Klaus Schwab, Transgenderism, and AI | Russian Philosopher Aleksandr Dugin


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
A topic that the low information minority of Americans will react to with trolling. Dugin Apparently is a Russian philosopher, and he’s not even under the payroll of Vladimir Putin. But in some of the media in the west, the guy is viewed as “the brain of Putin.”

Dugin makes some very interesting points. Some may even call it common sense where he talks about how minorities are ruling in the west. With regard to the radical BLM and radical transgenderism which is not wanted by most American black or whites. Or the idea that a man can play a woman’s sports team, that a young child can get a sex change operation. This is absolute fanaticism and it is occurring in the west which is an embarrassment. US Lefties act like it doesn’t exist or even worse, they support it.

Dugin talks about how liberalism has changed over the years, and how today in some circles it has morphed into anti-American ism, hating one’s own culture, giving into minorities who approve of the type of in your face ultra feminism or BLM attitudes which are not good for the community as a whole. Actually of course plenty of people have the same viewpoint we don’t even need Dugin to tell most of us to oppose radical left-wing ideologies of today. Most people already oppose it, but it is interesting to hear what Dugin has to say.

And I don’t know much about Dugin… the interview was the first time I heard his voice. But for the drug addict far left Americans they’re not interested in a conversation. They repeat whatever they’re told by their slave masters. Almost for sure they have never heard Dugin speak… they probably saw a picture of him with a negative headline in the west and boom they make their opinion.

It’s all the more dumb because Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, George W. Bush and many Americans have shaken hands with Russian president Vladimir Putin. The entire anti-Russian mindset is completely ridiculous…. this is not about Ukraine just the stupidity of viewing Russia as this great evil when just a few years ago they were basically friends with the USA or at least we were neutral . People can oppose the Russian invasion of Ukraine while also not calling Russia evil, considering the many wars America has started.
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Russia is a third world nation outside of their cities. The kleptocracy has become just an accepted facet of miserable soviet life. Their chief export is terrorism and warfare. It takes a particularly sick individual to embrace these murderous assholes.
Russia is a third world nation outside of their cities. The kleptocracy has become just an accepted facet of miserable soviet life. Their chief export is terrorism and warfare. It takes a particularly sick individual to embrace these murderous assholes.

Great that one of the Usual Dumb Suspects should jump in so quick and underwrite everything asserted in the OP .

The ignorance of voices like Candycorn's is profound .
Russia is a third world nation outside of their cities. The kleptocracy has become just an accepted facet of miserable soviet life. Their chief export is terrorism and warfare. It takes a particularly sick individual to embrace these murderous assholes.
The corruption of our own federal security state told us for decades how powerful the Soviet Union was. We spent countless billions of dollars that totaled trillions of and trillions of dollars more over those decades from the end of WW 2. Democrats liked the Soviet Union. The Communism that Progs are eventually pushing kills' people. The Soviet Union lost around 60 million people from the 1930's collectivism and WW 2 deaths. They have not recovered from that. Unlike us Americans they die.
Some may even call it common sense where he talks about how minorities are ruling in the west.
California's minorities do not support, voted against gay marriage. The Supreme Court over-ruled the minorities in California.

I will have to hear the interview to get the proper context of this man's obversations.
Great that one of the Usual Dumb Suspects should jump in so quick and underwrite everything asserted in the OP .

The ignorance of voices like Candycorn's is profound .
Feel free to discuss my post if you want. We both know you’re not equipped to do it though.
I watched part of this. The philosopher is extremely intelligent. I do not have the time to watch.

It is a sad state of our nation, that this interview is being used to denigrate Tucker Carlson. The harsh, propaganda we are witnessing against this interview is troubling to our Liberty.

We are witnessing modern day book burning. The destruction of thought. The attacks are vile and disgusting. The attacks against Tucker are being ingrained into the minds of our children. All they here is Tucker is a fascist. When an educated child answers or offers, "my dad listens to tucker". The other children that are exposed to the totalitarian propaganda tease and ridicule the child into silence.

This is book burning, the intimidation, bullying of knowledge. Anyone who educates themselves is bullied into hiding.

For the Democrats, knowledge and education is the enemy, make no mistake about it.
Russia is a third world nation outside of their cities. The kleptocracy has become just an accepted facet of miserable soviet life. Their chief export is terrorism and warfare. It takes a particularly sick individual to embrace these murderous assholes.
The sick individual is you. You are bullying, insulting, and demeaning those of us that wish to learn and educate ourselves and our children.

Candycorn, you are an example and have inspired me to recognize the truth. The democrat's enemy is truth and knowledge.

Without even listening to a philospher, candy corn is labeling those that do, sick. Candycorn is doing all she/he can, to prevent people from gaining knowledge because of her hatred and ignorance.

For the Democrats, knowledge and education is the enemy, make no mistake about it.
Great that one of the Usual Dumb Suspects should jump in so quick and underwrite everything asserted in the OP .

The ignorance of voices like Candycorn's is profound .
It's that sort of deliberate ignorance which undermines all honest efforts to create a society not divided and ruled by a parasitic trillionaire ruling class.
The sick individual is you. You are bullying, insulting, and demeaning those of us that wish to learn and educate ourselves and our children.

Candycorn, you are an example and have inspired me to recognize the truth. The democrat's enemy is truth and knowledge.

Without even listening to a philospher, candy corn is labeling those that do, sick. Candycorn is doing all she/he can, to prevent people from gaining knowledge because of her hatred and ignorance.

For the Democrats, knowledge and education is the enemy, make no mistake about it.
Maybe that's Katherine Maher?

When people come straight out and DECLARE TRUTH TO BE AN OBSTACLE to the advancement of their agenda, you might consider the possibility that their agenda is detrimental to you.

That's just the conclusion I draw from the data I've managed to observe.
The sick individual is you. You are bullying, insulting, and demeaning those of us that wish to learn and educate ourselves and our children.
What I wrote was 100% accurate.
Candycorn, you are an example and have inspired me to recognize the truth.
Thanks for the chuckle.
The democrat's enemy is truth and knowledge.
Well, I’m not a democrat so you’re off to a bad start. Color me shocked!!!!
Without even listening to a philospher, candy corn is labeling those that do, sick.
Anyone who embraces Putin’s Russia is sick. They are nothing but a bunch of murderous thugs.
Candycorn is doing all she/he can, to prevent people from gaining knowledge because of her hatred and ignorance.
Not at all...if you want to listen to whomever this dope is in the OP and the OP himself who does nothing but try to hide his disdain for black people with different titles and topics...feel free. But it’s also 100% truth that, with a few exceptions, if Tucker Carlson is doing the interview, you know exactly what the interviewees positions are and the are going to be anti-American. Why? If they are pro-American (at least until the election), that means they are pro-Biden. Can’t have that now, can we.
For the Democrats, knowledge and education is the enemy, make no mistake about it.
306 is greater than 232, right? Check my math on that and get back to me.

What I wrote was 100% accurate.
Russia is a third world nation outside of their cities. The kleptocracy has become just an accepted facet of miserable soviet life. Their chief export is terrorism and warfare. It takes a particularly sick individual to embrace these murderous assholes.
100% accurate? We are not equipped to sink to your low level of intelligence, if that is what you mean then yes you are right.

It takes a bigoted asshole to characterize a discussion with an intellect as embracing murderous assholes. An interview with a Russian Philosopher who does not support war in no way indicates Carlson is embracing the leadership of Russia.

But hey, Democrats must bully the people so that they are afraid to gain and further our educations. We see that here, and on college campuses with the protests.

Sure. What nuggets of wisdom do you think you gleamed from the interview skippy?
That progressive thought is evolving, to begin. And why must you insult me? That is rhetorical question, you must denigrate and attack free speech and education.

Education and Free Speech is the enemy of Democrats.
I never thought I'd see people cutting off body parts pretending they were a man or a woman, men acting as women competing in womens sports, men acting as women hanging out in girls locker rooms. It's beyond mind boggling. You would have been sent to a state hospital, expelled, or charged criminally.
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