My fool proof way to pick up women


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
If that doesn't work....I just pull out

or this....


Reminds me of a story from a guy who called a radio station about a foolproof way to pick up girls

Before going out for the night, stop at an ATM in a wealthy neighborhood. Go through the trash and pick out receipts with a high account balance on them. While you are in a club, offer girls your phone number and write it on the back of one of the receipts.

They always call back
or this....


Reminds me of a story from a guy who called a radio station about a foolproof way to pick up girls

Before going out for the night, stop at an ATM in a wealthy neighborhood. Go through the trash and pick out receipts with a high account balance on them. While you are in a club, offer girls your phone number and write it on the back of one of the receipts.

They always call back

that's bad......... but good......
I just hand them the agreed upon amount of money, and hope they don't have a dick. And if they do I pretend not to notice.
I just hand them the agreed upon amount of money, and hope they don't have a dick. And if they do I pretend not to notice.

Is there a badge for the lowest life son of a bitch on the board (I'm excluding the usual freaks) -

Mine goes to you .....


I just use practical magic and find out what cologne their dads wore and wear it. :) They say daughters look for men who remind them of their fathers. :)

But it's mostly about the personality. Either the same or direct opposite.

Talking with a divorced neighbor a while back who asked why I was single, I told him the reason I have all my hair at 44 is because I never got married. He laughed and agreed. :)

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