Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.

Israeli-US Police Cooperation, Israel's Annexation Plans & Media Discrepancy on Palestinian Deaths

Wow, Shir Hever invented so many strawmans to make the choir happy,
that he managed to ridicule every point that he made.

No wonder he doesn't dare debate anyone.

At one point he goes about how military censorship prevents reporting deaths before the families were reached, or before they were actually found. But as if not enough, piles on top intentionally misquoting what PM Netanyahu said to the family. Which shows not not the least his lack journalistic integrity and standards, but lack of basic human respect.

I get it that many journalists want to be first to report on sensationalist tragic events,
but no family wants to learn about their deceased from the news.
That's not their job - some limits of decency are required.

Journalist are neither physicians, or police officers, and it's not their professional or moral right, to "bury the dead" for sensationalist headlines, before any evidence is yet found.

That is why there're formal laws of procedure, that can take several hours until the social workers have reached the family to notify and support them.

Exactly for the journalists who lack the moral compass to see these basic principles of moral decency and professional integrity, that these guidelines also involve legal responsibility.

And the root for the "Media Discrepancy on Palestinian Deaths", it makes headlines,
the leftist media and academia only sees value in their image of death and victimhood,
anything falling out of line of shallow identity politics is disregarded.

So they've conditioned attention whores,
and attention is only gratified for plying the act.
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Israel, Anti-BDS Laws In US, Abby Martin & Election Interference (Christy Dopf, Dack Rouleau)

They compare anti-BDS laws as an attempt to shut criticism
comparable to that voiced against Russia and China.

Yet, when criticizing these nations does not include questioning loyalty of these minorities,
and no other movement includes in it's "criticism" a call to annihilate their nations.

Only one minority is targeted that way.
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