Limbaugh has jumped the shark

:lol::lol::lol: Rush is laughing at all of you while flying in a Gulfstream G550 trying to decide what incredibly expensive thing he will do each evening, with which gorgeous female fan who's enamored with him..........what are you clowns doing?:lol::lol::lol:

Oh yea, as for that drunken pile of shit Kennedy, I hope he lives for years in the largest amount of agony possible.......... karma, ya know?

Obama's a faggot that is too chicken shit to debate Rush, Rush would destroy him and expose obama for the fraud that he is.
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Limbidiot would out debate Obama?

What color is the sky in YOUR world?
yes, Rush Limbaugh would out debate Obama
as long as he was denied his teleprompter, hell, anyone could at that point

and the sky is generally blue in MY world, what is it in yours?
ROFLMNAO... So the 'feeling' is that Limbaugh who has spent 20 years talking about his ideological beliefs to tens of millions of people 5 DAYS A WEEK for THREE HOURS A DAY... with no teleprompter...

This guy, will somehow be at a disadvantage because the person he's dedating is some cult leader who's never accomplished a DAMN THING except step into various political slots which were laid out before him by dubious characters... domestic terrorists, Marxist activists, corrupt power players and absurd 'religious' leaders with anti-American, pro-Revolutionary Islamic tendencies...

Funny stuff... keep dreamin'.
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You know.......I think the most newsworthy story that Limbidiot could possibly do would be to end up in a car wreck (from drinking and getting blowjobs from young women), and then die after about 3 weeks (a la Terry Schiavo).

Same for you Puberty Infinite.

Yes, I'd say that comment truly bespeaks the nature, as well as the depth of your intellect; it captures the scope and breadth of your ideology; but it's true strength, is the light it casts upon the impotent rage, born from your flaccid intellectual means.

:clap2: Bravo... :clap2:
:clap2: :clap2: BRAVO! :clap2: :clap2:

Beats being a brain dead knuckle dragging Marine like yourself.

You're a fucking bullet sponge without a brain.

Brilliant... at least to the extent of your means. What else could have potentially been advanced to better underscore your inadequcies?

:clap2: Well said... :clap2:

Limbidiot would out debate Obama?

What color is the sky in YOUR world?



Ya did the best ya could rust picker... ya poor pathetic fuck!
You know.......I think the most newsworthy story that Limbidiot could possibly do would be to end up in a car wreck (from drinking and getting blowjobs from young women), and then die after about 3 weeks (a la Terry Schiavo).

Same for you Puberty Infinite.

Yes, I'd say that comment truly bespeaks the nature, as well as the depth of your intellect; it captures the scope and breadth of your ideology; but it's true strength, is the light it casts upon the impotent rage, born from your flaccid intellectual means.

:clap2: Bravo... :clap2:
:clap2: :clap2: BRAVO! :clap2: :clap2:

Beats being a brain dead knuckle dragging Marine like yourself.

You're a fucking bullet sponge without a brain.

Brilliant... at least to the extent of your means. What else could have potentially been advanced to better underscore your inadequcies?

:clap2: Well said... :clap2:

Limbidiot would out debate Obama?

What color is the sky in YOUR world?

PubliusInfinitum said:


Ya did the best ya could rust picker... ya poor pathetic fuck!

Limbidiot would not last more than 15 minutes against ANYBODY. He doesn't have the required intelligence.......

He's a fucking republican.

ROFLMNAO... this idiot opens a debate and loses two of two posts and SHE'S CALLING HER OPPOSITION IDIOTS!

HYSTERICAL! (In at least two contexts and on several levels...) ain't delusion GRAND?
Yo, Infinite DO realize that I'm a dude, right?

Or......have you lost the ability to differentiate between genders?
he's doing it as a form of an insult to you, and judging from your reaction, i'd say he hit his target on the first volley
Yo, Infinite DO realize that I'm a dude, right?

Or......have you lost the ability to differentiate between genders?
he's doing it as a form of an insult to you, and judging from your reaction, i'd say he hit his target on the first volley

Exactly... I like to speak to the voice that is being imparted... when that voice is feminine, I am all about respect for the ladies.; even when they're crazier than a shithouse rat, sporting a beard and an adams-apple.
Looks like Camille Paglia has a few words to say about Rush.......... and Baracky's boys and girls.

Camille Paglia on Obama, Rush and Daniela Mercury | Salon

Heads should roll
President Obama's clumsy, smirky staff is sinking him -- and resurrecting a deflated GOP! Plus: Lay off Rush! And a Brazilian diva, up close and electric

By Camille Paglia

March 11, 2009 | Free Barack!

Yes, free the president from his flacks, fixers and goons -- his posse of smirky smart alecks and provincial rubes, who were shrewd enough to beat the slow, pompous Clintons in the mano-a-mano primaries but who seem like dazed lost lambs in the brave new world of federal legislation and global statesmanship.

Heads should be rolling at the White House for the embarrassing series of flubs that have overshadowed President Obama's first seven weeks in office and given the scattered, demoralized Republicans a huge boost toward regrouping and resurrection. (Michelle, please use those fabulous toned arms to butt some heads!)

First it was that chaotic pig rut of a stimulus package, which let House Democrats throw a thousand crazy kitchen sinks into what should have been a focused blueprint for economic recovery. Then it was the stunt of unnerving Wall Street by sending out a shrill duo of slick geeks (Timothy Geithner and Peter Orszag) as the administration's weirdly adolescent spokesmen on economics. Who could ever have confidence in that sorry pair?

And then there was the fiasco of the ham-handed White House reception for British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, which was evidently lacking the most basic elements of ceremony and protocol. Don't they read the "Iliad" anymore in the Ivy League? Check that out for the all-important ritual of gift giving, which has cemented alliances around the world for 5,000 years.

President Obama -- in whom I still have great hope and confidence -- has been ill-served by his advisors and staff. Yes, they have all been blindsided and overwhelmed by the crushing demands of the presidency. But I continue to believe in citizen presidents, who must learn by doing, even in a perilous age of terrorism. Though every novice administration makes blunders and bloopers, its modus operandi should not be a conspiratorial reflex cynicism.

Case in point: The orchestrated attack on radio host Rush Limbaugh, which has made the White House look like an oafish bunch of drunken frat boys. I returned from carnival in Brazil (more on that shortly) to find the Limbaugh affair in full flower. Has the administration gone mad? This entire fracas was set off by the president himself, who lowered his office by targeting a private citizen by name. Limbaugh had every right to counterattack, which he did with gusto. Why have so many Democrats abandoned the hallowed principle of free speech? Limbaugh, like our own liberal culture hero Lenny Bruce, is a professional commentator who can be as rude and crude as he wants.

Yes, I cringe when Rush plays his "Barack the Magic Negro" satire or when he gratuitously racializes the debate over Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb, who is a constant subject of withering scrutiny for quite different reasons on sports shows here in Philadelphia. On the other hand, I totally agree with Rush about "feminazis," whose amoral tactics and myopic worldview I as a dissident feminist had to battle for decades. As a student of radio and a longtime listener of Rush's show, I have gotten a wealth of pleasure and insight from him over the years. To attack Rush Limbaugh is to attack his audience -- and to intensify the loyalty of his fan base.

If Rush's presence looms too large for the political landscape, it's because of the total vacuity of the Republican leadership, which seems to be in a dithering funk. Rush isn't responsible for the feebleness of Republican voices or the thinness of Republican ideas. Only ignoramuses believe that Rush speaks for the Republican Party. On the contrary, Rush as a proponent of heartland conservatism has waged open warfare with the Washington party establishment for years.

And I'm sick of people impugning Rush's wealth and lifestyle, which is no different from that of another virtuoso broadcaster who hit it big -- Oprah Winfrey. Rush Limbaugh is an embodiment of the American dream: He slowly rose from obscurity to fame on the basis of his own talent and grit. Every penny Rush has earned was the result of his rapport with a vast audience who felt shut out and silenced by the liberal monopoly of major media. As a Democrat and Obama supporter, I certainly do not agree with everything Rush says or does. I was deeply upset, for example, by the sneering tone both Rush and Sean Hannity took on Inauguration Day, when partisan politics should have been set aside for a unifying celebration of American government and history. Nevertheless, I respect Rush for his independence of thought and his always provocative news analysis. He doesn't run with the elite -- he goes his own way.
first off, what is so extreme about that statement?
you DO know Ted is not in the best of health, right?
and the screws of Washington move slowly

Rush is a drug addict and not in the best of health himself. Is it ok to talk about his likely early demise as well? It's contemptible.

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