Moscow subway station looking absolutely beautiful. Unlike the filthy and dangerous New York City subway.

Loyal Peasants Aren't Loyal to the Peasantry

The KKK is classist, which makes it the enemy of 99% of White people. I asked a Klansman who had been shot in the stomach fighting the Communists how he could ever support Deserter Dubya, who had his Daddy get him out of fighting. He didn't come up with usual Chickenhawk-loving evasion, he flat-out said, "That's his privilege."

All you race traitors have is strawmen. You, too, are classists. This present Reconstruction started with the Kennedys, who would have been nobodies without their Daddy's Money.
Sure. So, weekend all good? Did all the crosses burn well in this bad weather or did you guys have to add some sort of lighter fuel?
That means no I have never been on one.

i've ridden it more times than you'll ever know. Just pointing out a simple fact that videos provide ppl with all they need to know. 🤷‍♀️ I guess the fact that you're trying to defend nyc subways means you obviously haven't been in them at all.
WHY would an AMERICAN go out of their way to brag on a commie subway?
, And then trash an AMERICAN subway?

This is quite normal in Europe, similar to London Underground.


Los Angeles' subway station looks as clean as the Moscow counterpart.

Moscow subway station looking absolutely beautiful. Unlike the filthy and dangerous New York City subway.​

I have been to every Eastern European nation, some of them during the Cold War, some of them after the Cold War, and even some both during and after the Cold War. They used to be damp, grey, and dreary, with industrial filth in the air making your "snot" black, and badly heated buildings .... all of that during the Cold War. But what I never saw during any period (even now) is litter or graffiti. I don't why that is but my guess is that Slavic people just don't see any gratification in making their environment nasty. It's like, "What's the fun in that? What pleasure is there in scumming up my town/city?" But that begs the question of why Westerners find joy or positive recognition in defacing their country. I don't know why. Do you?
This is the truth there are no screaming drug addicts on the Russian subway.
I think we need an explanation of what a screaming drug addict is. Heroine addicts and glue-sniffers (particularly among the gypsies) are - these days -pretty much commonplace in "the East", normally found in dark alleyways and around railway stations, and most certainly in areas of prostitution. I don't want to make any deep political conclusions but during the Communist era, everyone had a job. It was illegal not to be employed and the state made sure there were enough jobs to go around and made sure that you had one.

I see a correlation between unemployment and drug abuse. My wife, by the way, was born in Czechoslovakia and through her eyes, I have been able to connect the dots between my personal (but outside) observations and her personal, inside observations. Communism wasn't all bad. :confused: There were some positive perks too.
There is more to this. A half century ago or more we went from real infrastructure to human infrastructure. A massive transition of revenue. Government, monopoly and union Employees in many areas saw salary increases with benefits if they did not have it already. Social programs were instituted and shot up like a rocket. Schools and local public transportation were/are so expensive that regional and state taxes were instituted and sent to cities from semi-rural and rural areas. Cities survive on regional, state and federal taxes now. You want to fix it. Freeze all social programs and all employees affected for at least 4 years. Perhaps longer. Money will pour in, and renovations of areas needed will happen as fast as they can. This is truth. It will not happen until there is no choice.

So social programs are why we have no bullet trains? Yeah, let's get rid of medicare, medicaid, social security, disability, etc so we can become more like Russia. Why can't we just be smart and start making billionaires and multinational corporations pay their fair share in taxes? hmm? Let's start there first shall we? Let's put a tiny tax on stock speculation and generate trillions. Let's stop republicans from manufacturing wars for us to get into, and let's stop electing republican presidents, one dumber than the next into office. Social programs have been around for ages. We didn't start generating a deficit till after 2002. Gee, I wonder happened around that time. Then it literally fell through the roof right after 2019 and only shot up at the end of 2021 and start of 2022.
Right wingers really admire the strongman and his tactics, Like this thread, gushing over a clean subway. It's fascinating to watch their descent into immorality and authoritarianism, in real time..
Clean and SAFE subway. Objecting to being thrown into the path of an oncoming train is surely and certainly immoral.

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