More people at National Mall for women's march than inauguration

The rest of the world is only worried about some foreign aid getting cut. And, it's about time.

Total poppycock. Their worried that a misogynistic, racist, disabled-mocking loser is in office who has no class, is dumb as a bag of hammers, and is a narcissistic tosspot. That is what they are worried about. And just so you know, most of those countries get no aid from you. Another myth the deplorables have made up.
That will change when Europe goes full blown nationalist this year.

I think the US has taught the world a lesson. It won't go nationalist now that people see how bad things can turn out. 700 demonstrations around the world today. Not 1 pro-inauguration rally yesterday. 700-0......Yeah, he's a real popular guy...
did it change anything?....just asking...

No. However, how about we talk in 2018....I wonder how many GoP senators and congress critters up for election will be shitting their pants by then. I'm thinking most....
Right now they have more pressing concerns. They have a populist president with a protectionist pledge and a promise to return the power back to the people.
Because it is important. He is a populist president with a protectionist pledge and a promise to return the power back to the people. What's not to like?

The only thing Donald Trump has ever cared about is Donald Trump. Period. You're about to find that out.
Even if that's true, how are Hillary or Obama any better? In his farewell address Obama used the word "I" 47 times. Trump used it 2 times in his inaugural address. That demonstrates just how self centered Obama is.
The rest of the world is only worried about some foreign aid getting cut. And, it's about time.

Total poppycock. Their worried that a misogynistic, racist, disabled-mocking loser is in office who has no class, is dumb as a bag of hammers, and is a narcissistic tosspot. That is what they are worried about. And just so you know, most of those countries get no aid from you. Another myth the deplorables have made up.
The rest of the world should be worried. We have a populist president with a protectionist pledge.
The rest of the world is only worried about some foreign aid getting cut. And, it's about time.

Total poppycock. Their worried that a misogynistic, racist, disabled-mocking loser is in office who has no class, is dumb as a bag of hammers, and is a narcissistic tosspot. That is what they are worried about. And just so you know, most of those countries get no aid from you. Another myth the deplorables have made up.
None of that is true. He's so dumb he beat the genius Hillary.

The rest of the world is only worried about some foreign aid getting cut. And, it's about time.

Total poppycock. Their worried that a misogynistic, racist, disabled-mocking loser is in office who has no class, is dumb as a bag of hammers, and is a narcissistic tosspot. That is what they are worried about. And just so you know, most of those countries get no aid from you. Another myth the deplorables have made up.
The rest of the world should be worried. We have a populist president with a protectionist pledge.
Yep, all the countries looting American blind, like China, should be worried. The gravy train is over.
That will change when Europe goes full blown nationalist this year.

I think the US has taught the world a lesson. It won't go nationalist now that people see how bad things can turn out. 700 demonstrations around the world today. Not 1 pro-inauguration rally yesterday. 700-0......Yeah, he's a real popular guy...
did it change anything?....just asking...

No. However, how about we talk in 2018....I wonder how many GoP senators and congress critters up for election will be shitting their pants by then. I'm thinking most....
and if this guy turns out to be a decent president who was mostly all bluster and talk.....will we see you here admitting that Doc?...
That will change when Europe goes full blown nationalist this year.

I think the US has taught the world a lesson. It won't go nationalist now that people see how bad things can turn out. 700 demonstrations around the world today. Not 1 pro-inauguration rally yesterday. 700-0......Yeah, he's a real popular guy...
did it change anything?....just asking...

No. However, how about we talk in 2018....I wonder how many GoP senators and congress critters up for election will be shitting their pants by then. I'm thinking most....
Barely any GOP senators are up, moron.

It is your turn to defend your seats and lose a bunch of them.

They must be patient 'grasshoppers' to have any chance of success.....agree, they have to really wait until 2020. By then, two conservative SCOTUS justices will be in place. Poor, poor, grasshoppers...........
Barely any GOP senators are up, moron.

It is your turn to defend your seats and lose a bunch of them.

They only need four, loser...
And no, Trump is gonna cost you big time...
That's pretty much the only argument you have remaining. You can't say Americans have sent a message because that didn't happen. You can't say that the Democratic Party has regrouped and rallied around a leader because that hasn't happened either. So you are left with wait and see arguments. The last line of defense, lol.
None of that is true. He's so dumb he beat the genius Hillary.

Oh shut up my little bald fat friend. Hillary beat herself. Sanders beat Hillary.
None of it true? So he didn't talk about grabbing pussies will Billy Bush. So he didn't mock the disabled reporter. Must be hallucinating again..
Do you dirtbags ever tire of using the same discredited talking points over and over again?
and if this guy turns out to be a decent president who was mostly all bluster and talk.....will we see you here admitting that Doc?...

Absolutely. I have already said on a couple of occasions on here that he deserves at least six months to see how he goes. That's six months longer than the neocon loons gave Obama.

Than again, us normal people are agreeable.

I will say this though - even if he does put up some good policies and legislation, that doesn't make him a good person. He is a still a despicable human being. I always thought Bubba was a great president. Terrible person though. Unfortunately Trump isn't even in the ball park compared to Bubba when it comes to intelligence.
That's pretty much the only argument you have remaining. You can't say Americans have sent a message because that didn't happen. You can't say that the Democratic Party has regrouped and rallied around a leader because that hasn't happened either. So you are left with wait and see arguments. The last line of defense, lol.

700 protests in the US and around the world. Never ever happened under any other president. Ever. That is the good news about The Orange Buffoon. He has galvanised everybody.... I am honestly surprised at the number of demonstrations. Just thought it was a couple of hundred thousand in Washington. He is universally despised. Rightfully so, too...he is a disgusting human being. And you voted for him. Well I know what you stand for.

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