OPEC+ Cuts Offset By Booming U.S. Oil Production

Despite the fact that U.S. oil producers are now deploying the lowest number of drilling rigs in more than a year and a half, America's crude oil production is set to hit a monthly record in September-at 13 million barrels per day (bpd), according to estimates by Rystad Energy.

Production growth has slowed due to the discipline U.S. shale producers have shown in the past two years, but a slower increase still means that output is headed higher, the energy research firm says, as carried by The Wall Street Journal.

OPEC+ Cuts Offset By Booming U.S. Oil Production | OilPrice.com

This should be the death knell of yet another baseless Talking Point promoted by Right Wing Media. But I bet Dollars to Donuts we will hear Biden blamed for the price of gasoline today, tomorrow, and the next.

Megatons of bandwidth have been dedicated to the proposition that US presidents can control oil prices.

If record output doesn't give us "$2 gas", what does DeSantis propose to do to get there in 2025?

How stupid have we become as an electorate when a candidate for POTUS can run ads on tv promising a return to Plague Year gas prices?

$2 gasoline would really hurt domestic oil production. Desantis is stupid. Don't these fools know the oil industry is a business?

The US has the highest production costs in the world and no economies of scale.
$2 gasoline would really hurt domestic oil production. Desantis is stupid. Don't these fools know the oil industry is a business?

The US has the highest production costs in the world and no economies of scale.
if EVERYONE on The 5 says it, repeatedly, it MUST be true, regardless of the lying facts.
Trump deserves ZERO credit for the success of a country he is sworn to destroy.
Now you are just chanting lib nursery rhymes

Trump is trying to save America

It’s biden who is the destroyer
Deflection! Who has 90+ felony counts against him? :cool-45:
Stalin used to have a fixer who could easily pile up 90 charges against anyone that Uncle Joe wanted eliminated

A lesson that the Deep State learned well
The economy is a disaster, probably the worst economy in human history........

Nobody can afford to put gas in their car because of the inflation.......the dollar is nearly worthless since Biden became president....

and this is exactly why the oil companies are raking in record profits and record output; because of a bad economy....
The person I responded to claimed price didn‘t go that low and he was wrong. Thanks though for you deep analysis, no one remembers the pandemic. :itsok:

Well, in 2020 over 200 US oil companies went bankrupt. There was no demand for oil.
The economy is a disaster, probably the worst economy in human history........

Nobody can afford to put gas in their car because of the inflation.......the dollar is nearly worthless since Biden became president....

and this is exactly why the oil companies are raking in record profits and record output; because of a bad economy....
I think you dont appreciate how big the oil industry is and how important oil is to our quality of life

The margin of profit is small but the volume is enormous


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