Joe Biden has committed to debating Donald Trump!

Be real. He could have sung Old McDonald had a Farm, got lost halfway through, pooped his pants, tried to set Stern's hair on fire and you'd think he did a great job.

Whose fault was that? People were tired of hearing her as it was. She sounded like every guy's ex.

IOW, they were buddies, just like he was buddies with a whole lot of democrats before he decided to run as a Republican and made them all mad.
Not a chance. Hillary told Biden it would be a good idea to go on Stern. It sure made her look good. She should have done it in 2016 but she chickened out. And it was a good idea for Biden.

I know why you hate Biden

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.
  • That he was arrested as a kid while standing with a black family on their porch as people were protesting desegregation. (Lie)

This is one of my favorites from Biden. How could the same guy so concerned about Blacks’ rights lose his shit over the notion of his kids going to school with Black children to the point he called it a “racial jungle?”
What I love is the person begging for the debate is usually the one who's losing and needs a game changing moment. Don't give it to him Joe. Who cares what a Fox News Poll says?

Do you truly believe that Fox is the only poll that shows Trump is leading Biden?

Or are you just terrified beyond words, and this is how you soothe yourself?

I'm honestly trying to gauge how disconnected from reality you are right now...
This is one of my favorites from Biden. How could the same guy so concerned about Blacks’ rights lose his shit over the notion of his kids going to school with Black children to the point he called it a “racial jungle?”

In the 10 seconds it took you to write ^^^this post, you did more critical thinking than Biden supporters do in a lifetime.
In the 10 seconds it took you to write ^^^this post, you did more critical thinking than Biden supporters do in a lifetime.
Biden has said some of the most racist things I’ve ever heard come out of a politician’s mouth plus his constant lying about his past. One would say on both fronts that he is compulsive and can’t help it. I go further that the Democrat Party, the Media, and Democrat voters enable him; they give him a pass.
This is awesome!

Biden made the commitment during a bizarre, lie-filled interview with Howard Stern, where the senile Biden also claimed:

  • He saved 6 people from drowning as a lifeguard (Lie)
  • He received "salacious pictures" from women in the 70s that he handed to Secret Service (Definitely a lie and senators don't have secret service protection)
  • That he was arrested as a kid while standing with a black family on their porch as people were protesting desegregation. (Lie)
  • That he was "runner-up in state scoring" in football. (Lie)

President Joe Biden, 81, is willing to debate former President Donald Trump, he claimed Friday on the Howard Stern Show.

Biden previously remained noncommittal about debating Trump. Trump is happy to confront Biden on his record, pledging in March to debate him anytime, anywhere, and anyplace.

Establishment television networks, in April, pressured Biden to accept Trump’s invitation to debate him.

Nearly three-fourths of voters believe that if Biden skips the presidential debates, it shows “weakness,” a Fox News poll found in March.

When Stern asked Biden if he would accept Trump’s request, he replied, “I am, somewhere. I am happy to debate him.”

Soon after the interview, Trump reiterated on Truth Social that he would debate Biden “ANYWHERE, ANYTIME, ANYPLACE” and suggested an array of occasions
Joe will make a fool of Trump. :auiqs.jpg:
Not a chance. Hillary told Biden it would be a good idea to go on Stern. It sure made her look good. She should have done it in 2016 but she chickened out. And it was a good idea for Biden.
Coulda, shoulda, woulda. Thankfully, she did nothing to resuscitate her failed campaign.
I know why you hate Biden
1. I don't hate Quid Pro Joe.
2. You don't know why I do or do not dislike him being president. You've never asked, so don't pretend you can read minds just because you wear a foil helmet.
"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.
Amazing how popular a president can be when there's relative peace and a dot com boom pushing the economy.
Do you truly believe that Fox is the only poll that shows Trump is leading Biden?

Or are you just terrified beyond words, and this is how you soo
I'm honestly trying to gauge how disconnected from reality you are right now...
Look how cute you are putting your faith in polls. Polls said Hillary was winning too May 2016 dumb ass.
Coulda, shoulda, woulda. Thankfully, she did nothing to resuscitate her failed campaign.

1. I don't hate Quid Pro Joe.
2. You don't know why I do or do not dislike him being president. You've never asked, so don't pretend you can read minds just because you wear a foil helmet.

Amazing how popular a president can be when there's relative peace and a dot com boom pushing the economy.
jealous as hell,

You don't realize your dot com montra is just GOP excuse for why Clinton was great. Consider this. Worst than any minor recession that Bush walked into, were his disasterous policies. He purposely sent millions of union manufacturing jobs overseas. Because they paid too well. Who's going to get employers to pay better? Trump?
jealous as hell,

You don't realize your dot com montra is just GOP excuse for why Clinton was great.
Clinton was willing to buck his own party when the Republican Congress held his feet to the fire. IOW, he could read the writing on the wall and was willing to go along with them on some things, something seriously lacking in Quid Pro Joe. The result was the closest thing to a balanced budget we've had in the modern era.
Consider this. Worst than any minor recession that Bush walked into, were his disasterous policies. He purposely sent millions of union manufacturing jobs overseas. Because they paid too well. Who's going to get employers to pay better? Trump?
Bush sent no jobs overseas; American customers did when they insisted on buying cheap foreign goods instead of expensive American made goods. We all know that.
Clinton was willing to buck his own party when the Republican Congress held his feet to the fire. IOW, he could read the writing on the wall and was willing to go along with them on some things, something seriously lacking in Quid Pro Joe. The result was the closest thing to a balanced budget we've had in the modern era.

Bush sent no jobs overseas; American customers did when they insisted on buying cheap foreign goods instead of expensive American made goods. We all know that.

Well back when Bush sent all those jobs overseas, we warned you. You defended the corporations. It's like a race to the bottom. Low wages. And now you sound like us in the 2000's.

Is your solution to low wages low prices?

Yup. Trust me, if Trump becomes president you'll say this exact economy is great. And inflation is being fixed.

BUT, Trump is talking extreme tariffs and a trade war. Get ready for inflation. Or is he lying?
Well back when Bush sent all those jobs overseas, we warned you. You defended the corporations. It's like a race to the bottom. Low wages. And now you sound like us in the 2000's.
You keep saying Bush sent jobs overseas. How did he do that again? I checked with the dock workers and they don't have any record of Bush loading jobs onto freighters.
Is your solution to low wages low prices?
You need higher prices to pay higher wages. How else you going to do that? Don't tell me you're one of those who think that companies can just pay whatever higher wages are demanded if people just yell loud enough.
Yup. Trust me, if Trump becomes president you'll say this exact economy is great. And inflation is being fixed.

BUT, Trump is talking extreme tariffs and a trade war. Get ready for inflation. Or is he lying?
How would you make American made competitive with goods that cost half as much?
You keep saying Bush sent jobs overseas. How did he do that again? I checked with the dock workers and they don't have any record of Bush loading jobs onto freighters.

You need higher prices to pay higher wages. How else you going to do that? Don't tell me you're one of those who think that companies can just pay whatever higher wages are demanded if people just yell loud enough.

How would you make American made competitive with goods that cost half as much?
You're right. It was Clinton because he signed NAFTA.
Not gonna happen... Briben would end up on the floor in a puddle of piss and shit.

We've heard that before...but then reality set in

Trump aides and allies saw Tuesday night’s event, a 90-minute schoolyard brawl featuring incessant interruptions from the incumbent Republican and pleas from his Democratic opponent to quit the “yapping,” as an avoidable tragedy in the president’s quest for reelection.

Well back when Bush sent all those jobs overseas, we warned you. You defended the corporations. It's like a race to the bottom. Low wages. And now you sound like us in the 2000's.

Is your solution to low wages low prices?

Yup. Trust me, if Trump becomes president you'll say this exact economy is great. And inflation is being fixed.

BUT, Trump is talking extreme tariffs and a trade war. Get ready for inflation. Or is he lying?
How did Bush send jobs overseas? Be specific, and bring credible links.

I don't see it!

I don't see Biden debating President Trump :dunno:

He may get on a stage with him, but he won't be debating. He'll be trying to rehearse all the lines he's been fed while the drugs keep his brain out of the stratosphere.

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