MT Couple Faces Arrest for Not Supporting Child's Gender Transition, Making Video of Plight

Where is the SCIENCE that a CHILD's wish and desire for a "gender transition" is both a real decision they are capable of making at that age AND not just a manifestation of deep seated mental or emotional illness?

And if the former, then why do 40% of these transitioners later regret the decision and want to commit suicide, and if the former, where were all these transition-needy kids 20 years ago? 50 years ago? 5 years ago?
At a congressional hearing, I’ll find out if I can, a transgender activist, was asked about the science. Instead of science, she cited “best practices“. Those are the “best practices“ determined by the very people that profit from these child mutilations.

The science is either nonexistent or absolutely does not support their case for child, hormonal, ation, and surgical ation of what is most often a very temporary and minor gender confusion.

Sad to say, but the hope for these kids may be in cases like this where the movement goes too far even for modern progress. But that’s assuming that modern progressives have at least a little bit of human decency left.

Progressive, what say you? Am I counting on decency that no longer exist?
The evidence suggests he didn't ingest anything, may be a cry for help, may be attention seeking, but mutilating the genitals is not the help needed!

Well, the first part is whether the state should get involved. He claimed he wanted to commit suicide due to what his parents were doing. That's the sort of thing the state does get involved in.

As for the second, I don't believe kids should be able to have trans surgery at all.
Well, the first part is whether the state should get involved. He claimed he wanted to commit suicide due to what his parents were doing. That's the sort of thing the state does get involved in.

As for the second, I don't believe kids should be able to have trans surgery at all.
Some kids will say that if you make them eat their vegetables now days, or if you tell them to turn of their video games or take their phone.
Kudos for your belief that kids should not mutilate themselves
Some kids will say that if you make them eat their vegetables now days, or if you tell them to turn of their video games or take their phone.
Kudos for your belief that kids should not mutilate themselves

Maybe, but not many.

And clearly if kids are saying such things, then perhaps there needs to be someone checking to see if things are going well or not.
The video told the details of their plight to the public. One of communism's first goals is to destroy family structure, as it competes with the authority of the state.

The Biden effect just keeps on giving.

Kolstad Family Faces Imminent Arrest Amid Legal Battle After Losing Custody of Daughter in Gender Transition Dispute | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

Krista and Todd Kolstad have been informed that they will be arrested upon returning to Montana, the family’s spokesperson told The Gateway Pundit.

This news comes amidst allegations that Governor Greg Gianforte (R-MO) is orchestrating a smear campaign against the family, accusing them of being unfit parents after they refused to send their 14-year-old daughter out of state for mental health care.

The Kolstad family has been in the spotlight after their daughter, Jennifer, who now wished to be called “Leo” and use male pronouns, was taken into state custody.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that their daughter was transported to Wyoming, a state with different laws regarding the medical transition of minors, by the Montana CPS for treatment of her sudden onset “gender dysphoria,” despite the parents’ express disapproval.

In August 2023, police informed the Kolstads of a text message from their daughter claiming she was suicidal. They were notified by police that their daughter had allegedly ingested drain cleaner and taken an overdose of ibuprofen.

The hospital found no evidence of drain cleaner and ibuprofen, which was later confirmed by a negative toxicology report. Despite this, Jennifer was admitted for observation.

“The hospital continued to call our daughter Leo, even though she’s a minor, and after I stated it’s against our wishes, our religion, and our core family values, the hospital told me to call their lawyer if I have an issue, as they will do what the patient tells them,” Krista Koldstad said in a video.

Mod Edit. Do not post the entire article, only an excerpt.
Pure evil!!

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