Mining Fer Stupid

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Well sir, it wuz back in, ohhhh, twenty-sebenteen, I reckon, when I decided to strike out on my own to make my fame and fortune. I decided that I was a’gonna become a miner. I wuz gonna go out to Californeey and mine fer stupid!! And I dun up and did jest dat!! I hitched my old mule, Hillary, to ma old rickety wagon, loaded up ma gear, and headed west!!!

When I arrived in Californeey I purchased me a claim fer a right high penny. But then the seller decided to throw in some pervert mining rights along with the stupid rights, which dun did make it a purty good deal!! The claim was right thar smack dab in the middle of a queer lil village they called ‘San Fransisco’.

I immediately set out to mine fer stupid there. Man, let me tells ya, thar wuz stupid everwhere!!! They had them sum DAs who refused to prosecute violent crimes agin law-abiding, taxpaying citizens. They had them homeless camps runnin’ amok, and plagued with illegal drug use and trade, and human trafficking (i.e., hoin’ and pimpin’). All da politicians were black and they wuz all either on duh take, or greasing their pockets with embezzled tax payer money!! And despite all of dis here stupidity, them thar locals just a’kept putting the same scum back inta office, thus perpetuating the doom and gloom. Thar was DEI and CRT, and a bunch of other stoopid racist shit too!!! THAT THAR IS SOME REAL STOOOPID!!!! YEE HAWWWW!!!!!!

I wuld be remiss if’n I didn’t mention something else. As I dun did said, I also purchase me the rights on perverts. Once I got up and running on the mining operation fer stupid, I was able to hire me sum help to do sum of that thar mining for perverts. Now, I ain’t experienced in that thar pervert market, so I dun up and hired me sum of them thar local San Franciscoean perverts to heps me.

Lord have mercy!! Jest as soon as my pervert mining started, it took off and started yielding results comparable to my stupid mine!!! San Franny is chock full of them thar PERVERTS!!! Thar is tranny sexuals, nonsexuals, poly sexuals, bisexuals, gay-o-sexuals, lesbo sexuals, ….Hell, them weirdos outnumber the normies out thar!!!!

Yessiree!! I dun struck it rich out thar in San Fran mining fer the stupid and perverts!!!! They is a bottomless well of both of them out thar!!!! Thar’s more stupid and perverts than you can shake a pecker at, thar is!!
You misspelled "preverts". :lol:


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