Madoff, $65 BILLION dollars stolen, $10M bond. Trump, no crime, no complaint, now $175M bond


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
How generous of them to lower the $454M down to a measely $175M.

If I had a billion dollars today and I wanted to invest it all in one state. I hired a crack team of experts to do their research and rank the 50 states in order of "best place to invest" to "most risky place to invest", where would New York land on this list?

As O'Leary said, this is not about Trump. If this was being done to Clinton, Biden or anyone else I would be just as shocked. This cannot be the way a nation operates. Once again, as Twitter was doing before, it is green lighting other authoritarian states to do as they please and then tell America "you are going to lecture us"?

Madoff said that his firm had "liabilities of approximately US$50 billion."[8][9] Prosecutors estimated the size of the fraud to be $64.8 billion, based on the amounts in the accounts of Madoff's 4,800 clients as of November 30, 2008.


On December 11, 2008, Madoff was arrested and charged with securities fraud. Madoff posted $10 million bail in December 2008
How generous of them to lower the $454M down to a measely $175M.

If I had a billion dollars today and I wanted to invest it all in one state. I hired a crack team of experts to do their research and rank the 50 states in order of "best place to invest" to "most risky place to invest", where would New York land on this list?

As O'Leary said, this is not about Trump. If this was being done to Clinton, Biden or anyone else I would be just as shocked. This cannot be the way a nation operates. Once again, as Twitter was doing before, it is green lighting other authoritarian states to do as they please and then tell America "you are going to lecture us"?

Madoff said that his firm had "liabilities of approximately US$50 billion."[8][9] Prosecutors estimated the size of the fraud to be $64.8 billion, based on the amounts in the accounts of Madoff's 4,800 clients as of November 30, 2008.


On December 11, 2008, Madoff was arrested and charged with securities fraud. Madoff posted $10 million bail in December 2008
You have confused yourself. That was criminal bail, not a surety bond.

The criminal orange slob had $0 bail each of the four times he was arrested.
How generous of them to lower the $454M down to a measely $175M.

If I had a billion dollars today and I wanted to invest it all in one state. I hired a crack team of experts to do their research and rank the 50 states in order of "best place to invest" to "most risky place to invest", where would New York land on this list?

As O'Leary said, this is not about Trump. If this was being done to Clinton, Biden or anyone else I would be just as shocked. This cannot be the way a nation operates. Once again, as Twitter was doing before, it is green lighting other authoritarian states to do as they please and then tell America "you are going to lecture us"?

Madoff said that his firm had "liabilities of approximately US$50 billion."[8][9] Prosecutors estimated the size of the fraud to be $64.8 billion, based on the amounts in the accounts of Madoff's 4,800 clients as of November 30, 2008.


On December 11, 2008, Madoff was arrested and charged with securities fraud. Madoff posted $10 million bail in December 2008
this is a bizarre rant. Reality needs to set in.

It's not about Trump the man. It's about his criminal acts.

NEW YORK (AP) — Bernard Madoff, the infamous architect of an epic securities swindle that burned thousands of investors, outfoxed regulators and earned him a 150-year prison term, died in a federal prison early Wednesday. He was 82

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