Ohio father beaten to death by 3 teens

I agree that our news is inadequate, biased and whacked, but I also think everyone with half a brain knows there are a lot of dangers we face out there in life. My childhood might well have been on another planet, it's so different from my kids and grandkids.

But I don't think it's all that healthy for someone to spend a lot of time focusing on the negatives in life without allowing the positives to be in their thoughts as well.

And to especially put up black on white crime stories is as racist as IM2's putting just white on black crimes or poor black man stories.
But there is an issue of proportion and a direct cause/effect element that need discussing or the problem will continue to get worse. And then you have fewer good stories to cover.
Whites are being targeted by blacks brainwashed to kill white people by the WEF.

Be careful around blacks, nomatter what race you are, even black.

If Obamas movie teaches Americans anything, it's don't trust blacks.
Jesse Jackson didn’t trust young Black men to walk on the same side of the street, Hillary Clinton referred to young Blacks as predators, and Joe Biden scoffed at the notion of his kids going to the same school as Blacks; calling it a racial jungle..

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