Judge orders Biden to stop diverting border wall money


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Biden keeps losing in court. But he thinks he's above the law. But, 'muh, democarcy', as he ignores court rulings.

A federal judge on Friday shot down the Biden administration’s plans to divert money from border wall construction to other projects like environmental remediation, ruling that it appears to violate the law.

Judge Drew B. Tipton said Congress gets to decide how money is spent and when it wrote its spending bills for fiscal years 2020 and 2021 it allocated nearly $1.4 billion each year for wall-building. The president trampled on that when he decided to spend wall-building money on “remediation projects.”

The government said it should have leeway to spend the money, and argued the remediation projects were ancillary to the wall and should be allowed.

Judge Tipton, though, said the way Congress wrote the law it was quite specific in saying the money should go to barriers along the border.

“The central question in this case, then, is this: Has the Government obligated FY 2020 and FY 2021 funds for the ‘construction of [a] barrier system’? The answer is largely no,” the judge concluded.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, one of the plaintiffs challenging Homeland Security, hailed the ruling.

“Biden acted completely improperly by refusing to spend the money that Congress appropriated for border wall construction, and even attempting to redirect those funds,” he said. “His actions demonstrate his desperation for open borders at any cost, but Texas has prevailed.”


Biden keeps losing in court. But he thinks he's above the law. But, 'muh, democarcy', as he ignores court rulings.

A federal judge on Friday shot down the Biden administration’s plans to divert money from border wall construction to other projects like environmental remediation, ruling that it appears to violate the law.
Judge Drew B. Tipton said Congress gets to decide how money is spent and when it wrote its spending bills for fiscal years 2020 and 2021 it allocated nearly $1.4 billion each year for wall-building. The president trampled on that when he decided to spend wall-building money on “remediation projects.”
The government said it should have leeway to spend the money, and argued the remediation projects were ancillary to the wall and should be allowed.
Judge Tipton, though, said the way Congress wrote the law it was quite specific in saying the money should go to barriers along the border.
“The central question in this case, then, is this: Has the Government obligated FY 2020 and FY 2021 funds for the ‘construction of [a] barrier system’? The answer is largely no,” the judge concluded.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, one of the plaintiffs challenging Homeland Security, hailed the ruling.
“Biden acted completely improperly by refusing to spend the money that Congress appropriated for border wall construction, and even attempting to redirect those funds,” he said. “His actions demonstrate his desperation for open borders at any cost, but Texas has prevailed.”

Looks like some heavy handed copy and past to me, Sir. What ya gonna do about anything, besides whine about MAGA?
Robert L Peters doesn't give a fuck what some stupid judge says.... that's a good way to get a 4am no-knock stormtrooper raid and end up in the basement of a DC gulag.

The judge has no idea who he's fucking with.
Robert L Peters doesn't give a fuck what some stupid judge says.... that's a good way to get a 4am no-knock stormtrooper raid and end up in the basement of a DC gulag.

The judge has no idea who he's fucking with.
You scare no one. Put that threat on your front porch. Let's see how you survive a "stormtrooper raid" waking you up in the middle of the night.

Real Tough Guy.
Biden keeps losing in court. But he thinks he's above the law. But, 'muh, democarcy', as he ignores court rulings.
From that same WT piece, the judge ruled for Biden on flying in illegals. :bang3:


Judge Tipton, in another ruling Friday, sided with the Biden administration in ruling that states did not have standing to challenge an expansive use of “parole” to bring in migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

That program welcomes up to 30,000 unauthorized migrants a month, as long as they alert Homeland Security they are coming and they fly into airports rather than surge across the southern border.
Looks like some heavy handed copy and past to me, Sir. What ya gonna do about anything, besides whine about MAGA?
Love it when you idiots fail to check the media before speaking out..

From that same WT piece, the judge ruled for Biden on flying in illegals. :bang3:


Judge Tipton, in another ruling Friday, sided with the Biden administration in ruling that states did not have standing to challenge an expansive use of “parole” to bring in migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

That program welcomes up to 30,000 unauthorized migrants a month, as long as they alert Homeland Security they are coming and they fly into airports rather than surge across the southern border.
It's the law.
Love it when you idiots fail to check the media before speaking out..

Copy and Paste Garbage.

Move along, Folks.
From that same WT piece, the judge ruled for Biden on flying in illegals. :bang3:


Judge Tipton, in another ruling Friday, sided with the Biden administration in ruling that states did not have standing to challenge an expansive use of “parole” to bring in migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

That program welcomes up to 30,000 unauthorized migrants a month, as long as they alert Homeland Security they are coming and they fly into airports rather than surge across the southern border.
Providing for our national security should trump everything. That's what makes all of Biden's policies so fucked up. He is putting our country in jeopardy by assisting this illegal alien invasion. MAGA
Biden keeps losing in court. But he thinks he's above the law. But, 'muh, democarcy', as he ignores court rulings.

A federal judge on Friday shot down the Biden administration’s plans to divert money from border wall construction to other projects like environmental remediation, ruling that it appears to violate the law.
Judge Drew B. Tipton said Congress gets to decide how money is spent and when it wrote its spending bills for fiscal years 2020 and 2021 it allocated nearly $1.4 billion each year for wall-building. The president trampled on that when he decided to spend wall-building money on “remediation projects.”
The government said it should have leeway to spend the money, and argued the remediation projects were ancillary to the wall and should be allowed.
Judge Tipton, though, said the way Congress wrote the law it was quite specific in saying the money should go to barriers along the border.
“The central question in this case, then, is this: Has the Government obligated FY 2020 and FY 2021 funds for the ‘construction of [a] barrier system’? The answer is largely no,” the judge concluded.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, one of the plaintiffs challenging Homeland Security, hailed the ruling.
“Biden acted completely improperly by refusing to spend the money that Congress appropriated for border wall construction, and even attempting to redirect those funds,” he said. “His actions demonstrate his desperation for open borders at any cost, but Texas has prevailed.”

Government has been milking the American taxpayer through the EPA since the EPA's creation way back in 1970. The EPA & other federal non essential bureaucracies such as the Dept. of Education(DOE) make for an easy pathway to riche$ for those g'ment employees(unions, elected officials etc.) who know how to play the system. It's doubtful in my opinion if the PURPOSEFULLY DIVIDED American constituency possesses the common sense(not being sarcastic here) to elect federal Representatives that would work towards eliminating these non-essential federal bureaucracies.

Below is a vid of congressman Doug Lamalfa addressing the CO2 'crisis'. U "NEED" TO WATCH THIS to understand;

as it pertains to the link below;

Did U catch that? .04% CO2 in the atmosphere @ current, @ .02% plant like begins to die off. Farmers spread gypsum, better known as nitrogen so we gain a higher yield of crops but, the nitrogen is contributing to CO2 according to the profe$$ional environmental cartel. So the answer is no nitrogen fertilizer for less crop yield. The answer to that dilemma is lower the CO2 level even more to start killing off plant life altogether. The enviro cartel is answering a bogus problem with an even bigger bogus problem. It's an endless merry-go-round of semantics that's costing taxpayers Billion$ in tax revenue. The answer to these bureaucrat$ is to defund the bureaucracie$ they operate out of. The enviro whacko nitrogen scheme is of course just one of the frauds they perpetrate as there are endless other bogus issues they foist upon the more gullible among the American constituency. End bogus bureaucracie$, end the ripoff!

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