Majority of Anti-Semitic Crimes in Germany Linked to Islam - ism


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
Some get fooled by "just criticizing Israel" Taqiyya mask...

Arabism is racism.
Islamism is bigotry.

Majority of Antisemitic Crimes in Germany Related to 'Foreign' or 'Religious' Ideology
Are you surprised that so many people find the conduct of an Apartheid state that practises Ethnic Cleansing to be disgusting and unnacceptable?

Is this truly Sayiamanarse living up to his name?

If the Genocide continues, Israel risks becoming a complete Outcast --- much as the OP is a Forum Outcast for his Racism .


THE FRAUD - 'luiza'

Some get fooled by "just criticizing Israel" Taqiyya mask...

Arabism is racism.
Islamism is bigotry.

Majority of Antisemitic Crimes in Germany Related to 'Foreign' or 'Religious' Ideology
Anyone surprised that Islamic bigotry is strong since the 1920s by the mufti???
Some get fooled by "just criticizing Israel" Taqiyya mask...

Arabism is racism.
Islamism is bigotry.

Majority of Antisemitic Crimes in Germany Related to 'Foreign' or 'Religious' Ideology

Germany is a country of fools, run by fools, it has the future as Islamic Caliphate within ten years only.
In the West Germany almost all 'churches' are empty and practically dead, against that any city has at least three times more mosques as churches.
Most of West German cities are run by Muslim clans, police exist only to scary ordinary Germans, not Muslims.
Nothing can be changed, due to stop of supply the cheap Russian energy economy is dying, the majority of teenagers are Muslims, politicians are corrupt, poor educated and without any professional experience outside of politic.
Quran as the only law which will be applied soon in Germany
Germany is a country of fools, run by fools, it has the future as Islamic Caliphate within ten years only.
In the West Germany almost all 'churches' are empty and practically dead, against that any city has at least three times more mosques as churches.
Most of West German cities are run by Muslim clans, police exist only to scary ordinary Germans, not Muslims.
Nothing can be changed, due to stop of supply the cheap Russian energy economy is dying, the majority of teenagers are Muslims, politicians are corrupt, poor educated and without any professional experience outside of politic.
Quran as the only law which will be applied soon in Germany
Arab immigration brought the "new and improved" antisemitism into Germany.
Arab immigration brought the "new and improved" antisemitism into Germany.

Do you think Germans love Jews now?
They afraid of them because any wrong word can bring them to prison.
It's a good question who are more antisemitic, ordinary Germans or Arabs
Do you think Germans love Jews now?
They afraid of them because any wrong word can bring them to prison.
It's a good question who are more antisemitic, ordinary Germans or Arabs
And today, it's Arabs who admire Hitler most. Not Germans.

Not much has changed since 1941 (Jordanian ex-minister: Arabs supported Hitler because he hated Jews)
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And today, it's Arabs who admire Hitler most. Not Germans.

Not much has changed since 1941 (Jordanian ex-minister: Arabs supported Hitler because he hated Jews)

I suppose you don't got the point.
Unimportant who is more antisemitic now, Germany becomes automatically an antisemitic country soon because it will be an Islamic Shariah State in few years
I suppose you don't got the point.
Unimportant who is more antisemitic now, Germany becomes automatically an antisemitic country soon because it will be an Islamic Shariah State in few years
That too.
Germany is a country of fools, run by fools, it has the future as Islamic Caliphate within ten years only.
In the West Germany almost all 'churches' are empty and practically dead, against that any city has at least three times more mosques as churches.
Most of West German cities are run by Muslim clans, police exist only to scary ordinary Germans, not Muslims.
Nothing can be changed, due to stop of supply the cheap Russian energy economy is dying, the majority of teenagers are Muslims, politicians are corrupt, poor educated and without any professional experience outside of politic.
Quran as the only law which will be applied soon in Germany
you do not like Germany?
That racist-luiza was very busy spamming stupidity here on forums on Christmas eve, when it was weihnacht in her Germany.

Sad loser - she "it": will probably repeat the same tonight.
To Sayiamanarse

I suppose you don't got the point.
Unimportant who is more antisemitic now, Germany becomes automatically an antisemitic country soon because it will be an Islamic Shariah State in few years
If you are unaware , he is just one of the Forum Outcasts, a Troll sent here to try and deflect and manipulate .

Fortunately Sayiamanarse is not the brightest -- more a pest .
But a Racist and a fan of Ethnic Cleansing

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