OK! What if . . . . . . ?

What more can the Palestinians give?

Right of return.

No chance of that as they have already said that they will not allow any Jew to exist in Palestine that was born after the invention of Zionism.

That isn't actually what they said.

Yes it is and they wrote it down in their charter for the world to see.

Which "they" are you talking about?

The Palestinians who have ruled Palestine since 1988 of course. They have the same meanings in both of their charters if you look
The West Bank Jordanians apparently don't have the Right of Return to Jordan or any other Arab Nation.

That's because that isn't where they were from.

And you can prove this HOW ?

They live in the West Bank, many for many generations. Why is it so important to you to run them out?

And you can prove this HOW ? Even their leaders have said that they don't come from Palestine but from Syria, Egypt, Iraq and iran

Are you saying that prior to the establishment of Israel, only Jews inhabited Palestine?

No I am saying that the majority of residents were Jews and not arab muslims as pushed by team Palestine.
Mentions removed by Moderation. Makes sure it's not a "call-out" thread. OPs in this forum should not involve particular members. The rest is just fine.. ---- FlaCalTenn

Tell me honestly. If Israel were to totally leave the West Bank, evict and demolish their 'settlements' (but what about Hevron?), split Jerusalem (the old city) giving 'Palestine' the muslum and (eek) Christian quarters, retain the Jewish and Armernian ones and the Wall, the new city along the 'seam line', stop the border checkpoints all over Israel controlled borders of the Gaza strip and let 'Palestine' declare their independence; would their finally be peace?
You forgot the over 500 roadblocks and checkpoints "inside" the West Bank; Gazan air space and coastal waters; the Golan Heights and the 650 IDF attacks since the ceasefire that were in addition to the 29 responses to rocket fire, there would still be the conditioned mindset that the Pals are sub-human and you've done nothing wrong.

But to answer your question, if you did all that, plus the things you left out, then, if you did happen to get a rocket, the entire world community would be on your side and would have no problem with you seeking retribution for such attack.

The hardest problem for you to deal with, is this attitude that you have to give up everything to get nothing in return. All you're being asked to do, is honor international law and respect human rights. That's it!

End the occupation and blockade and you will have peace. After that, cut a deal with the PA to give those white trash settlers residence visa's, just like any other country in the world and train Hamas and PA security forces to protect them.

You forget that they reduced the numbers of successful suicide attacks to ZERO so they worked, and they are legal under the Geneva conventions.

Still waiting for evidence of these alleged breaches that only you know about.

Strange then that Israel did all this in 2005 in gaza and the world was just as vehement that Israel was wrong in returning the fire and should find another solution to the Palestinians terrorism.

Problem is Israel is already within the bounds of International law, and has one of the best civil rights records in the M.E.. So what more can they do. Again still waiting for a link to these alleged breaches of international laws and civil rights.

Done in 2005 and the violence escalated 500%, Where is your evidence that it will work 10 years later when the Palestinians themselves say it wont. Even when they say that getting all they demand will not stop the attacks of Israel as their only goal is the genocide of the Jews and the destruction of Israel
Done in 2005 and the violence escalated 500%,​

Yeah I hear that lie all the time.

Then why don't you disprove it using verifiable links. Israel announced its intentions to leave gaza and the Palestinians started to ramp up the attacks. In the end the difference between the numbers of attacks prior to the move and the numbers after the move showed an increase of 500%
What have the Palestinians offered to " negotiate land swaps?" They are also insisting on " Right of Return" Just more proof that they are the ones who do not want a " Two State Solution" therefore no peace

Neither side has offered swaps in good faith. Both will have to give on some thing - settlements and right of return. Neither seems to want peace.

From 1967 Israel has offered everything and seen it refused , in fact Israel begged the arab muslims to co-exist with them in peace and the arab muslims invaded with the sole intention of wiping out the Jews. It is written in their declaration of independence that is lodged with the UN. So if you did the research you would get an eye opener on just who is to blame for the current crisis
Yeah, I hear that lie all the time.

Tell me exactly what I lied about. You are the one whoi lies stating the Palestinians are interested in a " peace plan" and the " Two State Solution"
Tinnie does not LIE

Apart from when he speaks or writes isn't that so ? ? ?
Ending the occupation would only benefit about 1/3 of all Palestinians. What about the other 2/3?

Uh huh. Exactly as I thought. I still wouldn't be enough.

I knew I'd get you fucker to show your true colors. You do not want peace at all, you want the whole land and the Jews dead or gone.
How about a peace plan where "only" 2/3 of the Jews were kicked out of Israel?


NO why should theJews be kicked out of their country that was granted legally. No one is asking for 2/3 of the arab muslims to be kicked out of their countries as part of a peace plan are they ?
Whats wrong with one state and equal rights?

What's wrong with it is that the two nations don't want to live together. Tell me, when there's a married couple who obviously don't love each other, are bitter, constantly fighting, violent, impatient.... do you force them to live under the same roof or try and get a friendly divorce?

What do you seriously see as a solution?
Israel's version of peace is all of Palestine without the Palestinians.

NOPE it is living without the fear of the next child getting murdered by terrorists.
What does the Golan Heights has to do with the Palestinians?
What did the '67 war have to do with the Palestinians?

They were the enemy that invaded Israel, and then were beaten back. Or didn't you know that they became Jordanian citizens after 1949
Billo_Really , Challenger , fanger , etc.

Tell me honestly. If Israel were to totally leave the West Bank, evict and demolish their 'settlements' (but what about Hevron?), split Jerusalem (the old city) giving 'Palestine' the muslum and (eek) Christian quarters, retain the Jewish and Armernian ones and the Wall, the new city along the 'seam line', stop the border checkpoints all over Israel controlled borders of the Gaza strip and let 'Palestine' declare their independence; would their finally be peace?

They would consider the jews were weak and attack.
WHY.....Israel would not be weaker in anyway......but it would bring the positive situation that Pals/Israelis can look forward to a long and lasting Peace for both peoples..Surely this is what we all want ??????steve

And Hamas will accept such a solution? Ha.
Remains to be seen,I do not have your negativity.....but the biggest flies in the ointment.....ARE THE SETTLERS AND ZIONISTS...FACT

No it is the arab muslim terrorists
If the Israelis wanted peace they would not have blockaded Gaza. A blockade is an act of war. In any case it is Israel that fires first. Rockets are in response to Israeli attacks. You are brainwashed by Western media.

"The role of U.S. mass media – and Western media in general – as a tool for disseminating propaganda was first argued by Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky in their landmark 1988 book Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media. Their analysis reveals a media propaganda system based not on “formal censorship” but rather “by reliance on market forces, internalized assumptions, and self-censorship, and without significant overt coercion.”

"The propaganda narrative requires Palestinians always to be portrayed as the aggressors, and Israel as responding in self-defense. In the last decade, four military confrontations have taken place in Gaza – in 2006, 2008, 2012 and 2014 – in which Israel has invaded and carried out wholesale slaughter. Israel in each case has been the party who routinely and flagrantly violates the cease fires...."

Israeli Cease Fire Violations and Media Propaganda
If the Israelis wanted peace they would not have blockaded Gaza. A blockade is an act of war. In any case it is Israel that fires first. Rockets are in response to Israeli attacks. You are brainwashed by Western media.

"The role of U.S. mass media – and Western media in general – as a tool for disseminating propaganda was first argued by Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky in their landmark 1988 book Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media. Their analysis reveals a media propaganda system based not on “formal censorship” but rather “by reliance on market forces, internalized assumptions, and self-censorship, and without significant overt coercion.”

"The propaganda narrative requires Palestinians always to be portrayed as the aggressors, and Israel as responding in self-defense. In the last decade, four military confrontations have taken place in Gaza – in 2006, 2008, 2012 and 2014 – in which Israel has invaded and carried out wholesale slaughter. Israel in each case has been the party who routinely and flagrantly violates the cease fires...."

Israeli Cease Fire Violations and Media Propaganda

Just more islamonazi propaganda from the catholic Nazi based on LIES
If the Israelis wanted peace they would not have blockaded Gaza. A blockade is an act of war. In any case it is Israel that fires first. Rockets are in response to Israeli attacks. You are brainwashed by Western media.

"The role of U.S. mass media – and Western media in general – as a tool for disseminating propaganda was first argued by Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky in their landmark 1988 book Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media. Their analysis reveals a media propaganda system based not on “formal censorship” but rather “by reliance on market forces, internalized assumptions, and self-censorship, and without significant overt coercion.”

"The propaganda narrative requires Palestinians always to be portrayed as the aggressors, and Israel as responding in self-defense. In the last decade, four military confrontations have taken place in Gaza – in 2006, 2008, 2012 and 2014 – in which Israel has invaded and carried out wholesale slaughter. Israel in each case has been the party who routinely and flagrantly violates the cease fires...."

Israeli Cease Fire Violations and Media Propaganda

Just more islamonazi propaganda from the catholic Nazi based on LIES

You do realise that many negotiations and prominent legal observers still considers Gaza as "occupied territory" don't you?!
Mentions removed by Moderation. Makes sure it's not a "call-out" thread. OPs in this forum should not involve particular members. The rest is just fine.. ---- FlaCalTenn

Tell me honestly. If Israel were to totally leave the West Bank, evict and demolish their 'settlements' (but what about Hevron?), split Jerusalem (the old city) giving 'Palestine' the muslum and (eek) Christian quarters, retain the Jewish and Armernian ones and the Wall, the new city along the 'seam line', stop the border checkpoints all over Israel controlled borders of the Gaza strip and let 'Palestine' declare their independence; would their finally be peace?
You forgot the over 500 roadblocks and checkpoints "inside" the West Bank; Gazan air space and coastal waters; the Golan Heights and the 650 IDF attacks since the ceasefire that were in addition to the 29 responses to rocket fire, there would still be the conditioned mindset that the Pals are sub-human and you've done nothing wrong.

But to answer your question, if you did all that, plus the things you left out, then, if you did happen to get a rocket, the entire world community would be on your side and would have no problem with you seeking retribution for such attack.

The hardest problem for you to deal with, is this attitude that you have to give up everything to get nothing in return. All you're being asked to do, is honor international law and respect human rights. That's it!

End the occupation and blockade and you will have peace. After that, cut a deal with the PA to give those white trash settlers residence visa's, just like any other country in the world and train Hamas and PA security forces to protect them.

You forget that they reduced the numbers of successful suicide attacks to ZERO so they worked, and they are legal under the Geneva conventions.

Still waiting for evidence of these alleged breaches that only you know about.

Strange then that Israel did all this in 2005 in gaza and the world was just as vehement that Israel was wrong in returning the fire and should find another solution to the Palestinians terrorism.

Problem is Israel is already within the bounds of International law, and has one of the best civil rights records in the M.E.. So what more can they do. Again still waiting for a link to these alleged breaches of international laws and civil rights.

Done in 2005 and the violence escalated 500%, Where is your evidence that it will work 10 years later when the Palestinians themselves say it wont. Even when they say that getting all they demand will not stop the attacks of Israel as their only goal is the genocide of the Jews and the destruction of Israel
Done in 2005 and the violence escalated 500%,​

Yeah I hear that lie all the time.

Then why don't you disprove it using verifiable links. Israel announced its intentions to leave gaza and the Palestinians started to ramp up the attacks. In the end the difference between the numbers of attacks prior to the move and the numbers after the move showed an increase of 500%
Of course you won't watch it. Israel supporters prefer to remain stupid. Tomorrow you will come back with the same lies.

International Criminal Court, Office of the Prosecuter:

"26. Israel maintains that following the 2005 disengagement, it is no longer an occupying power in Gaza as it does not exercise effective control over the area.

27. However, the prevalent view within the international community is that Israel remains an occupying power in Gaza despite the 2005 disengagement. In general, this view is based on the scope and degree of control that Israel has retained over the territory of Gaza following the 2005 disengagement – including, inter alia, Israel’s exercise of control over border crossings, the territorial sea adjacent to the Gaza Strip, and the airspace of Gaza; its periodic military incursions within Gaza; its enforcement of no-go areas within Gaza near the border where Israeli settlements used to be; and its regulation of the local monetary market based on the Israeli currency and control of taxes and customs duties. The retention of such competences by Israel over the territory of Gaza even after the 2005 disengagement overall supports the conclusion that the authority retained by Israel amounts to effective control.

28. Although it no longer maintains a military presence in Gaza, Israel has not only shown the ability to conduct incursions into Gaza at will, but also expressly reserved the right to do so as required by military necessity. This consideration is potentially significant considering that there is support in international case law for the conclusion that it is not a prerequisite that a State maintain continuous presence in a territory in order to qualify as an occupying power. In particular, the ICTY has held that the law of occupation would also apply to areas where a state possesses “the capacity to send troops within a reasonable time to make the authority of the occupying power felt.” In this respect, it is also noted that the geographic proximity of the Gaza Strip to Israel potentially facilitates the ability of Israel to exercise effective control over the territory, despite the lack of a continuous military presence."

ICC - International Criminal Court : Home
Ending the occupation would only benefit about 1/3 of all Palestinians. What about the other 2/3?

Uh huh. Exactly as I thought. I still wouldn't be enough.

I knew I'd get you fucker to show your true colors. You do not want peace at all, you want the whole land and the Jews dead or gone.
How about a peace plan where "only" 2/3 of the Jews were kicked out of Israel?


NO why should theJews be kicked out of their country that was granted legally. No one is asking for 2/3 of the arab muslims to be kicked out of their countries as part of a peace plan are they ?
2/3 have already been kicked out and not allowed to return.
International Criminal Court, Office of the Prosecuter:

"26. Israel maintains that following the 2005 disengagement, it is no longer an occupying power in Gaza as it does not exercise effective control over the area.

27. However, the prevalent view within the international community is that Israel remains an occupying power in Gaza despite the 2005 disengagement. In general, this view is based on the scope and degree of control that Israel has retained over the territory of Gaza following the 2005 disengagement – including, inter alia, Israel’s exercise of control over border crossings, the territorial sea adjacent to the Gaza Strip, and the airspace of Gaza; its periodic military incursions within Gaza; its enforcement of no-go areas within Gaza near the border where Israeli settlements used to be; and its regulation of the local monetary market based on the Israeli currency and control of taxes and customs duties. The retention of such competences by Israel over the territory of Gaza even after the 2005 disengagement overall supports the conclusion that the authority retained by Israel amounts to effective control.

28. Although it no longer maintains a military presence in Gaza, Israel has not only shown the ability to conduct incursions into Gaza at will, but also expressly reserved the right to do so as required by military necessity. This consideration is potentially significant considering that there is support in international case law for the conclusion that it is not a prerequisite that a State maintain continuous presence in a territory in order to qualify as an occupying power. In particular, the ICTY has held that the law of occupation would also apply to areas where a state possesses “the capacity to send troops within a reasonable time to make the authority of the occupying power felt.” In this respect, it is also noted that the geographic proximity of the Gaza Strip to Israel potentially facilitates the ability of Israel to exercise effective control over the territory, despite the lack of a continuous military presence."

ICC - International Criminal Court : Home
If the Israelis wanted peace they would not have blockaded Gaza. A blockade is an act of war. In any case it is Israel that fires first. Rockets are in response to Israeli attacks. You are brainwashed by Western media.

"The role of U.S. mass media – and Western media in general – as a tool for disseminating propaganda was first argued by Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky in their landmark 1988 book Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media. Their analysis reveals a media propaganda system based not on “formal censorship” but rather “by reliance on market forces, internalized assumptions, and self-censorship, and without significant overt coercion.”

"The propaganda narrative requires Palestinians always to be portrayed as the aggressors, and Israel as responding in self-defense. In the last decade, four military confrontations have taken place in Gaza – in 2006, 2008, 2012 and 2014 – in which Israel has invaded and carried out wholesale slaughter. Israel in each case has been the party who routinely and flagrantly violates the cease fires...."

Israeli Cease Fire Violations and Media Propaganda

Just more islamonazi propaganda from the catholic Nazi based on LIES

You do realise that many negotiations and prominent legal observers still considers Gaza as "occupied territory" don't you?!

And yet hamas swore that gaza was not occupied and had not been since 2005. So who is the better authority, and why does international law show that Israel does not occupy gaza
Mentions removed by Moderation. Makes sure it's not a "call-out" thread. OPs in this forum should not involve particular members. The rest is just fine.. ---- FlaCalTenn

Tell me honestly. If Israel were to totally leave the West Bank, evict and demolish their 'settlements' (but what about Hevron?), split Jerusalem (the old city) giving 'Palestine' the muslum and (eek) Christian quarters, retain the Jewish and Armernian ones and the Wall, the new city along the 'seam line', stop the border checkpoints all over Israel controlled borders of the Gaza strip and let 'Palestine' declare their independence; would their finally be peace?
You forgot the over 500 roadblocks and checkpoints "inside" the West Bank; Gazan air space and coastal waters; the Golan Heights and the 650 IDF attacks since the ceasefire that were in addition to the 29 responses to rocket fire, there would still be the conditioned mindset that the Pals are sub-human and you've done nothing wrong.

But to answer your question, if you did all that, plus the things you left out, then, if you did happen to get a rocket, the entire world community would be on your side and would have no problem with you seeking retribution for such attack.

The hardest problem for you to deal with, is this attitude that you have to give up everything to get nothing in return. All you're being asked to do, is honor international law and respect human rights. That's it!

End the occupation and blockade and you will have peace. After that, cut a deal with the PA to give those white trash settlers residence visa's, just like any other country in the world and train Hamas and PA security forces to protect them.

You forget that they reduced the numbers of successful suicide attacks to ZERO so they worked, and they are legal under the Geneva conventions.

Still waiting for evidence of these alleged breaches that only you know about.

Strange then that Israel did all this in 2005 in gaza and the world was just as vehement that Israel was wrong in returning the fire and should find another solution to the Palestinians terrorism.

Problem is Israel is already within the bounds of International law, and has one of the best civil rights records in the M.E.. So what more can they do. Again still waiting for a link to these alleged breaches of international laws and civil rights.

Done in 2005 and the violence escalated 500%, Where is your evidence that it will work 10 years later when the Palestinians themselves say it wont. Even when they say that getting all they demand will not stop the attacks of Israel as their only goal is the genocide of the Jews and the destruction of Israel
Done in 2005 and the violence escalated 500%,​

Yeah I hear that lie all the time.

Then why don't you disprove it using verifiable links. Israel announced its intentions to leave gaza and the Palestinians started to ramp up the attacks. In the end the difference between the numbers of attacks prior to the move and the numbers after the move showed an increase of 500%
Of course you won't watch it. Israel supporters prefer to remain stupid. Tomorrow you will come back with the same lies.

And how does this refute my words ?

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