Niki Haley outraises trump is January fund raising


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Maybe trump's days of grifting his cult are coming to an end? Haley is the best chance for the repubs to win in November. But trump has brainwashed his cult to believe he is their messiah. The repub party is going to be sorry they handed the keys for campaign funds over to the trump family.

Maybe trump's days of grifting his cult are coming to an end? Haley is the best chance for the repubs to win in November. But trump has brainwashed his cult to believe he is their messiah. The repub party is going to be sorry they handed the keys for campaign funds over to the trump family.
Only one cult Herr jimbogoebbels.
Haley will lose her own home state big.
No RINOs in South Carolina jimboliar. And anyone you like cannot be trusted.
Wow! Sounds like she's gonna win!

What other reason would there be to post this stank?

Just to be clear, what party is Nimarata associated with?

Wait, why the profuse sweating? Didn't your stuttering fuck just get 81 Million votes, the most in history?

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Maybe trump's days of grifting his cult are coming to an end? Haley is the best chance for the repubs to win in November. But trump has brainwashed his cult to believe he is their messiah. The repub party is going to be sorry they handed the keys for campaign funds over to the trump family.
This could be an interesting topic if it wasn’t poisoned in the opening post

Maybe trump's days of grifting his cult are coming to an end? Haley is the best chance for the repubs to win in November. But trump has brainwashed his cult to believe he is their messiah. The repub party is going to be sorry they handed the keys for campaign funds over to the trump family.
jimmy are you going to vote for her?....

Maybe trump's days of grifting his cult are coming to an end? Haley is the best chance for the repubs to win in November. But trump has brainwashed his cult to believe he is their messiah. The repub party is going to be sorry they handed the keys for campaign funds over to the trump family.
As long as Trump at least says he'll end the war against Russia, the rest of his madness can be excused.

The trouble for Trump is that Americans are so propagandized into hating Russia (and China) that they are unable to accept the obvious truth that America started their war for the sake of breaking up Russia into manageable small pieces.
The OP's title for this topic allows leeway on what it's supposed to be about. For example:

Maybe trump's days of grifting his cult are coming to an end?

Maybe trump's days of grifting his cult are coming to an end? Haley is the best chance for the repubs to win in November. But trump has brainwashed his cult to believe he is their messiah. The repub party is going to be sorry they handed the keys for campaign funds over to the trump family.
Still grasping at straws, aren't you?
Democrats don't have a viable candidate so the best they can do is to donate to Haley to try to undermine the Trump campaign. It's all Soros money.
You clowns on the Left better hope Trump stays in and wins. If you do manage to throw him Jail, guess what?

DeSantis gets back in and wins. Bigly. Big Time, major-league wipe out. In a Big, big really BIG way. Haley wouldn't have a chance. Conservatives and many, many fed-up democrats will show up in such numbers to vote for RDS, it will be a National avalanche of dims being tossed

And here it is, dimocrap scum MORONS -- DeSantis is mean as shit. He's twice as mean as OMB and three times as effective.

Problem is, dimocrap scum. You're in a Lose-Lose situation. It's no longer a matter of 'if' you're gonna lose -- It's "How Bad" are you gonna lose. There's nothing, and I mean NOTHING, you can do that will give you a win this time around. Nothing.

You are the 98 pound weakling being thrown into the ring with Mike Tyson and you can't keep your suck-holes shut, you keep taunting him.

Keep going. Lock Trump up. Do it. Just, please, fucking do it. DeSantis will make you beg for the days of Trump. Believe it.

So keep on going, you're showing the world who and what you are every day.
You clowns on the Left better hope Trump stays in and wins. If you do manage to throw him Jail, guess what?

DeSantis gets back in and wins. Bigly. Big Time, major-league wipe out. In a Big, big really BIG way. Haley wouldn't have a chance. onservatives and many, many fed-up democrats will show up in such numbers to vote for RDS, it will be a National avalanche of dims being tossed

And here it is, dimocrap scum MORONS -- DeSantis is mean as shit. He's twice as mean as OMB and three times as effective.

Problem is, dimocrap scum. You're in a Lose-Lose situation. It's no longer a matter of 'if' you're gonna lose -- It's "How Bad" are you gonna lose. There's nothing, and I mean NOTHING, you can do that will give you a win this time around. Nothing.

You are the 98 pound weakling being thrown into the ring with Mike Tyson and you can't keep your suck-holes shut, you keep taunting him.

Keep going. Lock Trump up. Do it. Just, please, fucking do it. DeSantis will make you beg for the days of Trump. Believe it.

So keep on going, you're showing the world who and what you are every day.
jimboliar deserves it.
Democrats don't have a viable candidate so the best they can do is to donate to Haley to try to undermine the Trump campaign. It's all Soros money.
If that helps you sleep at night? You keep humping the twice Impeached, three times indicted, ninety one times charged criminal. See how many independents will vote for a convicted felon.
If that helps you sleep at night? You keep humping the twice Impeached, three times indicted, ninety one times charged criminal. See how many independents will vote for a convicted felon.
Oh jimboliar please the desperation stench is reeking horribly now.
Plus Trump has never been convicted of anything much less a felony. Felonies are what happen every day out of the Joey Capone White House jimboliar.
If that helps you sleep at night? You keep humping the twice Impeached, three times indicted, ninety one times charged criminal. See how many independents will vote for a convicted felon.
Please, keep going. Please, put OMB in jail. I'd love it.


Then, you'll find out what Hell really is.

RDS don't play. He's Floridian. We don't play with punkass bitches. We end them

Maybe trump's days of grifting his cult are coming to an end? Haley is the best chance for the repubs to win in November. But trump has brainwashed his cult to believe he is their messiah. The repub party is going to be sorry they handed the keys for campaign funds over to the trump family.
How many states has she won, Simp?

Maybe trump's days of grifting his cult are coming to an end? Haley is the best chance for the repubs to win in November. But trump has brainwashed his cult to believe he is their messiah. The repub party is going to be sorry they handed the keys for campaign funds over to the trump family.
Haley is a rubber stamp for the megadonor robber barons. Trump interrupts their thievery. That's why all the big, crooked money is going to Haley right now. MAGA

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