My Fellow American, We Are Facing Some Serious Times Ahead

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
I have my dinner around 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm. I used to watch the news while I ate. I would either watch Fox News, the leftist crud (to see what kind of shenanigans they were up to) or the business/financial news. But now it is such that all of these sources have metastasized into propaganda and sensationalism. Most nights I just cannot take it and have to watch shows about gold mining or UFOs or pimple popping or, God forbid, ghosts. Thankfully, and directly the result of God’s mercy, baseball season is about to begin.

The fact is, most right-minded folks are just tired of hearing all this bullshit. This is most true about leftist messaging. Nobody but complete idiots and brain-washed shills believe the following matters continuously pimped by the left:

J6 was an insurrection

Trump is an insurrectionist

Trump is threating civil war

Women can have penises

The American economy is in great shape

Biden is a great president

EVs are our future

Humans are destroying the environment

There is a Palestinian homeland

Putin is manipulating our elections

Obama was a great president

Those are listed only as examples. Frankly, leftist bullshit is far too ubiquitous to list all of it. The point is, a LOT of Americans do not buy into this crap and are sick of it. It is so over-the-top now that even the so-called “independent” voters are getting sick of it. This spells big trouble for the slag creeps on the left.

I obviously follow politics and world events. But sometimes I need a break. I suspect that most others feel this way too from time to time. The fact is, we have shit to do. We have jobs, kids, personal lives, hobbies, etc… But unfortunately, some of us are too stupid to understand why J6 was not an “insurrection” or why abortion is not “reproductive healthcare”. They are vulnerable to letting such nonsense sink into their soft little skulls because they do not have time to critically analyze, or they simply lack the ability altogether.

It is much easier to just listen to various scenarios and adopt one of them, usually based upon how your ego directs you to want to be perceived by others. For example, you are a typical 40 yr old Karen from the northeast. You want to seem like a hip gal with leftist views. You are vehemently against capital punishment for violent offenders, but you will fight to the death for the right to murder unborn babies. There are millions of people like this in America, unfortunately, who are dumber than the day is long. Ironically, they view themselves as superior. Why? Well, that is part of the propagandizing.

So this stupid Karen listens to CNN every night while exercising on her Peloton thingy so she can look good for her boyfriend the next day. Meanwhile, her cuck hubby is busy with the kids. The dummy just absorbs the background indoctrination like a sponge soaking up piss on the men’s room floor at a truck stop. Pretty soon, she become a mindless follower of the narrative that J6 was a coup attempt masterminded by Trump to overthrow DuhMockriSey! In fact, she is so invested in it that she manifests emotive responses to everything she encountered contrasaid narrative.

Let’s be clear here. If you are having emotional responses to being exposed to differing points of view, then you have got a big problem. The clinical term for this is “fuck-up”. We see it a lot in TDS people. We sometimes refer to it as “triggered”. But all it really is is a childish narcissistic response to not having your way.

Moreover, people are drawn to narratives (like turds to a toilet) because it provides for them an entire world view without having to exercise their puny little brains one bit!! Everything is seen through the lens of the narrative. For example, if you are a CNN-TDS narrative zombie, and are told that Trump just said in a speech that if Biden’s economic policies continue then there will be a blood bath in the American auto industry, you immediately know, without one synapse in your brain having to pop, that Trump was threatening a bloody revolution in America if he is not elected in November! You did not have to even bother your little brain to know this!

Leftist narratives are crafted for idiots. Without idiots, there would be no Democrat Party today. Further, today’s Democrat Party is a far cry from what it was 20-30 years ago. As disgusting as yesteryear’s liberal Democrats were (and they were disgusting), at least they pledge allegiance to the American flag. Today’s Democrats are anti-American punks who are openly hostile to the Constitution. This is not good. In normal times, it would not exist. But today is not a normal time. Today the leftists are funded by huge corporations and they have almost complete control of the media. Therefore, things once thought to be bizarre and unheard of are today commonplace (like Tampon machines in men’s rooms, etc…).

Here is what I fear. What if Biden gets another 80-plus million votes again this time around? Most of us will have a very hard time believing that the electoral process had not been compromised. It would require having trust for both the Democrats and the media. Nobody in their right minds trusts these two, though.

Despite the fact that the 2024 election will be viewed under a microscope, the Dems are still scared of Trump voters and of the fact that independents are turning on their ridiculous bullshit narratives. So, they will be motivated to cheat like they always do. Let’s face it, Democrats have a long, long history of electoral misconduct that started decades ago. Secondly, the left and their zombies think it is ok to do this if it keeps bad-man Trump-Hitler from being elected … because Duh-MockRisEsy and stuff. There are Dems who even feel they have a duty to cheat to prevent Trump from being elected.

So, what are we going to do when Biden wins in 2024 by receiving 500 million votes? If the election is questioned, we will be locked up for sedition. But if the result is illicit, then we have a duty to question the legitimacy of the regime. And what if Trump wins? I have always suspected, and believe, that any civil war that may develop in our future will be commenced by those on the left. Us on the right are generally non-violent folks. We all know this. You can “Whatabout…whatabout…whatabout…” all you want, but you know it is true.

Thus, if Trump wins, then we better be ready for the leftist maggots to engage. We cannot rely upon federal law enforcement either. They are corrupt. But, if Biden wins by 10,000 bazillion votes, then there will be some very rational, very upset folks out there. When turned away by leftist apparatchiks, they are going to become frustrated. How will they be treated by the goobermint, and how will that cause them to react?

We have some potentially serious shit ahead of us, fellow Americans
TL;DR version:

I have my dinner around 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm. I used to watch the news while I ate. I would either watch Fox News, the leftist crud (to see what kind of shenanigans they were up to) or the business/financial news. But now it is such that all of these sources have metastasized into propaganda and sensationalism. Most nights I just cannot take it and have to watch shows about gold mining or UFOs or pimple popping or, God forbid, ghosts. Thankfully, and directly the result of God’s mercy, baseball season is about to begin.

The fact is, most right-minded folks are just tired of hearing all this bullshit. This is most true about leftist messaging. Nobody but complete idiots and brain-washed shills believe the following matters continuously pimped by the left:

J6 was an insurrection

Trump is an insurrectionist

Trump is threating civil war

Women can have penises

The American economy is in great shape

Biden is a great president

EVs are our future

Humans are destroying the environment

There is a Palestinian homeland

Putin is manipulating our elections

Obama was a great president

Those are listed only as examples. Frankly, leftist bullshit is far too ubiquitous to list all of it. The point is, a LOT of Americans do not buy into this crap and are sick of it. It is so over-the-top now that even the so-called “independent” voters are getting sick of it. This spells big trouble for the slag creeps on the left.

I obviously follow politics and world events. But sometimes I need a break. I suspect that most others feel this way too from time to time. The fact is, we have shit to do. We have jobs, kids, personal lives, hobbies, etc… But unfortunately, some of us are too stupid to understand why J6 was not an “insurrection” or why abortion is not “reproductive healthcare”. They are vulnerable to letting such nonsense sink into their soft little skulls because they do not have time to critically analyze, or they simply lack the ability altogether.

It is much easier to just listen to various scenarios and adopt one of them, usually based upon how your ego directs you to want to be perceived by others. For example, you are a typical 40 yr old Karen from the northeast. You want to seem like a hip gal with leftist views. You are vehemently against capital punishment for violent offenders, but you will fight to the death for the right to murder unborn babies. There are millions of people like this in America, unfortunately, who are dumber than the day is long. Ironically, they view themselves as superior. Why? Well, that is part of the propagandizing.

So this stupid Karen listens to CNN every night while exercising on her Peloton thingy so she can look good for her boyfriend the next day. Meanwhile, her cuck hubby is busy with the kids. The dummy just absorbs the background indoctrination like a sponge soaking up piss on the men’s room floor at a truck stop. Pretty soon, she become a mindless follower of the narrative that J6 was a coup attempt masterminded by Trump to overthrow DuhMockriSey! In fact, she is so invested in it that she manifests emotive responses to everything she encountered contrasaid narrative.

Let’s be clear here. If you are having emotional responses to being exposed to differing points of view, then you have got a big problem. The clinical term for this is “fuck-up”. We see it a lot in TDS people. We sometimes refer to it as “triggered”. But all it really is is a childish narcissistic response to not having your way.

Moreover, people are drawn to narratives (like turds to a toilet) because it provides for them an entire world view without having to exercise their puny little brains one bit!! Everything is seen through the lens of the narrative. For example, if you are a CNN-TDS narrative zombie, and are told that Trump just said in a speech that if Biden’s economic policies continue then there will be a blood bath in the American auto industry, you immediately know, without one synapse in your brain having to pop, that Trump was threatening a bloody revolution in America if he is not elected in November! You did not have to even bother your little brain to know this!

Leftist narratives are crafted for idiots. Without idiots, there would be no Democrat Party today. Further, today’s Democrat Party is a far cry from what it was 20-30 years ago. As disgusting as yesteryear’s liberal Democrats were (and they were disgusting), at least they pledge allegiance to the American flag. Today’s Democrats are anti-American punks who are openly hostile to the Constitution. This is not good. In normal times, it would not exist. But today is not a normal time. Today the leftists are funded by huge corporations and they have almost complete control of the media. Therefore, things once thought to be bizarre and unheard of are today commonplace (like Tampon machines in men’s rooms, etc…).

Here is what I fear. What if Biden gets another 80-plus million votes again this time around? Most of us will have a very hard time believing that the electoral process had not been compromised. It would require having trust for both the Democrats and the media. Nobody in their right minds trusts these two, though.

Despite the fact that the 2024 election will be viewed under a microscope, the Dems are still scared of Trump voters and of the fact that independents are turning on their ridiculous bullshit narratives. So, they will be motivated to cheat like they always do. Let’s face it, Democrats have a long, long history of electoral misconduct that started decades ago. Secondly, the left and their zombies think it is ok to do this if it keeps bad-man Trump-Hitler from being elected … because Duh-MockRisEsy and stuff. There are Dems who even feel they have a duty to cheat to prevent Trump from being elected.

So, what are we going to do when Biden wins in 2024 by receiving 500 million votes? If the election is questioned, we will be locked up for sedition. But if the result is illicit, then we have a duty to question the legitimacy of the regime. And what if Trump wins? I have always suspected, and believe, that any civil war that may develop in our future will be commenced by those on the left. Us on the right are generally non-violent folks. We all know this. You can “Whatabout…whatabout…whatabout…” all you want, but you know it is true.

Thus, if Trump wins, then we better be ready for the leftist maggots to engage. We cannot rely upon federal law enforcement either. They are corrupt. But, if Biden wins by 10,000 bazillion votes, then there will be some very rational, very upset folks out there. When turned away by leftist apparatchiks, they are going to become frustrated. How will they be treated by the goobermint, and how will that cause them to react?

We have some potentially serious shit ahead of us, fellow Americans
Send Trump packing in November and then we can get back to maybe something approaching normal.
Someone said earlier that historians in the future will marvel at the fact that this asshole was able to screw up our country and politics for so long. :)
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  • #4
Send Trump packing in November and then we can get back to maybe something approaching normal.
Someone said earlier that historians in the future will marvel at the fact that this asshole was able to screw up our country and politics for so long. :)
Normal? Like chicks with dicks, neo-Marxism, and eroding world order? FO, dude. 🖕🏻
Normal? Like chicks with dicks, neo-Marxism, and eroding world order? FO, dude. 🖕🏻
I don't care about your weekend Internet proclivities. You spend an inordinate amount of time obsessing over this shit. Repressed much? :)

Trump's gonna get the hand again in November.

The question is, how will true believers like you respond?
Not well, I hope. :auiqs.jpg:
  • Thread starter
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  • #6
I don't care about your weekend Internet proclivities. You spend an inordinate amount of time obsessing over this shit. Repressed much? :)

Trump's gonna get the hand again in November.

The question is, how will true believers like you respond?
Not well, I hope. :auiqs.jpg:
That’s a lot of deflection going on there, Jack-off.
quote: "
For example, you are a typical 40 yr old Karen from the northeast. You want to seem like a hip gal with leftist views. You are vehemently against capital punishment for violent offenders, but you will fight to the death for the right to murder unborn babies. There are millions of people like this in America, unfortunately, who are dumber than the day is long. Ironically, they view themselves as superior. Why? Well, that is part of the propagandizing.

So this stupid Karen listens to CNN every night while exercising on her Peloton thingy so she can look good for her boyfriend the next day. Meanwhile, her cuck hubby is busy with the kids."
I don't care about your weekend Internet proclivities. You spend an inordinate amount of time obsessing over this shit. Repressed much? :)

Trump's gonna get the hand again in November.

The question is, how will true believers like you respond?
Not well, I hope. :auiqs.jpg:
The New World Order Globalists are not the Star Trek everyone prospers globalist world. The United States has to decline to uplift other nations. And we slowly are.
They might call it "news" but it's not really news on any major media channel. It's pretty much all political opinion and I'm tired of it. I can only take a few small doses and then I watch a true crime story or pretty much staged reality shows when I can't find a Duke Wayne movie.
I have my dinner around 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm. I used to watch the news while I ate. I would either watch Fox News, the leftist crud (to see what kind of shenanigans they were up to) or the business/financial news. But now it is such that all of these sources have metastasized into propaganda and sensationalism. Most nights I just cannot take it and have to watch shows about gold mining or UFOs or pimple popping or, God forbid, ghosts. Thankfully, and directly the result of God’s mercy, baseball season is about to begin.

The fact is, most right-minded folks are just tired of hearing all this bullshit. This is most true about leftist messaging. Nobody but complete idiots and brain-washed shills believe the following matters continuously pimped by the left:

J6 was an insurrection

Trump is an insurrectionist

Trump is threating civil war

Women can have penises

The American economy is in great shape

Biden is a great president

EVs are our future

Humans are destroying the environment

There is a Palestinian homeland

Putin is manipulating our elections

Obama was a great president

Those are listed only as examples. Frankly, leftist bullshit is far too ubiquitous to list all of it. The point is, a LOT of Americans do not buy into this crap and are sick of it. It is so over-the-top now that even the so-called “independent” voters are getting sick of it. This spells big trouble for the slag creeps on the left.

I obviously follow politics and world events. But sometimes I need a break. I suspect that most others feel this way too from time to time. The fact is, we have shit to do. We have jobs, kids, personal lives, hobbies, etc… But unfortunately, some of us are too stupid to understand why J6 was not an “insurrection” or why abortion is not “reproductive healthcare”. They are vulnerable to letting such nonsense sink into their soft little skulls because they do not have time to critically analyze, or they simply lack the ability altogether.

It is much easier to just listen to various scenarios and adopt one of them, usually based upon how your ego directs you to want to be perceived by others. For example, you are a typical 40 yr old Karen from the northeast. You want to seem like a hip gal with leftist views. You are vehemently against capital punishment for violent offenders, but you will fight to the death for the right to murder unborn babies. There are millions of people like this in America, unfortunately, who are dumber than the day is long. Ironically, they view themselves as superior. Why? Well, that is part of the propagandizing.

So this stupid Karen listens to CNN every night while exercising on her Peloton thingy so she can look good for her boyfriend the next day. Meanwhile, her cuck hubby is busy with the kids. The dummy just absorbs the background indoctrination like a sponge soaking up piss on the men’s room floor at a truck stop. Pretty soon, she become a mindless follower of the narrative that J6 was a coup attempt masterminded by Trump to overthrow DuhMockriSey! In fact, she is so invested in it that she manifests emotive responses to everything she encountered contrasaid narrative.

Let’s be clear here. If you are having emotional responses to being exposed to differing points of view, then you have got a big problem. The clinical term for this is “fuck-up”. We see it a lot in TDS people. We sometimes refer to it as “triggered”. But all it really is is a childish narcissistic response to not having your way.

Moreover, people are drawn to narratives (like turds to a toilet) because it provides for them an entire world view without having to exercise their puny little brains one bit!! Everything is seen through the lens of the narrative. For example, if you are a CNN-TDS narrative zombie, and are told that Trump just said in a speech that if Biden’s economic policies continue then there will be a blood bath in the American auto industry, you immediately know, without one synapse in your brain having to pop, that Trump was threatening a bloody revolution in America if he is not elected in November! You did not have to even bother your little brain to know this!

Leftist narratives are crafted for idiots. Without idiots, there would be no Democrat Party today. Further, today’s Democrat Party is a far cry from what it was 20-30 years ago. As disgusting as yesteryear’s liberal Democrats were (and they were disgusting), at least they pledge allegiance to the American flag. Today’s Democrats are anti-American punks who are openly hostile to the Constitution. This is not good. In normal times, it would not exist. But today is not a normal time. Today the leftists are funded by huge corporations and they have almost complete control of the media. Therefore, things once thought to be bizarre and unheard of are today commonplace (like Tampon machines in men’s rooms, etc…).

Here is what I fear. What if Biden gets another 80-plus million votes again this time around? Most of us will have a very hard time believing that the electoral process had not been compromised. It would require having trust for both the Democrats and the media. Nobody in their right minds trusts these two, though.

Despite the fact that the 2024 election will be viewed under a microscope, the Dems are still scared of Trump voters and of the fact that independents are turning on their ridiculous bullshit narratives. So, they will be motivated to cheat like they always do. Let’s face it, Democrats have a long, long history of electoral misconduct that started decades ago. Secondly, the left and their zombies think it is ok to do this if it keeps bad-man Trump-Hitler from being elected … because Duh-MockRisEsy and stuff. There are Dems who even feel they have a duty to cheat to prevent Trump from being elected.

So, what are we going to do when Biden wins in 2024 by receiving 500 million votes? If the election is questioned, we will be locked up for sedition. But if the result is illicit, then we have a duty to question the legitimacy of the regime. And what if Trump wins? I have always suspected, and believe, that any civil war that may develop in our future will be commenced by those on the left. Us on the right are generally non-violent folks. We all know this. You can “Whatabout…whatabout…whatabout…” all you want, but you know it is true.

Thus, if Trump wins, then we better be ready for the leftist maggots to engage. We cannot rely upon federal law enforcement either. They are corrupt. But, if Biden wins by 10,000 bazillion votes, then there will be some very rational, very upset folks out there. When turned away by leftist apparatchiks, they are going to become frustrated. How will they be treated by the goobermint, and how will that cause them to react?

We have some potentially serious shit ahead of us, fellow Americans
Send Trump packing in November and then we can get back to maybe something approaching normal.
Someone said earlier that historians in the future will marvel at the fact that this asshole was able to screw up our country and politics for so long. :)

Your normal is fascism, so no thank you.
I heard that Philo Farnsworth, a TV developer, would not let his kids watch TV. He said, "There's nothing on it worthwhile."

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