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Oct 10, 2021
be allowed to Pee.Without having some G-Man ask what do you think
yer up to.As you head into a Public Restroom where the entrance no longer
has MEN or WOMEN. Or even Ladies or Gents.
I mean,like enough is enough.There comes a human reaction to
law of Diminishing Returns or as Jack London warned ...
Law of Club & Fang.Or Law of the Wilderness.Where Wolves will be wolves
and Man OR Woman will have to compete in order to survive the bitter
cold and harsh surroundings.S'not knowed Government hound dog
looking to score points in order to get a pay increase or merely keep their
This is still AMERICA.
Last I checked.
" Man is a beast of prey.I shall say it again and again ....
Conflict is the original fact of life,is life itself,and not
the most pitiful pacifist is able entirely to uproot the pleasure
this gives the most inmost soul. "
- Oswald Spengler { German philosopher }
So's I take it that IF - Soul Train - { Highly popular mostly Black TV Dance show }
came back In Living Color that those attempting the Funky Chicken { Popular quirky
dance } would be engrossingly celebrated and allowed to release their
Inmost Soul.If only fir the hell of it.
I mean If one has to threaten not to pee in their pants
in order to survive a political call,what then.
Like if lunchpail Joe decides he can't make it to the
White House Kiddie Santa Clause on the lap to tell
what one wants for Christmas,then I just don't know.
What if some smart aleck kid { think young Bowery boy }
decides he wants to ask Santa to do him a favor in lieu of a
Christmas present.That when Hunter Biden comes in to act normal
and not grown up thug or Gangsta,that Santa should give him a good
sock in the kisser.What smart aleck kids could expect from Grown-ups
if gettin' too big for their britches.
Of course Lunchpail Joe would be in one hell of a pickle.
Since he ain't used to bein',let alone actin' like a Grown-up.

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