Mission creep: Will pier become a beachhead for US in Gaza?

The Gaza Pier Situation is tenuous and a possible set up for Beirut Barracks 2.0

10 May 2024 ~~ By John Mills

As the American domestic scene is distracted by the sudden appearance of the Palestinian “protesters” (née Antifers, née violent Transgenders, née Trust Fund malcontents), the Gaza Pier building exercise has been out of the spotlight. The real question should be, after at least 15 years of about a $1 Billion Dollars of year of funding donated directly to the UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) – why has a modern port not already been made in Gaza? For some reason $1 Billion Dollars a year was not enough to at least have a simple seaport and pier.
The Biden Team made a policy decision to generate and deploy U.S. Army and U.S. Navy resources to create such a pier.
On April 24, the site of the pier building exercise came under fire and received two incoming mortar rounds. No injuries were reported, and assembly and construction continued. The Biden Team has insisted that no American Boots will be placed on the ground. It is hard to believe that during JLOTS (Joint Logistics Over The Shore) Operations no U.S. Military personnel will step onto the beach, which defies the meaning of the JLOTS acronym. There seems to be some creative wordsmithing going on.
The Biden Team seems to be slow walking ammunition to the Israelis – possibly because another Rob Malley like, collaborator has been found in the Biden Team at the highest levels. His name is Maher Bitar and he is now Senior Director for Intelligence on the National Security Council. Maher has a long track record of extremist behavior, including amazingly working at the corrupt UNRWA.
Israel is very close to finishing off Hamas and will, despite the interference of the Biden Team. This war has to be put in context and is part of the worldwide orchestrated Chinese campaign to topple America, so even when Hamas falls, there will be a next phase of battle in the Middle East Theater of Operations and the Gaza Pier is a vulnerable target for terrorists seeking to attack Americans.

Israel needs to finish this. They need to disregard what the Joe and the Democrat Beo-Marxist anti-semetic Left says and finish it.
Biden is giving aid to so called refugees as a cover for arming Hamas terrorists and selling arms to Israel at the same time?
Biden is supporting a designated terrorist organization? I hope Israel bombs it into tiny little pieces.

Mission creep:
Will pier become a beachhead for US in Gaza?

Experts say a dearth of details and seeming lack of concern over security
is raising hackles about sea aid project.
13 Mar 2024 ~~ By Kelly Beuacar Vlahos

The Pentagon’s plan for floating piers and a causeway to surge humanitarian aid into Gaza is drawing fire from military experts for its lack of detail, potential danger to U.S. troops, and risk of mission creep. Bottom line, it’s a bit of a head-scratcher.

“Biden is committing the United States military to conducting a highly complex, very expensive, low-production operation to bring food into the strip — when Biden could massively increase the amount of food into the strip with far less effort or expense: demand that Israel merely open the damn gates and roll the hundreds of trucks awaiting entry right now. Today,” exclaimed (Ret.) Lt. Col. Daniel Davis, senior fellow at Defense Priorities, in an exchange with RS.
“This is an absurd idea, on so many levels,” Davis added.

There is no substantial shortage of food in Gaza district, other than that created by Hamas stealing most of the free food we’ve been sending (and then selling it for high prices to their “own” Arab people)
When the IDF eliminates the last of Hamas, both food prices and the Palestinian Occupation of the district will be improved appreciably.
Simply Joe Biden fears the loss of Michigan therefore he's pandering and offering aid and comfort to the terroristsby offering a semblance of relief to Hamas.
The elephant in the room is simply, once the port is built, will the empty supply ships be used to transport Hamas and Palestinians to Europe and the U.S.?
Just how many Hamas terrorists are we going to import when Biden announces we are taking an unlimited number of Gaza residents into America?
This pier could also be used to remove Palestinians from Gaza which has likely been the plan in DC all along:

Temporary Gaza port could be used to displace Palestinians, politician warns

"A Palestinian politician on Thursday voiced concerns about a planned pier to deliver humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip being used to displace Palestinians from the enclave.

"'The proposed pier will be under Israeli control and may be used to perpetuate the reoccupation of Gaza,' Mustafa Barghouti, secretary-general of the Palestinian National Initiative, said in a statement"

Mission creep:
Will pier become a beachhead for US in Gaza?

Experts say a dearth of details and seeming lack of concern over security
is raising hackles about sea aid project.
13 Mar 2024 ~~ By Kelly Beuacar Vlahos

The Pentagon’s plan for floating piers and a causeway to surge humanitarian aid into Gaza is drawing fire from military experts for its lack of detail, potential danger to U.S. troops, and risk of mission creep. Bottom line, it’s a bit of a head-scratcher.

“Biden is committing the United States military to conducting a highly complex, very expensive, low-production operation to bring food into the strip — when Biden could massively increase the amount of food into the strip with far less effort or expense: demand that Israel merely open the damn gates and roll the hundreds of trucks awaiting entry right now. Today,” exclaimed (Ret.) Lt. Col. Daniel Davis, senior fellow at Defense Priorities, in an exchange with RS.
“This is an absurd idea, on so many levels,” Davis added.

There is no substantial shortage of food in Gaza district, other than that created by Hamas stealing most of the free food we’ve been sending (and then selling it for high prices to their “own” Arab people)
When the IDF eliminates the last of Hamas, both food prices and the Palestinian Occupation of the district will be improved appreciably.
Simply Joe Biden fears the loss of Michigan therefore he's pandering and offering aid and comfort to the terroristsby offering a semblance of relief to Hamas.
The elephant in the room is simply, once the port is built, will the empty supply ships be used to transport Hamas and Palestinians to Europe and the U.S.?
Just how many Hamas terrorists are we going to import when Biden announces we are taking an unlimited number of Gaza residents into America?
no boots on the ground. just boots near the ground.
This pier could also be used to remove Palestinians from Gaza which has likely been the plan in DC all along:

Temporary Gaza port could be used to displace Palestinians, politician warns

"A Palestinian politician on Thursday voiced concerns about a planned pier to deliver humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip being used to displace Palestinians from the enclave.

"'The proposed pier will be under Israeli control and may be used to perpetuate the reoccupation of Gaza,' Mustafa Barghouti, secretary-general of the Palestinian National Initiative, said in a statement"
Hope da fuck so. Send all of them to Iran
This pier could also be used to remove Palestinians from Gaza which has likely been the plan in DC all along:

Temporary Gaza port could be used to displace Palestinians, politician warns

"A Palestinian politician on Thursday voiced concerns about a planned pier to deliver humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip being used to displace Palestinians from the enclave.

"'The proposed pier will be under Israeli control and may be used to perpetuate the reoccupation of Gaza,' Mustafa Barghouti, secretary-general of the Palestinian National Initiative, said in a statement"
oh gee----another islamo nazi fantasy
oh gee----another islamo nazi fantasy
Another land grab by greedy Jews :auiqs.jpg:
Aren't you proud?

Temporary Gaza port could be used to displace Palestinians, politician warns

"The Israeli war has pushed 85% of Gaza’s population into internal displacement amid acute shortages of food, clean water, and medicine, while most of the enclave's infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed, according to the UN.

"Israel stands accused of genocide at the International Court of Justice, which in an interim ruling in January ordered Tel Aviv to stop genocidal acts and take measures to guarantee that humanitarian assistance is provided to civilians in Gaza."
Hope da fuck so. Send all of them to Iran
There's plenty of room in Galilee

Another land grab by greedy Jews :auiqs.jpg:
Aren't you proud?

Temporary Gaza port could be used to displace Palestinians, politician warns

"The Israeli war has pushed 85% of Gaza’s population into internal displacement amid acute shortages of food, clean water, and medicine, while most of the enclave's infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed, according to the UN.

"Israel stands accused of genocide at the International Court of Justice, which in an interim ruling in January ordered Tel Aviv to stop genocidal acts and take measures to guarantee that humanitarian assistance is provided to civilians in Gaza."
"LAND GRAB" yet another islamo nazi meme. For the record----the IBERIAN PENNINSULA is the manifestation of a HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE
LAND GRAB. I learned islamic history from muslims. Among the
real nefarious "LAND GRABBERS" in history are-----try to guess-----ok?
~~~~~~~~ no clue? THE DESPISED CRUSADERS. just as bad as
DA HINDOOOOS who imagine that they have rights in the 'indian' SUB-
"LAND GRAB" yet another islamo nazi meme. For the record----the IBERIAN PENNINSULA is the manifestation of a HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE
LAND GRAB. I learned islamic history from muslims. Among the
real nefarious "LAND GRABBERS" in history are-----try to guess-----ok?
~~~~~~~~ no clue? THE DESPISED CRUSADERS. just as bad as
DA HINDOOOOS who imagine that they have rights in the 'indian' SUB-
GP is stumped again
"LAND GRAB" yet another islamo nazi meme. For the record----the IBERIAN PENNINSULA is the manifestation of a HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE
LAND GRAB. I learned islamic history from muslims. Among the
real nefarious "LAND GRABBERS" in history are-----try to guess-----ok?
~~~~~~~~ no clue? THE DESPISED CRUSADERS. just as bad as
DA HINDOOOOS who imagine that they have rights in the 'indian' SUB-
Still no answer to

Landgrab: Israel's motive in Gaza
the islamo nazi map. According to the islamo nazi map, SPAIN is
MUSLIM LAND. In fact---even France is MUSLIM LAND. For the record---
PALESTINE was JUDEA for the past 2500 years----but a son-in-law of
muhummad pulled an OCT 7, 2023 on Jerusalem 636 AD. David bought
Jerusalem-----Umar did it the OCT 7 way----something like Al Nabi Adolf
did AUSTRIA. AL Nabi Adolf admired islam-----he was a bit disgusted
with christianity----TOOO JOOOOISH

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