
Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

not one of our better President's to put it mildly. Not certain of all situations brought up in the video but no question about Billie Sol Estes and some others. And what happened to LBJ's sister I was not aware of.
He was a fraud who recommended himself for a Silver Star for being a passenger in a plane flying over enemy territory in WW2. The media never questioned it. The media laughed at evidence that pointed to longtime use of graveyard votes for LBJ elections. They loved him until big losses started piling up in Vietnam and anti-war protestors started blowing up buildings.. Even today there is no real scrutiny about the faked "crisis" that LBJ used to send Troops to Vietnam. He set the rules so that we could win every battle and still lose the freaking war. Just when there seemed to be light at the end of the tunnel and the V.C. were beaten and exhausted after Tet, LBJ threw in the towel on national T.V. and it gave the North Vietnamese new life.
What a sterling list of Democrat Presidents we have had since WW2. The only one worth a shit was Harry Truman, who got in on a fluke. JFK's amateur performance is protected by his assassination, and the rest were thieves and/or numbskulls.

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