Zone1 Passover of Yeshua/Jesus... Why Easter? Why Good Friday?


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2024
Yeshua -Jesus was crucified at Passover. His last meal with his disciples was a Passover seder. This is where Jesus said the unleavened bread and wine were his body and blood. He was about to become the Eternal Passover Lamb...

The One who would take away the sin of the world by his shed blood and sacrificial death. Many scholars believe the date of Jesus' crucifixion was April 3, 33 AD. Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead on biblical Jewish feast days of "Passover and the Feast of Firstfruits (Lev. 23:5-11) At that time there was no Easter nor a day named "Good Friday". What happen? What changed things?
Yeshua -Jesus was crucified at Passover. His last meal with his disciples was a Passover seder. This is where Jesus said the unleavened bread and wine were his body and blood. He was about to become the Eternal Passover Lamb...

The One who would take away the sin of the world by his shed blood and sacrificial death. Many scholars believe the date of Jesus' crucifixion was April 3, 33 AD. Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead on biblical Jewish feast days of "Passover and the Feast of Firstfruits (Lev. 23:5-11) At that time there was no Easter nor a day named "Good Friday". What happen? What changed things?
I seem to recall that 2 different dates for the crucifixion are given in the Gospels. In one it is the day before Passover, in another it is the day of Passover. Not a big deal, I think it was done in John to reinforce the theology of the lamb of God.
Yeshua -Jesus was crucified at Passover. His last meal with his disciples was a Passover seder. This is where Jesus said the unleavened bread and wine were his body and blood. He was about to become the Eternal Passover Lamb...

The One who would take away the sin of the world by his shed blood and sacrificial death. Many scholars believe the date of Jesus' crucifixion was April 3, 33 AD. Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead on biblical Jewish feast days of "Passover and the Feast of Firstfruits (Lev. 23:5-11) At that time there was no Easter nor a day named "Good Friday". What happen? What changed things?
Catholicism=2Thess 2:3-- altered things and made many errors to fit false council teachings. The protestants fixed very little. They brought in pagan customs into both holidays they try to hand to Jesus. In fact the false God of the Chaldean rites of spring festival, where the dyed eggs of Pasch and hot cross buns and the rabbit was apart of that pagan holiday celebration. The false goddess named-Beltis the queen of heavens also called Astarte( 2nd t silent) and Ishtar( h silent) on the assyrian monuments, pronounced eastar.--Thus basically named that holiday after a false god.
Yeshua -Jesus was crucified at Passover. His last meal with his disciples was a Passover seder. This is where Jesus said the unleavened bread and wine were his body and blood. He was about to become the Eternal Passover Lamb...

The One who would take away the sin of the world by his shed blood and sacrificial death. Many scholars believe the date of Jesus' crucifixion was April 3, 33 AD. Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead on biblical Jewish feast days of "Passover and the Feast of Firstfruits (Lev. 23:5-11) At that time there was no Easter nor a day named "Good Friday". What happen? What changed things?
An important key to understanding it is the fact that when the Jews returned from Babylon, they changed certain things in the law, notably the combining of the Passover with the Feast of Unleavened Bread, deeming it all 'the feast of the Passover', and the killing of the Passover lambs from the evening of the 14th to the afternoon of the 14th of Abib. The writers of the New Testament acknowledged this in many of the references, some calling it "the Jews feast of Passover", which lends great confusion to the time frame of Christ's death.

This is the key to understanding the whole thing.

John 19:31
"The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day,) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away."

Note: It was the practice of the Romans to leave bodies on the crucifixes for days as an example to others.

That "high day" was the first Day of Unleavened Bread, not the weekly Sabbath. The Passover itself was not a 'high sabbath', in fact work could be done on that day. Until the Jews changed it, it was a separate commemoration entirely. And as such it was the preparation day for the first day of Unleavened Bread as well as being the day of the Passover.

Jesus kept the Passover with the disciples at the proper time, the evening of the 14th of Abib, but became the Passover sacrifice on the afternoon of the same day, and died at the very time the lambs were being slaughtered at the temple and handed over to the Jewish citizens who didn't wish to do it themselves (this was also done to ensure that the people actually kept the Passover).

It was in this confusion of activity that the Jews and Romans carried out the death of Jesus rather secretly, unaware that they were actually fulfilling the prophecies concerning his suffering and death.
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Yeshua -Jesus was crucified at Passover. His last meal with his disciples was a Passover seder. This is where Jesus said the unleavened bread and wine were his body and blood. He was about to become the Eternal Passover Lamb...

The One who would take away the sin of the world by his shed blood and sacrificial death. Many scholars believe the date of Jesus' crucifixion was April 3, 33 AD. Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead on biblical Jewish feast days of "Passover and the Feast of Firstfruits (Lev. 23:5-11) At that time there was no Easter nor a day named "Good Friday". What happen? What changed things?
The lamb was a god of Egypt the Israelites ate and consumed the Egyptian god to show that it had no power of them.. By claiming Jesus as the lamb you are showing that he too is nothing but a false god with no power over anyone or anything… Further unleavened bread is just that it is unleavened and Israelites were forBiden to eat of or partake of any bread that RISES at this time of year for all generations…. Since it is claimed that Jesus is “ The bread of Life” in the New Testament and he ROSE at this time then therefore for all generations no one is to partake of or eat of him or anything he stood for or taught…. Pretty straightforward and even a child should be able to understand that in the simplest terms…
The lamb was a god of Egypt the Israelites ate and consumed the Egyptian god to show that it had no power of them.. By claiming Jesus as the lamb you are showing that he too is nothing but a false god with no power over anyone or anything… Further unleavened bread is just that it is unleavened and Israelites were forBiden to eat of or partake of any bread that RISES at this time of year for all generations…. Since it is claimed that Jesus is “ The bread of Life” in the New Testament and he ROSE at this time then therefore for all generations no one is to partake of or eat of him or anything he stood for or taught…. Pretty straightforward and even a child should be able to understand that in the simplest terms…
Christian belief is manna came down from heaven. Next was the Bread of the Presence (of God) and as such only consumed by priests. Jesus said he was the Living Bread which seems to relate to the Bread of the Presence (the Bread of God), not just for priests to partake, but for all to partake.

Abel and the Israelites offered lambs as their sacrifice which pleased God. They did not worship the Egyptian ram, the worshiped God and sacrificed to him.

I know we are of different faiths and have different perspectives, but we do both believe in the One God and what he has done, is doing, for mankind.
Yeshua -Jesus was crucified at Passover. His last meal with his disciples was a Passover seder. This is where Jesus said the unleavened bread and wine were his body and blood. He was about to become the Eternal Passover Lamb...

The One who would take away the sin of the world by his shed blood and sacrificial death. Many scholars believe the date of Jesus' crucifixion was April 3, 33 AD. Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead on biblical Jewish feast days of "Passover and the Feast of Firstfruits (Lev. 23:5-11) At that time there was no Easter nor a day named "Good Friday". What happen? What changed things?

Because before them it was the tradition spring festival. They merely replaced it.
why find anotherbname for jesus?
There is no letter "J" in the 22 letters of the Hebrew "alef-bet." The letter Y and the /y/ sound is one that God uses often even in reference to himself. God calls himself Yehovah, Y-H-V-H, and upon the Mount of Olives in Israel when looking down you see one road in the shape of a huge "Y"

Aside from the background noise of it all, I believe the only pronunciation and annunciation throughout various cultures and religions changed, but the name itself, and its meaning has remained steady. I own several Bibles. I have one where the word "Jesus" is not used at all, only Jehovah is used, I have another Bible where only Yeshua is used. I have many Bibles that use the word Jesus. They are all my Bibles and they all speak of the blood shed on the cross for the sins of mankind and of man needing a Savior. Likewise there are Bibles in every language throughout the world. Those variations bring in different versions of some letters especially in German and Scottish.

You could also compare it to the different names used for fraternities and sororities under the names such as Delta Sigma... Gamma Phi... Alpha Kappa... and it all mean the same thing a fraternity or a sorority. Likewise the names related to Yeshua, Jesus, etc... all mean "Savior" the Son of God.
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Because before them it was the tradition spring festival. They merely replaced it.
When you say it was the spring festival what festival would that be? I have never heard of a festival being associated with it. Can you explain it a bit more, thanks.
When you say it was the spring festival what festival would that be? I have never heard of a festival being associated with it. Can you explain it a bit more, thanks.

You've never heard of a festival celebrating the coming of Spring?

I mean, the Chinese have one. It's called Spring Festival.

"12 Spring Traditions Around the World"

others if you want to look.

Passover in Judaism is called Pesach, Easter is also called Pascha... coincidence? I think not.

"In Latin and Greek, the Christian celebration was, and still is, called Pascha (Greek: Πάσχα), a word derived from Aramaic פסחא (Paskha), cognate to the Hebrew פֶּסַח‎ (Pesach). The word originally denoted the Jewish festival known in English as Passover, commemorating the Jewish Exodus from slavery in Egypt."

Christianity took over festivals that already existed. Even if you believe Jesus was born, he wasn't born on the 25th December. It was just the winter solstice festival.
Christian belief is manna came down from heaven. Next was the Bread of the Presence (of God) and as such only consumed by priests. Jesus said he was the Living Bread which seems to relate to the Bread of the Presence (the Bread of God), not just for priests to partake, but for all to partake.

Abel and the Israelites offered lambs as their sacrifice which pleased God. They did not worship the Egyptian ram, the worshiped God and sacrificed to him.

I know we are of different faiths and have different perspectives, but we do both believe in the One God and what he has done, is doing, for mankind.
Praise God like you said, Jesus is the bread of life because all those different breads falling from heaven gets a bit confusing; more like a gamble having so many different breads to choose from.

We must worship God in spirit and in truth as God knows our hearts. In doing so, we must choose Jesus as our Lord and Savior. As we cannot get to God, except we go through Jesus. We do share the perspective of love, Amen.
The lamb was a god of Egypt the Israelites ate and consumed the Egyptian god to show that it had no power of them.. By claiming Jesus as the lamb you are showing that he too is nothing but a false god with no power over anyone or anything… Further unleavened bread is just that it is unleavened and Israelites were forBiden to eat of or partake of any bread that RISES at this time of year for all generations…. Since it is claimed that Jesus is “ The bread of Life” in the New Testament and he ROSE at this time then therefore for all generations no one is to partake of or eat of him or anything he stood for or taught…. Pretty straightforward and even a child should be able to understand that in the simplest terms…
Thanks for your participation, but your explanation is blasphemous. I would suggest you pray to God for an understanding of His Word.
I seem to recall that 2 different dates for the crucifixion are given in the Gospels. In one it is the day before Passover, in another it is the day of Passover. Not a big deal, I think it was done in John to reinforce the theology of the lamb of God.
I agree, you're right, no big deal.
Thanks for your participation, but your explanation is blasphemous. I would suggest you pray to God for an understanding of His Word.
I understand his word just fine do you.. Worshipping Jesus as a substitute for the gd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is idol worshipping how many of these words are you going against…The prophets (including Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel) were spokesmen for God to the people and to their leaders: they often disagreed with the men in power and had no fear of expressing their messages from God -- generally directing against the idolatry and "false gods." Jeremiah warned the people not to use idols such as totem-pole-like "gods"
Idols: it has Imigrated into Men’s minds from the dogma’s of the churches philosophies, also from the wrong path of the Hierarchy that imposes the control. It is in the way they bow to the cross, burn candles, kiss medalions and worship a Prophet as God Himself in place of God. One of the things that G0D forbids is idols, worship using images gods or even of G0D himself (Exodus 20:4 and Leviticus 26:1). Man, as it is written, was created as an image of G0D (Genesis 1:27). And, so, worshipping a man as G0D is idolatry.
After all, G0D himself says that "G0D is not a man" (in Isaiah 2:22, 14:13, I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19, and Hosea 11:9).

In Isiah44;9 It states they that make a graven image are all of them vanity and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses;(christians) they see not; nor know; that they may be ashamed. Still confused well here is some more.
Isaiah44;13 The carpenter
( was Jesus not considered a carpenter?) strecheth out his rule(over the world)he marketh it out with a line;he fitteth it with planes and he marketh it out with a compass, and maketh it after the figure of a man(JESUS);according to the beauty of a man;that it mat remain in the house(Maybe over your bed?) One more passage Isiah44;17 And the residue thereof he maketh a god(JESUS)Even his graven image(AGAIN JESUS);He falleth down unto it and worshippeth it. and prayeth unto it and saith Deliver me; for this art my god(JESUS).

Christian belief is manna came down from heaven. Next was the Bread of the Presence (of God) and as such only consumed by priests. Jesus said he was the Living Bread which seems to relate to the Bread of the Presence (the Bread of God), not just for priests to partake, but for all to partake.

Abel and the Israelites offered lambs as their sacrifice which pleased God. They did not worship the Egyptian ram, the worshiped God and sacrificed to him.

I know we are of different faiths and have different perspectives, but we do both believe in the One God and what he has done, is doing, for mankind.
There are many apologists walking around trying to “ cover up “ certain facts Meriweather… Just remember the “ truth” can walk around ” naked” but the lie must be covered… Lies are usually covered up by telling another lie and another lie and another lie to cover that up. That is why fansifull stories are used to do this and pages and pages of manuscripts .. In the Torah or Jewish scriptures or as most Christian’s call it the Old Testament we are told in Deutoronomy to neither add or subtract a single WORD as it was complete and it stayed that way for many generations till the founders of Christianity added many new pages and books to it full of fanciful tales and stories .. If we are to RETURN or Hashev back to the NAKED TRUTH that we all once had in the Garden then we must strip away all those UNTRUTHS remove the lies and once again walk around NAKED without the deceptions holding us back…
There are many apologists walking around trying to “ cover up “ certain facts Meriweather… Just remember the “ truth” can walk around ” naked” but the lie must be covered… Lies are usually covered up by telling another lie and another lie and another lie to cover that up. That is why fansifull stories are used to do this and pages and pages of manuscripts .. In the Torah or Jewish scriptures or as most Christian’s call it the Old Testament we are told in Deutoronomy to neither add or subtract a single WORD as it was complete and it stayed that way for many generations till the founders of Christianity added many new pages and books to it full of fanciful tales and stories .. If we are to RETURN or Hashev back to the NAKED TRUTH that we all once had in the Garden then we must strip away all those UNTRUTHS remove the lies and once again walk around NAKED without the deceptions holding us back…
The Old Testament predicts the New Testament.

Jeremiah 31:31
"Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah..."
The Old Testament predicts the New Testament.

Jeremiah 31:31
"Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah..."
No it does not… It is typical of Christianity to take one verse out of context and point to it and use it to fit in an errounous belief system.. It is humorous and very deceptive thoughtful reading of the relevant passage in Jeremiah will reveal that Christianity is the very antithesis of the New Covenant predicted by Jeremiah.
The prophet describes the New Covenant as something that is unique to the Jewish people. It will set them apart from other nations (Jeremiah 31:32, 35, Ezekiel 37:28). In sharp contra-distinction, Christianity claims to have broken down the barrier of separation between Jew and gentile (Ephesians 2:14).
The prophet describes the New Covenant as a positive development in the history of Israel (Jeremiah 31:25, 27). The advent of Christianity ushered in a period of darkness for Israel.
The prophet describes the New Covenant as something that is impossible to disobey (Jeremiah 31:32, Ezekiel 36:27). The Church’s version of the new covenant is easily disobeyed.
Finally, the prophet describes the New Covenant as a time when it will no longer be necessary to teach the knowledge of God amongst the people of Israel (Jeremiah 31:33). The advent of Christianity launched the most intense missionary campaign that the world has ever seen.
Moses (Deuteronomy 30:1-10), Ezekiel (11:17-20, 34:20-31, 36:22-38, 37:15-28) and Jeremiah (31:26-39, 32:36-44, 33:4-26) clearly described the New Covenant. It is definitely not Christianity or the New Testament if one is to truly look at it with open and unbiased eyes…
No it does not… It is typical of Christianity to take one verse out of context and point to it and use it to fit in an errounous belief system.. It is humorous and very deceptive thoughtful reading of the relevant passage in Jeremiah will reveal that Christianity is the very antithesis of the New Covenant predicted by Jeremiah.
The prophet describes the New Covenant as something that is unique to the Jewish people. It will set them apart from other nations (Jeremiah 31:32, 35, Ezekiel 37:28). In sharp contra-distinction, Christianity claims to have broken down the barrier of separation between Jew and gentile (Ephesians 2:14).
The prophet describes the New Covenant as a positive development in the history of Israel (Jeremiah 31:25, 27). The advent of Christianity ushered in a period of darkness for Israel.
The prophet describes the New Covenant as something that is impossible to disobey (Jeremiah 31:32, Ezekiel 36:27). The Church’s version of the new covenant is easily disobeyed.
Finally, the prophet describes the New Covenant as a time when it will no longer be necessary to teach the knowledge of God amongst the people of Israel (Jeremiah 31:33). The advent of Christianity launched the most intense missionary campaign that the world has ever seen.
Moses (Deuteronomy 30:1-10), Ezekiel (11:17-20, 34:20-31, 36:22-38, 37:15-28) and Jeremiah (31:26-39, 32:36-44, 33:4-26) clearly described the New Covenant. It is definitely not Christianity or the New Testament if one is to truly look at it with open and unbiased eyes…
Christianity is unique to the house of Israel, not to the house of Judah. The house of Israel has been forgiven while the house of Judah has not (yet).

The New Covenant is in two parts, first for the church age, finally for the millennium when Israel and Judah will finally be reconciled.

You are conflating the house of Israel and the house of Judah. Ya gotta keep 'em separate for the time being.

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