Kid shot again in Ohio with toy gun

the watcher

Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2016
Looks like there's plenty of stupid to go around. I don't know what this "kid" could have been thinking walking around with a "toy" pistol, what his guardians could have been thinking was likely to happen, maybe a sweet little poleece shut up money payout, stick it to the man, etc? Cop had shit on his record, maybe he is a little edgy but I think whoever confronted this "kid" responding to a citizen reporting what she thought was a gunman might have interpreted it the same. It looks like the "kid" had a prepared good boy speech ready, he is very lucky the cop wasn't a better shot and stopped after 1 round. The social square dance continues. Akron, Ohio, officer shoots 15-year-old boy who was holding a fake gun
Looks like there's plenty of stupid to go around. I don't know what this "kid" could have been thinking walking around with a "toy" pistol, what his guardians could have been thinking was likely to happen, maybe a sweet little poleece shut up money payout, stick it to the man, etc? Cop had shit on his record, maybe he is a little edgy but I think whoever confronted this "kid" responding to a citizen reporting what she thought was a gunman might have interpreted it the same. It looks like the "kid" had a prepared good boy speech ready, he is very lucky the cop wasn't a better shot and stopped after 1 round. The social square dance continues. Akron, Ohio, officer shoots 15-year-old boy who was holding a fake gun

Blue city hijinks. They LOVE it!
The poor kid is obviously retarded. What kid doesn't know better than to point a toy gun at cars passing by?
Looks like there's plenty of stupid to go around. I don't know what this "kid" could have been thinking walking around with a "toy" pistol, what his guardians could have been thinking was likely to happen, maybe a sweet little poleece shut up money payout, stick it to the man, etc? Cop had shit on his record, maybe he is a little edgy but I think whoever confronted this "kid" responding to a citizen reporting what she thought was a gunman might have interpreted it the same. It looks like the "kid" had a prepared good boy speech ready, he is very lucky the cop wasn't a better shot and stopped after 1 round. The social square dance continues. Akron, Ohio, officer shoots 15-year-old boy who was holding a fake gun
is this not an unconstitutional violation of the youth in question's sacred 2nd amendment?

or maybe water pistols are not considered "arms" and so the cop was right to open fire, as a warning not to bring a water pistol to a gun fight.
is this not an unconstitutional violation of the youth in question's sacred 2nd amendment?

or maybe water pistols are not considered "arms" and so the cop was right to open fire, as a warning not to bring a water pistol to a gun fight.

Not sure, why don't you test your theory for us, stand by the roadside, and point a toy gun at passing cars.

Be sure to post the results on here.
Not sure, why don't you test your theory for us, stand by the roadside, and point a toy gun at passing cars.

Be sure to post the results on here.

Kid shot again in Ohio with toy gun​

maybe you can explain this headline. what part of his body is the "ohio?" when was the first time he was shot with a toy gun?
is this not an unconstitutional violation of the youth in question's sacred 2nd amendment?

or maybe water pistols are not considered "arms" and so the cop was right to open fire, as a warning not to bring a water pistol to a gun fight.

Could be. It seems, based on statistics, blue city cops are trained to shoot first and ask questions later (or not at all). I assume this is the way you people like it, since it's pretty common in places run by DemoKKKrats.
The cop was an amazing shot.

For all those people who watch too much TV and complain "why didn't the cop just shoot the gun out of his hand?" This cop did shoot the kid in the hand and saved his life.
The cop was an amazing shot.

For all those people who watch too much TV and complain "why didn't the cop just shoot the gun out of his hand?" This cop did shoot the kid in the hand and saved his life.
too many western movies. i'm glad this cop was a great (or lucky) shot, but i might pick the larger target on his torso.

sorry about the kid, but we gotta be careful what toys they play with,

"if ya gotta shoot. shoot" eli wallach (the good the bad and the ugly)
is this not an unconstitutional violation of the youth in question's sacred 2nd amendment?

or maybe water pistols are not considered "arms" and so the cop was right to open fire, as a warning not to bring a water pistol to a gun fight.
You sound anti cop

These toy pistols look real

The cops are not required to let themselves be shot just verify that the suspect is truly dangerous
Here in Virginia the prosecutors in the case of the little asshole that shot his teacher has doubled down and indicted the assistant principal for allegedly ignoring the situation, and also for missing files which "can't be located". The parents have already been adjudicated, and the kid will be pretty old when he gets out. The pendulum seems to be swinging the way of peripheral responsibility and away from universal victimhood, at least in this case. It remains to be seen if this energy will be extended to the feral kids running the streets in the high crime areas, or is this just some more chin music. Ex-Assistant Principal at School Where 6-Year-Old Shot Teacher Is Indicted
ANOTHER bad cop get's put right back on the force thanks to police unions.
What did this cop do that was so bad? Would you let someone level a gun at you to prove that you're not bad"? You could also very easily say another stupid kid and his handlers put back on the street to improve his game.
What did this cop do that was so bad? Would you let someone level a gun at you to prove that you're not bad"? You could also very easily say another stupid kid and his handlers put back on the street to improve his game.
The cop was fired before after he threatened his girl friend with his sidearm.
In no way should someone who used his side arm to threaten someone off duty be allowed to be a cop anywhere ever again.
But exactly like bad teachers get their jobs back via unions, so do bad apples in the police department.
The cop was an amazing shot.

For all those people who watch too much TV and complain "why didn't the cop just shoot the gun out of his hand?" This cop did shoot the kid in the hand and saved his life.

Lucky shot. He was aiming for center mass, like officers are trained to. The kid is lucky he's not dead now.
When I was young, we all had whole arsenals of toy guns. The pigs never shot any of us, but they weren't hopped up on steroids back then, and were clear thinking.

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