NO DACA, screw the Democrats.

The only problem are these RINOs that vote with the filthy ass Democrats.

We need to get rid of them the same as the Democrats and then we can get on with Trump's agenda to make this country great again including building the wall.

The stupid Democrats had a gem handed to them to trade their filthy ass DACA for support of a good immigration bill that includes border security and other immigration reform like doing away with chain immigration. They are not smart enough to take the deal. the bastards don't want immigration reform and border security because the assholes from shithole countries that come in and get on welfare are the only hope for future Moon bat voters.

Trump is fighting the good fight to stop the flood of low life Democrat voting welfare queens coming into this country.
Then you need to get rid of most of America, because they won’t vote for your crooks and cowards.

Due to the incompetence of that Obama asshole the Democrats lost over a thousand national seats and Congress and the Presidency. I think we know what America thinks of the Democrat filth that did stupid things like increase poverty, decrease family income, astronomically run up the debt and had dismal economic growth. That doesn't even include destroying health care and weakening our military.

The Democrats are a coalition of all the scum in this country and the last thing they want is immigration reform to prevent more scum from shithole countries from coming in. Without the Illegals and welfare queens the Democrat Party would only get about 20% of the vote from you stupid Moon Bats.
Part of the next President’s platform should be to tear down the tiny percentage of wall that Trump ends up getting built
That would be a sure fire way to end your party's aspirations lol.

Run with that... please
Why not? Only a small percentage of people want a wall, even fewer of those are dumb enough to think it will work, and people will be happy to have the Statue of Liberty back as the symbol of the country instead of an innefective wall representing the cowardice of America.

Let me ask you this wetback....does that wall or fence around your single wide trailer shithole represent your cowardice?
Trillions of linear feet of wall and fence erected worldwide all with the same purpose and function and for some crazy reason this particular wall in no way could or would function the same and or be equally does that makes sense to you dumbasses?
Aw you poor little pussy :itsok:

Because no wall can cover such a distance and such a varied terrain. The prototypes built in California will only work for a tiny fraction of the length. I hope those prototypes stay up forever as a monumebt to Trump’s failure of a Presidency.
The only problem are these RINOs that vote with the filthy ass Democrats.

We need to get rid of them the same as the Democrats and then we can get on with Trump's agenda to make this country great again including building the wall.

The stupid Democrats had a gem handed to them to trade their filthy ass DACA for support of a good immigration bill that includes border security and other immigration reform like doing away with chain immigration. They are not smart enough to take the deal. the bastards don't want immigration reform and border security because the assholes from shithole countries that come in and get on welfare are the only hope for future Moon bat voters.

Trump is fighting the good fight to stop the flood of low life Democrat voting welfare queens coming into this country.
Then you need to get rid of most of America, because they won’t vote for your crooks and cowards.

Due to the incompetence of that Obama asshole the Democrats lost over a thousand national seats and Congress and the Presidency. I think we know what America thinks of the Democrat filth that did stupid things like increase poverty, decrease family income, astronomically run up the debt and had dismal economic growth. That doesn't even include destroying health care and weakening our military.

The Democrats are a coalition of all the scum in this country and the last thing they want is immigration reform to prevent more scum from shithole countries from coming in. Without the Illegals and welfare queens the Democrat Party would only get about 20% of the vote from you stupid Moon Bats.
You all are hellbent on giving back every one of those seats and then some. Thanks, little buddy :itsok:
The GOP controls the debate so why are we even discussing this shit?
We know the Democrats are not honest participants in earnest debate so why bother with them? Let them sit in the BACK OF THE BUS. ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES. Remember all that?
Finance the wall and move on. That was your promise to get our votes so stop dicking around and DO THE JOB YOU WERE ELECTED TO DO.

Problem is that the Republicans are balless, spineless liars too. They have no idea what got them into office and once there, all they do is cower in the corner worrying about upsetting any voters by doing anything. They fought Ronald Regan and they are even less happy about Trump who actually wants to fix things! At least the democrats are open and candid about wanting to stick a knife in your back.
The GOP controls the debate so why are we even discussing this shit?
We know the Democrats are not honest participants in earnest debate so why bother with them? Let them sit in the BACK OF THE BUS. ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES. Remember all that?
Finance the wall and move on. That was your promise to get our votes so stop dicking around and DO THE JOB YOU WERE ELECTED TO DO.

Dear Grampa Murked U:
If schools, businesses and churches/nonprofits want to sponsor students and workers, just require them to take full legal and financial responsibility for
sponsorship of whichever applicants they accept, similar to accepting school applications and managing foreign exchange students.

Put the burden back on the people, organizations and communities to adopt and manage the members they want to sponsor.

I can't find the post, but someone else posted that the laws in the US USED to require sponsors to take financial responsibility
to ensure that new immigrant applicants were stabilizing, with viable work and ability to support themselves so they didn't become a burden to others.

I searched but all I found so far was a reference to other countries having similar laws requiring financial sponsorship:
EX: Immigration.. what the Heck
This post also refers to old immigration laws, but not the post I was looking for that explained this in more accurate historical detail. This is close:
English should be the official language?

I think this is the post:
Debate Now - Trump's Immigration Proposal

"Back in the 1960's, the U.S. was accepting thousands of refugees from Castro's Cuba. There was the same concern then as now that Castro would dump the worst of the worst Cuba had to offer on us among those refugees.

So everyone entering the country had to merit a green card by having a sponsor--somebody who would agree to furnish the head of household with a job, make sure folks had a decent place to live, and some way to learn English within a reasonable time. Our church took in a family--father, mother, and two middle school age kids. We provided transportation from Miami, inexpensive housing, furniture, some starter household necessities were donated and the father was given a job as custodian of the church until such time as he acquired enough English to qualify for a better job. (He was a well educated and highly competent individual.). The mother also learned quickly and found employment. The kids were smart, quick, and fluent in English within the year and doing well in school. (We provided a tutor/translator for them for the first few months of school.) All were given training in citizenship etc. in preparation for naturalization as citizens when they came up in the queue.

It was a win win proposition for all. The USA gained wonderful new citizens and it didn't cost the taxpayer a dime except to process the papers for the family to be here legally. And had our adopted family been one of the bad ones and committed serious crime, I believe the church would have been liable. Thus we vetted the family before we accepted them.

So there is the solution. Make the policy similar to Canada's for new immigrants. The person has to have a sponsor that will ensure the family will have a job providing a living wage and will otherwise not be a burden on social services or the person needs to have financial resources to support himself/herself.

And in addition, make the sponsor liable for any crimes committed by the sponsored during the course of the sponsorship.

Those who can't find a sponsor or meet strict vetting requirements won't receive either a green card or a travel visa." -- Foxfyre, 2016
Last edited:
Part of the next President’s platform should be to tear down the tiny percentage of wall that Trump ends up getting built
That would be a sure fire way to end your party's aspirations lol.

Run with that... please
Why not? Only a small percentage of people want a wall, even fewer of those are dumb enough to think it will work, and people will be happy to have the Statue of Liberty back as the symbol of the country instead of an innefective wall representing the cowardice of America.

Let me ask you this wetback....does that wall or fence around your single wide trailer shithole represent your cowardice?
Trillions of linear feet of wall and fence erected worldwide all with the same purpose and function and for some crazy reason this particular wall in no way could or would function the same and or be equally does that makes sense to you dumbasses?
Aw you poor little pussy :itsok:

Because no wall can cover such a distance and such a varied terrain. The prototypes built in California will only work for a tiny fraction of the length. I hope those prototypes stay up forever as a monumebt to Trump’s failure of a Presidency.

You’ve lost your mind might want to consult with the builders who say they can build a wall across “varied terrain” the exception being waterways.
It’s almost sad to watch you 5’ tall silver tooth anchor babies desperately beg for no wall. You thirdworlders must have nightmares where walls are chasing you down screaming “La Migra”...huh?
U.S. Presidencies and their effectiveness aren’t determined by what thirdworlders think of a United States’d know this if you were a legitimate American. Phuck Wetbacks, phuck DACA and phuck you....we’re coming for you and all your filthy little anchor babies....haha
The only problem are these RINOs that vote with the filthy ass Democrats.

We need to get rid of them the same as the Democrats and then we can get on with Trump's agenda to make this country great again including building the wall.

The stupid Democrats had a gem handed to them to trade their filthy ass DACA for support of a good immigration bill that includes border security and other immigration reform like doing away with chain immigration. They are not smart enough to take the deal. the bastards don't want immigration reform and border security because the assholes from shithole countries that come in and get on welfare are the only hope for future Moon bat voters.

Trump is fighting the good fight to stop the flood of low life Democrat voting welfare queens coming into this country.
Then you need to get rid of most of America, because they won’t vote for your crooks and cowards.

Due to the incompetence of that Obama asshole the Democrats lost over a thousand national seats and Congress and the Presidency. I think we know what America thinks of the Democrat filth that did stupid things like increase poverty, decrease family income, astronomically run up the debt and had dismal economic growth. That doesn't even include destroying health care and weakening our military.

The Democrats are a coalition of all the scum in this country and the last thing they want is immigration reform to prevent more scum from shithole countries from coming in. Without the Illegals and welfare queens the Democrat Party would only get about 20% of the vote from you stupid Moon Bats.
You all are hellbent on giving back every one of those seats and then some. Thanks, little buddy :itsok:

Trump is hell bent on making this country great again after you Libtard Moon Bats fucked it up so bad and you idiots can't stand it.

The filthy ass Democrats lost the opportunity to do the right thing with immigration reform. Instead of doing the right thing they sent that Durbin clown to lie about Trump. Typical Democrat dishonesty. We see it every day.

They don't want to the stop welfare queens from shitholes countries coming into the US because without them they have no future.
aint gonna be no wall.

by the time Texans get through hammering RW's in the courts their grandchildren will be 40 years old.
If no fix to DACA happens it will go away just like all of Obama's other illegal executive orders...if you don't have the guts and the ability to work with congress to get things you want then you go the Obama way....then the next president wipes it all away...Obama was told this would happen but he didn't care...the golf course was waiting and going through the house and senate was too hard...
Part of the next President’s platform should be to tear down the tiny percentage of wall that Trump ends up getting built
That would be a sure fire way to end your party's aspirations lol.

Run with that... please
Why not? Only a small percentage of people want a wall, even fewer of those are dumb enough to think it will work, and people will be happy to have the Statue of Liberty back as the symbol of the country instead of an innefective wall representing the cowardice of America.

Let me ask you this wetback....does that wall or fence around your single wide trailer shithole represent your cowardice?
Trillions of linear feet of wall and fence erected worldwide all with the same purpose and function and for some crazy reason this particular wall in no way could or would function the same and or be equally does that makes sense to you dumbasses?
Aw you poor little pussy :itsok:

Because no wall can cover such a distance and such a varied terrain. The prototypes built in California will only work for a tiny fraction of the length. I hope those prototypes stay up forever as a monumebt to Trump’s failure of a Presidency.

You’ve lost your mind might want to consult with the builders who say they can build a wall across “varied terrain” the exception being waterways.
It’s almost sad to watch you 5’ tall silver tooth anchor babies desperately beg for no wall. You thirdworlders must have nightmares where walls are chasing you down screaming “La Migra”...huh?
U.S. Presidencies and their effectiveness aren’t determined by what thirdworlders think of a United States’d know this if you were a legitimate American. Phuck Wetbacks, phuck DACA and phuck you....we’re coming for you and all your filthy little anchor babies....haha
Beg for no wall? What wall? Not gonna happen, coward :itsok:

damn Rw's are pathetic.
"DACA is probably dead because the Democrats don't really want it, they just want to talk and take desperately needed money away from our Military," Trump tweeted Sunday morning.

well then, that does it - Cheetoboi tweeted it, and Trumpbots bought it.

Republicans never do what they say they will. I don’t know why you suckers keep believing them
The alternative is letting the left intentionally flood our nation with the world's riff raff.

That is a hard pass for me.

That can be prevented without a wall
Yep.....course the drugs that are pouring over the border can keep coming in thanks to people who feel we don't need a border.
"DACA is probably dead because the Democrats don't really want it, they just want to talk and take desperately needed money away from our Military," Trump tweeted Sunday morning.

well then, that does it - Cheetoboi tweeted it, and Trumpbots bought it.

You can thank Dick Turbin for that.
He knew that making up this lie would torpedo any negotiations.
Now they can go back to calling Trump a racist and they don't have to go to work.
Part of the next President’s platform should be to tear down the tiny percentage of wall that Trump ends up getting built
That would be a sure fire way to end your party's aspirations lol.

Run with that... please
Why not? Only a small percentage of people want a wall, even fewer of those are dumb enough to think it will work, and people will be happy to have the Statue of Liberty back as the symbol of the country instead of an innefective wall representing the cowardice of America.

Let me ask you this wetback....does that wall or fence around your single wide trailer shithole represent your cowardice?
Trillions of linear feet of wall and fence erected worldwide all with the same purpose and function and for some crazy reason this particular wall in no way could or would function the same and or be equally does that makes sense to you dumbasses?
Aw you poor little pussy :itsok:

Because no wall can cover such a distance and such a varied terrain. The prototypes built in California will only work for a tiny fraction of the length. I hope those prototypes stay up forever as a monumebt to Trump’s failure of a Presidency.
#MAGA...this GOP Administration wants to build a new Berlin Wall....#MAGA
The GOP controls the debate so why are we even discussing this shit?
We know the Democrats are not honest participants in earnest debate so why bother with them? Let them sit in the BACK OF THE BUS. ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES. Remember all that?
Finance the wall and move on. That was your promise to get our votes so stop dicking around and DO THE JOB YOU WERE ELECTED TO DO.

Dear Grampa Murked U:
If schools, businesses and churches/nonprofits want to sponsor students and workers, just require them to take full legal and financial responsibility for
sponsorship of whichever applicants they accept, similar to accepting school applications and managing foreign exchange students.

Put the burden back on the people, organizations and communities to adopt and manage the members they want to sponsor.

I can't find the post, but someone else posted that the laws in the US USED to require sponsors to take financial responsibility
to ensure that new immigrant applicants were stabilizing, with viable work and ability to support themselves so they didn't become a burden to others.

I searched but all I found so far was a reference to other countries having similar laws requiring financial sponsorship:
EX: Immigration.. what the Heck
This post also refers to old immigration laws, but not the post I was looking for that explained this in more accurate historical detail. This is close:
English should be the official language?

I think this is the post:
Debate Now - Trump's Immigration Proposal

Grampa Murked U
I think this is the post, from Foxfyre, 2016:
Debate Now - Trump's Immigration Proposal

"Back in the 1960's, the U.S. was accepting thousands of refugees from Castro's Cuba. There was the same concern then as now that Castro would dump the worst of the worst Cuba had to offer on us among those refugees.

So everyone entering the country had to merit a green card by having a sponsor--somebody who would agree to furnish the head of household with a job, make sure folks had a decent place to live, and some way to learn English within a reasonable time. Our church took in a family--father, mother, and two middle school age kids. We provided transportation from Miami, inexpensive housing, furniture, some starter household necessities were donated and the father was given a job as custodian of the church until such time as he acquired enough English to qualify for a better job. (He was a well educated and highly competent individual.). The mother also learned quickly and found employment. The kids were smart, quick, and fluent in English within the year and doing well in school. (We provided a tutor/translator for them for the first few months of school.) All were given training in citizenship etc. in preparation for naturalization as citizens when they came up in the queue.

It was a win win proposition for all. The USA gained wonderful new citizens and it didn't cost the taxpayer a dime except to process the papers for the family to be here legally. And had our adopted family been one of the bad ones and committed serious crime, I believe the church would have been liable. Thus we vetted the family before we accepted them.

So there is the solution. Make the policy similar to Canada's for new immigrants. The person has to have a sponsor that will ensure the family will have a job providing a living wage and will otherwise not be a burden on social services or the person needs to have financial resources to support himself/herself.

And in addition, make the sponsor liable for any crimes committed by the sponsored during the course of the sponsorship.

Those who can't find a sponsor or meet strict vetting requirements won't receive either a green card or a travel visa."
-- Foxfyre, 2016

We were discussing the idea of Earned Amnesty, where immigrant violations on record are treated proportionally to be fair to immigrants with zero or fewer violations:

Foxfyre's summary makes sense: If liberals are going to lobby for Canada's health care coverage for all, then also adopt Canada's rules for immigration that allow all citizens to contribute instead of bogging down the system with more people who can't pay for the services they use.
"DACA is probably dead because the Democrats don't really want it, they just want to talk and take desperately needed money away from our Military," Trump tweeted Sunday morning.

well then, that does it - Cheetoboi tweeted it, and Trumpbots bought it.


You do realize that Obama, without precedence, initiated DACA by EXECUTIVE ORDER in June 2012 and therefore illegally and unconstitutionally changed a law passed by Congress? So we've had something over five years of an illegal policy. We don't know how many 'dreamers' were added to the number of illegals as a result of that policy, but the most important thing is the fact that DACA itself is illegal and entirely contrary to constitutional law. That it was allowed that without any resistance even from the Republicans is ecause the feckless permanent political class that makes up most of Congress these days

All President Trump has done is throw out an illegal executive order which leaves in place the law our legally elected representatives put into place and that no President has any legal authority or right to overturn. He mercifully chose not to order the law enforced immediately but gave Congress a full six months to come up with legislation to deal with the DACA people. That six months time was clearly announced and widely reported. That they waited until now to start thinking about and/or working on it is not Trump's fault. Because they were stalled, he called key Republicans and Democrats into the Oval office for an off the record, honest discussion as to how to get something done. And all we have seen come from that is that the President said a bad word in reference to a country that is one of the world's most corrupt. And that somehow makes him racist.

And the Democrats are being blatantly hypocritical and intellectually dishonest that they want a "clean" DACA bill without anything else attached to it when they themselves have consistently held all manner of legislation hostage unless their riders or special interests were included.

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