PBD podcast- Col Douglas Macgregor says Ukraine cannot win the war


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Let me provide my own viewpoint, which is shared by many Americans across the aisle. It’s one thing to disagree with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine but it’s a completely different story to suggest that in the annals of history, that Russia is somehow unique and evil, for its invasion of Ukraine. As if France, Germany, China, Japan, the United States of America, various empires in Africa, and throughout South America, never invaded another country. 20 years ago The United States invaded Iraq anywhere upwards of 1 million Iraqi people died because of that war and the insurgents. Some Iraqis welcomed the invasion. Many other said no that was not welcome.

So this is what is known as American exceptionalism. It is ugly, and it is something that traditionally Democrats stood against. Many Democrats stand against American exceptionalism. But it’s those loud and powerful, wealthy voices in the media, and in the government that are propping up this funding of Ukraine, which is immoral.

By the way, alternative media is winning. 126,000 people have already watched the podcast above. That is more people watching that podcast compared to CNN’s noon broadcast and there are millions upon millions of people who watch people like Glenn Greenwald , Tucker Carlson, the PBD podcast , and various platforms on rumble… platforms which provide a free speech opportunity, and more to learn from

As for Douglas Macgregor, he has shown us something that makes sense. What Russia is doing now is consolidating its territory in eastern Ukraine. Even amid this so-called short lived Wagner rebellion Russia has firm control over its territories in eastern Ukraine. They are defending those positions and they want Ukrainian to attack those positions, so Ukraine can drain the little resources that it has. Ukraine has lost upwards of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and we haven’t even discussed the civilians. Also, Colonel Douglas Macgregor says that Ukraine is putting guns and other weapons in schools and they are putting gun positions around civilians like at restaurants and pizza places. Forcing Russia to attack those positions at times, and that Russia is actually doing a lot to avoid civilian casualties. Kind of like the United States did what It could to avoid civilian casualties during the 2003 Iraq war, but they still occurred.

Some say this is known as using human shield …. And the western media outlets. Many of them are dropping the ball when it comes to covering this war.
Let me provide my own viewpoint, which is shared by many Americans across the aisle. It’s one thing to disagree with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine but it’s a completely different story to suggest that in the annals of history, that Russia is somehow unique and evil, for its invasion of Ukraine. As if France, Germany, China, Japan, the United States of America, various empires in Africa, and throughout South America, never invaded another country. 20 years ago, United States invaded Iraq anywhere upwards of 1 million Iraqi people died because of that war and the insurgents. Some Iraqis welcomed the invasion. Many other said no that was not welcome.

So this is what is known as American exceptionalism. It is ugly, and it is something that traditionally Democrats stood against its again. Many Democrats stand against American exceptionalism. But it’s those loud and powerful, wealthy voices in the media, and in the government that are propping up this funding of Ukraine, which is immoral.

By the way, alternative media is winning. 126,000 people have already watched the podcast above. That is more people watching that podcast compared to CNN’s noon broadcast and there are millions upon millions of people who watch people like Glenn Greenwald , Tucker Carlson, the PBD podcast , and various platforms on rumble… platforms, which provide a free speech, opportunity, and more to learn from

You're not speaking to the topic. You crowded out the paragraph that does. Start again!
But I wish you luck with this thread. FWIW Scott Ritter has always said too that the Ukraine can't win the war.

They're both really saying that America can't win the war.

If you're on the ball then you need to start considering the concept of a never-ending war, on account of the Nazi's plans of fighting to the last Ukrainian.
They don't need to "win" the war, Russia does. All Ukraine needs to do is hold them off as long as possible, years if needed. Europe also has to step it up.
You're getting the picture!
I think it's going to lead to Russia's version of America's September 11.

The value of considering that is in then needing to consider what comes next.
Colonel Douglas McGregor says that now the Ukraine military is using press gangs to drag young men from their homes in western Ukraine, , and force them to fight for Ukraine. This is being met with resistance by Ukrainians that are stoning or attacking these pressgang’s.

There are also reports of Ukrainian uprisings in southern Ukraine.
They don't need to "win" the war, Russia does. All Ukraine needs to do is hold them off as long as possible, years if needed. Europe also has to step it up.
Many in America in the political atmosphere (millionaires) are saying that we are “defending democracy in Ukraine”. That’s wrong according to numerous experts, . The president of Ukraine has suspended elections, he arrests priests, he shuts Down churches. Ukraine has a neo-Nazi problem. He uses press gangs to force Ukrainians to fight. Ukraine is not a democracy, so it’s not a good idea for America, or even Europe to be supporting Ukraine.

It’s also been reported that Russia miss judged the west. Russia thought that It could work with the west and it’s not really happening as they thought it would.

And the other point is this moral argument. Perhaps to your point. It is Ron and miss guided to say, Russia is evil or that for example, Ukraine is the Vanguard of civilization against Russia. That discounts, all of the wars of human history, and the unfortunate things that have come with them

And that Ukraine is not in agreement with supporting Zelenskyy. That eastern Ukrainian people do not agree with supporting this war. This is critically important information. There are those in western Ukraine, who adamantly despise Russia. But those in eastern Ukraine, that support Russia.
MMacGregor is suggesting that the Wagner rebellion was an attempt to arrest top Russian generals. It was not a move against Putin. The suggestion is the overwhelming amount of Russians support the war in Ukraine, and that they are actually upset with the Russian government being too conservative. They are saying that Russia has the ability now to crush Ukraine, but they are holding back. And that there are those in Russia saying to not hold back to get this thing done now and defeat Ukraine before for example, maybe Lithuania Or, Poland will send troops to Ukraine to fight the Russians.
Colonel Douglas Macgregor says that Ukraine
Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008

Screen shot 2017-04-02 at 3.14.03 PM.png
Colonel Douglas McGregor says that now the Ukraine military is using press gangs to drag young men from their homes in western Ukraine, , and force them to fight for Ukraine. This is being met with resistance by Ukrainians that are stoning or attacking these pressgang’s.

There are also reports of Ukrainian uprisings in southern Ukraine.
you are full of crap ivan

your lovers speaks :

MMacGregor is suggesting that the Wagner rebellion was an attempt to arrest top Russian generals. It was not a move against Putin. The suggestion is the overwhelming amount of Russians support the war in Ukraine, and that they are actually upset with the Russian government being too conservative. They are saying that Russia has the ability now to crush Ukraine, but they are holding back. And that there are those in Russia saying to not hold back to get this thing done now and defeat Ukraine before for example, maybe Lithuania Or, Poland will send troops to Ukraine to fight the Russians.
No doubt that Macgregor has credentials, but can he survive by attacking the propaganda? It's a huge task, but there are certain factors on his side.

1. An antiwar movement exists.
2. The MAD factor is beginning to come home in the American head.
3. The Ukraine has spent all it has for a counter-offensive.
4. Russia is making huge gains by destroying both Ukraine's weaponry and the remaining Ukrainians.
5. Russia's weaponry is beginning to be accepted as equal and probably superior in most cases.
6. The Ukraine has been practically eliminated as a country and as a people.
7. America can possibly afford to lose and fight another time.
8. China won't sit it out if Russia is ever seriously threatened.
9. America wants out and it could be considering peaceful coexistence with Russia, through China's initiatives on a multipolar world.
10. Russia doesn't want uncontested world power and never did.

I've probably missed most of the points worth consideration. and so 11?
No doubt that Macgregor has credentials, but can he survive by attacking the propaganda? It's a huge task, but there are certain factors on his side.

1. An antiwar movement exists.
2. The MAD factor is beginning to come home in the American head.
3. The Ukraine has spent all it has for a counter-offensive.
4. Russia is making huge gains by destroying both Ukraine's weaponry and the remaining Ukrainians.
5. Russia's weaponry is beginning to be accepted as equal and probably superior in most cases.
6. The Ukraine has been practically eliminated as a country and as a people. They can't continue to serve as America's proxy.
7. America can possibly afford to lose and fight another time, while Russia can't..
8. China won't sit it out if Russia is ever seriously threatened.
9. America wants out and it could be considering peaceful coexistence with Russia, through China's initiatives on a multipolar world.
10. Russia doesn't want uncontested world power and never did.

I've probably missed most of the points worth consideration. and so 11?
No doubt that Macgregor has credentials, but can he survive by attacking the propaganda? It's a huge task, but there are certain factors on his side.

1. An antiwar movement exists.
2. The MAD factor is beginning to come home in the American head.
3. The Ukraine has spent all it has for a counter-offensive.
4. Russia is making huge gains by destroying both Ukraine's weaponry and the remaining Ukrainians.
5. Russia's weaponry is beginning to be accepted as equal and probably superior in most cases.
6. The Ukraine has been practically eliminated as a country and as a people.
7. America can possibly afford to lose and fight another time.
8. China won't sit it out if Russia is ever seriously threatened.
9. America wants out and it could be considering peaceful coexistence with Russia, through China's initiatives on a multipolar world.
10. Russia doesn't want uncontested world power and never did.

I've probably missed most of the points worth consideration. and so 11?
I won't belabour every point but Point #10 is laughable. Crack open a history book sometime if you haven't lived the tail end of their interests. Ask Poland, the Czechs, former East Germans, Finland, afghanistan on and on...
No doubt that Macgregor has credentials, but can he survive by attacking the propaganda? It's a huge task, but there are certain factors on his side.

1. An antiwar movement exists.
2. The MAD factor is beginning to come home in the American head.
3. The Ukraine has spent all it has for a counter-offensive.
4. Russia is making huge gains by destroying both Ukraine's weaponry and the remaining Ukrainians.
5. Russia's weaponry is beginning to be accepted as equal and probably superior in most cases.
6. The Ukraine has been practically eliminated as a country and as a people.
7. America can possibly afford to lose and fight another time.
8. China won't sit it out if Russia is ever seriously threatened.
9. America wants out and it could be considering peaceful coexistence with Russia, through China's initiatives on a multipolar world.
10. Russia doesn't want uncontested world power and never did.

I've probably missed most of the points worth consideration. and so 11?
are you ready to talk about ruble ? Things going according as planned?

I won't belabour every point but Point #10 is laughable. Crack open a history book sometime if you haven't lived the tail end of their interests. Ask Poland, the Czechs, former East Germans, Finland, afghanistan on and on...
America is divided on #10, but there are cracks beginning to show up due to America's dysfunctrion overall.

Latest is America's security breaking down due to Rob Malley's compromises on Iran relations. One has to wonder if this is related to Trump's security compromise on Iran foreign relations?

#11. That could be America's domestic politics interfering with the progress on foreign policy.
#12. Support for the war against Russia is becoming shaky at best.
#13. Europe is realizing that they have nothing to gain and a whole lot to lose if Russia turns to nuclear.
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America is divided on #10, but there are cracks beginning to show up due to America's dysfunctrion overall.

Latest is America's security breaking down due to Rob Malley's compromises on Iran relations. One has to wonder if this is related to Trump's security compromise on Iran foreign relations?

#11. That could be America's domestic politics interfering with the progress on foreign policy.
#12. Support for the war against Russia is becoming shaky at best.
#13. Europe is realizing that they have nothing to gain and a whole lot to lose if Russia turns to nuclear.
And Russia doesn't have anything to lose?
I don’t understand why people who are not Ukrainian feel the need to support Ukraine. There are millions of calamities an injustice is going on in the world so people can’t throw around the moral argument.

It’s offensive to me as an American, and as a Christian that the US government is sending billions upon billions of dollars and some of the most lethal military equipment in the world to Ukraine. And it’s not even going to work. Ukraine can’t win this war. And it might even be the case that Russia is in the right to go for Ukraine. It’s not like the war in Iraq. Remember Iraq was thousands of miles away from America. But that’s neither here nor there Ukraine’s not a democracy.

Nobody can say Ukraine is a democracy as they suspended elections. Opposition parties are shut down. Opposition media networks was shut down in Ukraine by the Ukrainian government one year before Russia’s invasion. people can support Ukraine, but they cannot say they’re supporting a democracy.

Whereas America allowed elections during World War II ..of course FDR won and he was beloved by both Democrats and Republicans including the Republican front runner of 1940 Wendell Willkie. I’m proud of my viewpoints. It feels good to say what I say. It really feels good to be able to respect history to recognize the Soviet people Chinese and to British and the Americans who gave their blood for freedom and who fought to end slavery to stop the holocaust

I made this point before. Everyone here has their opinion this is America. We have freedom.

I did not vote to send money to Ukraine, along with the vast majority of the Americans …. There’s no way the workingman on the street wants to send money to Ukraine a country we didn’t really hear much about until recently.

The types of people who support Ukraine are neoconservatives along with the far left wing liberals. It’s the types of people who waive the LGBT flag in the front lawn because they’re told to do so. They waive the Black Lives Matter flag. And There kind of people who don’t tip their delivery, drivers or the waiters. Very stuck up for very selfish.

And there are those some of them good people good well-meaning people who do the right things in life and who support Ukraine ..but who are misguided

this is a black eye on American history. This is American exceptionalism. This money this weaponry America is sending to Ukraine to kill fellow Christians who are Russian soldiers, fellow Christians. Russia is a deeply Christian country and they have faith tradition family very honorable things going on.
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There are four pundits who stand out in my opinion as examples of accuracy and reliability , measured over time. Bernard at MoonofAlabama , Simplicius and McGregor . Further, the Comments section at MOA is remarkably well informed and several leagues more informed and precise than anything you will ever find on this chat site . The fourth is our own house bound Litwin , aka Titty Winkle, who also has his posts reproduced on other Forum like sites . I include this sad man because he is so appalling in terms of accuracy and reliability that you will always have the right answer if you reverse his posts 100% .Never fails . He is guaranteed to be rubbish every single time .

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