Kevin McCarthy Booted Out Of Speakership For Colluding With Democrats

Um chaos? Did you call the Antifa and BLM riots and looting and arson chaos? Did you call the Chaz incident Chaos or everyday protests in Oregon chaos?
Did you call people hanging off the airplane in the fleeing of Afghanistan chaos withdrawl?
Did you call the border crisis chaos?
Do you even know the meaning of the word?
And do you realize you just said every single member of the Dem Congress (who voted for it) caused your interpretation of Chaos in the house.-oops!
Yes, I considered those all chaos.
But it is an horrific situation when you are comparing our house of representative with a riot, the disaster of leaving Afghanistan, our border crisis.

Don't you get that.
Members of Congress enrich themselves while everyday Americans struggle to earn a good living. We need term limits.
I didn't say that he did.... All I did was to identify what`s going on in America.
Oh and I left out other items like High inflation, weak foreign policy, and more Human trafficking/slavery not seen in America since the 1850's
McCarthy wasn't the solution. He was clearly part of the problem.
I don't disagree with that. But to use Democrats to remove a Speaker that 94% of elected Republican representatives supported is like using the KKK to remove a black person from office. There is no way to justify it and no good will come from it.
It is just a cynical political move on the part of the Democrats like everything else they do.

This all has nothing to do with evaluating his competence and everything to do with ensuring lots of bickering among the repubs.

Heaven forbid any of them actually concern themselves with how this country is being run into the ground. Political gamesmanship is all that matters.
Members of Congress enrich themselves while everyday Americans struggle to earn a good living. We need term limits.
I think the problem is much more than just term limits.

The basic problem is that there is no personal penalty for a member of Congress to be fiscally irresponsible. On the contrary it is to their benefit to give tax payer's money to special interests. Why insist on a balanced budget if doing so is going to result in some of the welfare queens that voted for you or gave you campaign donations getting less than they are now? Welfare queens can be anybody like ghetto shits, Illegals, Corporations looking for subsidies or bailouts to Foreign interest. I hear Foreign welfare queens pay really well. Just ask Biden or the Clintons if you don't believe me.

Kevin McCarthy Booted Out Of Speakership For Colluding With Democrats​

Most Republicans voted to keep the Government open
McCarthy sided with them

MAGA a threw a tantrum

McCarthy's being booted out as Speaker is yet another clear indication that ReNaziKlan's cannot govern. MAGA MAGGOTS do NOT want to govern, they want to destroy the United States. McCarthy sold his soul to become speaker. McCarthy became so compromised from all the promises he made to the Hard Right (Nazi) faction in the House. MTG kept his balls locked a drawer in her office.

Gaetz is nothing but bad performance artist is only real skill is making headlines and lying out his ass.
McCarthy's being booted out as Speaker is yet another clear indication that ReNaziKlan's cannot govern. MAGA MAGGOTS do NOT want to govern, they want to destroy the United States. McCarthy sold his soul to become speaker. McCarthy became so compromised from all the promises he made to the Hard Right (Nazi) faction in the House. MTG kept his balls locked a drawer in her office.

Gaetz is nothing but bad performance artist is only real skill is making headlines and lying out his ass.
MAGA runs on Chaos

No real agenda, just that the Government is evil and must be disrupted regardless of the consequences
It is just a cynical political move on the part of the Democrats like everything else they do.

This all has nothing to do with evaluating his competence and everything to do with ensuring lots of bickering among the repubs.

Heaven forbid any of them actually concern themselves with how this country is being run into the ground. Political gamesmanship is all that matters.
The Democrats had nothing to do with this other than take advantage of the situation to do as much political damage to the Republicans as they can. And this not only damaged the Republicans but most likely was the bullet that will lose them their majority in 2024.

Given the miniscule majority the GOP holds in the House, and with no support in the White House or Senate, there is only so much McCarthy can do. No, he hasn't been perfect but neither are intractable positions with no room for negotiation or compromise.

For eight Republicans to presume moral authority to take out the Speaker that 96% of the House Republicans supported is unconscionable. Also that the Republicans will just now go home instead of staying to do the difficult task of putting a new Speaker into place.
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