily censored fact is that many Jews were high ranking Nazi Party members. (2)

I'm sure that you can understand why the Holocaust Industry won't allow MSM to reveal these and other inconvenient realities. (3), (4)


(1). “Hitler’s Jewish Army”

EXCERPT “Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the German military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval.

In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded(*)Germany’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross.

Jews also served in the Nazi police and security forces as ghetto police(Ordnungdienst)()and concentration camp guards()(kapos).

So what happens to the claim that Hitler sought to exterminate all Jews, when he allowed some of them to join in his struggle against Bolshevism and International finance capitalism?

“If the Jews were permitted to serve in Hitler’s armed forces then there could not have been a Holocaust.”CONTINUED

(2). “List of Nazis of non-Germanic descent”

EXCERPT “Notably, there were several high-ranking Nazis of full and partial Jewish descent. “ CONTINUED


EXCERPT "A German publisher has abruptly canceled a book that investigates the Jewish role in running internment camps in Poland after World War II, saying the work otherwise could be "cause for some misunderstanding." The 6,000 copies printed will be destroyed.

For six months after the war, Morel ran an internment camp for German civilians in the Polish community of Swietochlowice.

Former inmates told Sack that Morel brutalized, tortured and killed some of the German civilians housed at the camp. Two years ago, Morel fled to Israel; Polish authorities are reportedly considering filing murder charges against him." CONTINUED

(4). "NKVD Forced German POWs to Build Fake Gas Chambers AFTER the War !"

EXCERPT "As a young officer, Gerhart Schirmer was captured in 1945 by the Russians and held in Sachsenhausen which the Russians continued to use as a prison. Although the War and Nazism were over, Schirmer and a few fellow-prisoners were forced to construct a gas chamber and execution room, to show the world what the Nazis had done. He described his experiences in a booklet entitled 'Sachsenhausen - Workuta, Zehn Jahre in den Fängen der Sowjets' (Grabert Verlag, Tübingen, 1992).

When 'certain groups' drew the attention of the authorities to the booklet's contents, it was seized and banned in Germany. This is described by Schirmer below (my translation). I understand Schirmer was given the choice of a fine or prison and he chose the fine because, being over ninety, he did not relish spending his last few years behind bars, especially as he had already spent eleven years of his life in prison." CONTINUED

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