Joe Biden Eulogizes 3 Trans-Mans Who Died Committing Acts of Violence Against Innocent People

I think to myself when I hear stuff like this that nobody in their right mind could fall for such crap. Then I see idiots all around me falling for crap like this. Of course, the idiots are not falling for the lie per se. Rather, they are programmed to receive (or accept) whatever idiotic leftist narrative comes there way. If the headline said "Biden Signs EO to Ensure No Space Aliens Will be Discriminated Against on Account of Their Sexual Identities", the idiots would saying "Well, I do not think it is right to discriminate against a space alien just because of their sexual identity", and suspend disbelief on the balance of the headline.

Like we needed more assurance that Biden is a POS. :mad:

The Federalist – Bias and Credibility​

The Federalist - Right Bias - Questionable - Conservative - Not Credible or Reliable
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  • Overall, we rate The Federalist Questionable and far-Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that always favor the right and promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, and numerous failed fact checks.

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The Federalist - Bias and Credibility
You've just proved that you cannot think for yourself.

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