James Lankford interview on the border deal


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

This is very telling. Hugh Hewitt held Lankford's feet to the fire in regard to why he did not demand to secure the border.

Get this, the bill will have illegals wear ankle bracelets to the tune of $1.3 billion, bracelets that can easily be taken off. When Hugh pressed him to this fact, there was silence for a few minutes as Lankford said, "Well, they better not or......" "Or what Hugh retorted". "Or they will be sent back across the border."


Why not send them back as they come across?

For the record, I could only get behind the $1.3 billion for ankle bracelets if they provide matching earrings, otherwise, the deal is dead on arrival.
Hey dumbass republicans!!!!
Its a trap dummies...
It's a trap! : r/gifs
Lankford is a pussy. Mike Johnson has the right policy.

No money until the border is sealed.
I think that the DNC would let the Ukraine go to Putin and stop funding him if it meant not securing the border

That is how dedicated they are to an open border
But in order for Gaza to get humaintarian aid, these laws must be approved for the handling of criminal aliens at the southern border.

See the connection? Gaza? Eagles Pass?
As I said elsewhere, there is NO need for a taxpayer-gouging bill that is NOT at all focused simply on the border but has all that extra BS Congressional bills always have! When is the US congress going to do CLEAN bills?!

Probably: never.

The bill is indeed a trap. The Rs always seem to fall into these dim traps. But then again, they aren't all "falling." Some are jumping in whole-heartedly, I am sure

But in order for Gaza to get humaintarian aid, these laws must be approved for the handling of criminal aliens at the southern border.

See the connection? Gaza? Eagles Pass?W

Without the US funding wars across the world, like the US giving money to Israel and then to Hamas and Iran, they better strike a deal soon or there might be world peace soon.
Lankford and McConnell and their ilk wanted money to send to Ukraine... they are for some weird reason so fixated on beating Putin that they have lost all concern for America and its legal citizens.... I think its time for GOP reps like them to crawl up onto the scrapyard of failed policies and retire...
Lankford and McConnell and their ilk wanted money to send to Ukraine... they are for some weird reason so fixated on beating Putin that they have lost all concern for America and its legal citizens.... I think its time for GOP reps like them to crawl up onto the scrapyard of failed policies and retire...
I think Biden's campaing slogan is, "America 121rst, if that" verses Trump and his America First campaign.
Lankford and McConnell and their ilk wanted money to send to Ukraine... they are for some weird reason so fixated on beating Putin that they have lost all concern for America and its legal citizens.... I think its time for GOP reps like them to crawl up onto the scrapyard of failed policies and retire...
without pay

never seen such a group of over-paid, do-nothings.

they don't do anything for the American people, just insider trading to benefit themselves... border- destroying policies that serve their wealthy cronies

This is very telling. Hugh Hewitt held Lankford's feet to the fire in regard to why he did not demand to secure the border.

Get this, the bill will have illegals wear ankle bracelets to the tune of $1.3 billion, bracelets that can easily be taken off. When Hugh pressed him to this fact, there was silence for a few minutes as Lankford said, "Well, they better not or......" "Or what Hugh retorted". "Or they will be sent back across the border."


Why not send them back as they come across?

For the record, I could only get behind the $1.3 billion for ankle bracelets if they provide matching earrings, otherwise, the deal is dead on arrival.
Thanks for the laugh. You really have to shake your head at these people.

This is very telling. Hugh Hewitt held Lankford's feet to the fire in regard to why he did not demand to secure the border.

Get this, the bill will have illegals wear ankle bracelets to the tune of $1.3 billion, bracelets that can easily be taken off. When Hugh pressed him to this fact, there was silence for a few minutes as Lankford said, "Well, they better not or......" "Or what Hugh retorted". "Or they will be sent back across the border."


Why not send them back as they come across?

For the record, I could only get behind the $1.3 billion for ankle bracelets if they provide matching earrings, otherwise, the deal is dead on arrival.
I watched the whole video and I'd have to say this one thing struck me the most:

Senator Lankford early on said that money was going to be reserved to build the wall during the next administration (which he assumes will be a Trump administration) because he can't trust Biden to actually build the wall and my question is this:

What if Biden wins? Then the wall never gets built.
I watched the whole video and I'd have to say this one thing struck me the most:

Senator Lankford early on said that money was going to be reserved to build the wall during the next administration (which he assumes will be a Trump administration) because he can't trust Biden to actually build the wall and my question is this:

What if Biden wins? Then the wall never gets built.
Enough promises.

A bill must produce action or not get passed.

Democrats have lied too much for too long to ever be trusted with anything every again.
I think that the DNC would let the Ukraine go to Putin and stop funding him if it meant not securing the border

That is how dedicated they are to an open border

Their 2 hills to die on are;

The right to kill babies
An open border.

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