Opposition To Mar A Lago Search Confirms The FBI Is Badly Broken And Christopher Wray Needs To Go


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
In the wake of the January 6 insurrection, top officials at the FBI were warned that “a sizable percentage of the employee population felt sympathetic to the group that stormed the Capitol.” They were also warned that the agency might have difficulty investigating those involved in Jan. 6 because many agents believed that going after the criminals who stormed the Capitol was just “political correctness.”

The FBI is broken. It remains broken. The latest evidence comes from a Washington Post report that FBI agents not only tried to block the search of Mar-a-Lago for the classified documents that the DOJ knows Trump was hiding, they tried to stop the investigation entirely at a point when Trump was still holding boxes of secret information.

The entire federal government needs to be detrumpified. That will be the main focus going forward, as the younger new comers slowly takeover what is rightwing swampland in DC.
In the wake of the January 6 insurrection, top officials at the FBI were warned that “a sizable percentage of the employee population felt sympathetic to the group that stormed the Capitol.” They were also warned that the agency might have difficulty investigating those involved in Jan. 6 because many agents believed that going after the criminals who stormed the Capitol was just “political correctness.”

The FBI is broken. It remains broken. The latest evidence comes from aWashington Postreport that FBI agents not only tried to block the search of Mar-a-Lago for the classified documents that the DOJ knows Trump was hiding, they tried to stop the investigation entirely at a point when Trump was still holding boxes of secret information.

The entire federal government needs to be detrumpified. That will be the main focus going forward, as the younger new comers slowly takeover what is rightwing swampland in DC.
Fascist scum trying to get out front of what the congressional inquiries are going to find, and starting to throw anyone and everyone under the bus for their Gestapo tactics.

Not going to work.
In the wake of the January 6 insurrection, top officials at the FBI were warned that “a sizable percentage of the employee population felt sympathetic to the group that stormed the Capitol.” They were also warned that the agency might have difficulty investigating those involved in Jan. 6 because many agents believed that going after the criminals who stormed the Capitol was just “political correctness.”

The FBI is broken. It remains broken. The latest evidence comes from a Washington Post report that FBI agents not only tried to block the search of Mar-a-Lago for the classified documents that the DOJ knows Trump was hiding, they tried to stop the investigation entirely at a point when Trump was still holding boxes of secret information.

The entire federal government needs to be detrumpified. That will be the main focus going forward, as the younger new comers slowly takeover what is rightwing swampland in DC.
It has been broken a while, like when they tried to illegally tie Trump to the Russians with lies and fake documents right Dimbulb skewey?
In the wake of the January 6 insurrection, top officials at the FBI were warned that “a sizable percentage of the employee population felt sympathetic to the group that stormed the Capitol.” They were also warned that the agency might have difficulty investigating those involved in Jan. 6 because many agents believed that going after the criminals who stormed the Capitol was just “political correctness.”

The FBI is broken. It remains broken. The latest evidence comes from aWashington Postreport that FBI agents not only tried to block the search of Mar-a-Lago for the classified documents that the DOJ knows Trump was hiding, they tried to stop the investigation entirely at a point when Trump was still holding boxes of secret information.

The entire federal government needs to be detrumpified. That will be the main focus going forward, as the younger new comers slowly takeover what is rightwing swampland in DC.
While I do not consider Daily Kos to be a credible source re reporting much of anything accurately and without strongly leftist/anti-GOP/Trump/Patriot spin, they are correct that most thinking Americans are sympathetic to those who assembled peacefully to exercise their constitutional rights on J6. Pretty much nobody condones the violence and lawlessness that day, but the ones doing that were a small handful of the tens of thousands who were there.

And they are most likely right that many FBI agents did oppose the raid on Mar-a-lago as testified by the more than 20 FBI whistle blowers who think the department has been radically politicized by the left. The FBI knew exactly what documents Trump had because they had been there, seen them, were offered anything they wanted, but only requested an additional lock be put on the storage room door. Had they taken all the boxes with them there would have been no justification for the obviously politically-motivated raid however.

I wonder if it is possible for intellectual honesty and critical thinking to become the norm again instead of these knee jerk stupid manufactured accusations and finger pointing and recitation of assigned talking points?
In the wake of the January 6 insurrection, top officials at the FBI were warned that “a sizable percentage of the employee population felt sympathetic to the group that stormed the Capitol.” They were also warned that the agency might have difficulty investigating those involved in Jan. 6 because many agents believed that going after the criminals who stormed the Capitol was just “political correctness.”

The FBI is broken. It remains broken. The latest evidence comes from aWashington Postreport that FBI agents not only tried to block the search of Mar-a-Lago for the classified documents that the DOJ knows Trump was hiding, they tried to stop the investigation entirely at a point when Trump was still holding boxes of secret information.

The entire federal government needs to be detrumpified. That will be the main focus going forward, as the younger new comers slowly takeover what is rightwing swampland in DC.
Hillary broke the FBI by misuse of information she should never have gotten her divisive little grubs on. :cranky:
In the wake of the January 6 insurrection, top officials at the FBI were warned that “a sizable percentage of the employee population felt sympathetic to the group that stormed the Capitol.” They were also warned that the agency might have difficulty investigating those involved in Jan. 6 because many agents believed that going after the criminals who stormed the Capitol was just “political correctness.”

The FBI is broken. It remains broken. The latest evidence comes from aWashington Postreport that FBI agents not only tried to block the search of Mar-a-Lago for the classified documents that the DOJ knows Trump was hiding, they tried to stop the investigation entirely at a point when Trump was still holding boxes of secret information.

The entire federal government needs to be detrumpified. That will be the main focus going forward, as the younger new comers slowly takeover what is rightwing swampland in DC.
For you shit for brains morons that means hiring more asswipes like Sam Brinton.

Doesn't matter. Whoever you hire had less than two years on the job. Not enough time to cause any trouble.

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