Pelosi Pushes President For AMNESTY


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

You're in a row boat in the middle of a huge lake.
There is a hole in bottom of the boat.
Water keeps pouring in.
The Democrat holds a 'patch kit' that could repair the hole...but refuses to use it / let the republican use it
The Democrats tells the Republican they can have it if he agrees to the Dem's demands....
The GOP refuses, insists the Dem help stop the leak / the water from coming in....
The Democrat tells the Republican he better keep bailing water...
While the Republican continues to bail feverishly, the lib uses a pail to add more water into the boat....

That pretty sums up the on-going Illegal Immigration issue and how Pelosi and the Democrats are attempting to blackmail the GOP into 'rewarding' millions of illegals for breaking our laws and invading our country....

Nancy Pelosi to Donald Trump: Thanks for Halting a Few Deportations, Now Give Us a Giant Amnesty

Pelosi Pushes Trump for Amnesty, 'Immigration Reform' | Breitbart

'House Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded to President Donald Trump’s decision to delay the deportations of a few hundred recent illegal migrants by asking for a nationwide amnesty for millions of migrants living in the United States.'

Democrats REFUSE to ENFORCE existing US Immigration Law - in fact, they break the law and aid and abet illegals in doing so...THEN they call for 'COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM', which EVERYONE knows is just 'Lib-speak' for 'Amnesty for Everyone'!

As the US is TRILLIONS of dollars in debt, it is FISCALLY CRIMINAL for Dems to push for adding the burden of tens of trillions of dollars in debt and adding that financial burden of providing for all of these illegals on US tax payers, especially while demanding Amnesty for millions of illegals WITHOUT AGREEING TO SOLVE AND ACTUALLY SOLVING THE PROBLEM OF OUR POROUS OPEN BORDERS THAT CONTNUE TO ALLOW APPROX 100,000 NEW ILLEGALS PER MONTH INTO THE US 1ST.

You're in a row boat in the middle of a huge lake.
There is a hole in bottom of the boat.
Water keeps pouring in.
The Democrat holds a 'patch kit' that could repair the hole...but refuses to use it / let the republican use it
The Democrats tells the Republican they can have it if he agrees to the Dem's demands....
The GOP refuses, insists the Dem help stop the leak / the water from coming in....
The Democrat tells the Republican he better keep bailing water...
While the Republican continues to bail feverishly, the lib uses a pail to add more water into the boat....

That pretty sums up the on-going Illegal Immigration issue and how Pelosi and the Democrats are attempting to blackmail the GOP into 'rewarding' millions of illegals for breaking our laws and invading our country....

Nancy Pelosi to Donald Trump: Thanks for Halting a Few Deportations, Now Give Us a Giant Amnesty

Pelosi Pushes Trump for Amnesty, 'Immigration Reform' | Breitbart

'House Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded to President Donald Trump’s decision to delay the deportations of a few hundred recent illegal migrants by asking for a nationwide amnesty for millions of migrants living in the United States.'

Democrats REFUSE to ENFORCE existing US Immigration Law - in fact, they break the law and aid and abet illegals in doing so...THEN they call for 'COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM', which EVERYONE knows is just 'Lib-speak' for 'Amnesty for Everyone'!

As the US is TRILLIONS of dollars in debt, it is FISCALLY CRIMINAL for Dems to push for adding the burden of tens of trillions of dollars in debt and adding that financial burden of providing for all of these illegals on US tax payers, especially while demanding Amnesty for millions of illegals WITHOUT AGREEING TO SOLVE AND ACTUALLY SOLVING THE PROBLEM OF OUR POROUS OPEN BORDERS THAT CONTNUE TO ALLOW APPROX 100,000 NEW ILLEGALS PER MONTH INTO THE US 1ST.
Got a big election coming up and not enough voters falling for the everything is free BS so need more voters!

You're in a row boat in the middle of a huge lake.
There is a hole in bottom of the boat.
Water keeps pouring in.
The Democrat holds a 'patch kit' that could repair the hole...but refuses to use it / let the republican use it
The Democrats tells the Republican they can have it if he agrees to the Dem's demands....
The GOP refuses, insists the Dem help stop the leak / the water from coming in....
The Democrat tells the Republican he better keep bailing water...
While the Republican continues to bail feverishly, the lib uses a pail to add more water into the boat....

That pretty sums up the on-going Illegal Immigration issue and how Pelosi and the Democrats are attempting to blackmail the GOP into 'rewarding' millions of illegals for breaking our laws and invading our country....

Nancy Pelosi to Donald Trump: Thanks for Halting a Few Deportations, Now Give Us a Giant Amnesty

Pelosi Pushes Trump for Amnesty, 'Immigration Reform' | Breitbart

'House Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded to President Donald Trump’s decision to delay the deportations of a few hundred recent illegal migrants by asking for a nationwide amnesty for millions of migrants living in the United States.'

Democrats REFUSE to ENFORCE existing US Immigration Law - in fact, they break the law and aid and abet illegals in doing so...THEN they call for 'COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM', which EVERYONE knows is just 'Lib-speak' for 'Amnesty for Everyone'!

As the US is TRILLIONS of dollars in debt, it is FISCALLY CRIMINAL for Dems to push for adding the burden of tens of trillions of dollars in debt and adding that financial burden of providing for all of these illegals on US tax payers, especially while demanding Amnesty for millions of illegals WITHOUT AGREEING TO SOLVE AND ACTUALLY SOLVING THE PROBLEM OF OUR POROUS OPEN BORDERS THAT CONTNUE TO ALLOW APPROX 100,000 NEW ILLEGALS PER MONTH INTO THE US 1ST.

They are corruptly pushing trump to not do his constitutional duty...enforce the nations laws. That is the duty of the executive branch.

You're in a row boat in the middle of a huge lake.
There is a hole in bottom of the boat.
Water keeps pouring in.
The Democrat holds a 'patch kit' that could repair the hole...but refuses to use it / let the republican use it
The Democrats tells the Republican they can have it if he agrees to the Dem's demands....
The GOP refuses, insists the Dem help stop the leak / the water from coming in....
The Democrat tells the Republican he better keep bailing water...
While the Republican continues to bail feverishly, the lib uses a pail to add more water into the boat....

That pretty sums up the on-going Illegal Immigration issue and how Pelosi and the Democrats are attempting to blackmail the GOP into 'rewarding' millions of illegals for breaking our laws and invading our country....

Nancy Pelosi to Donald Trump: Thanks for Halting a Few Deportations, Now Give Us a Giant Amnesty

Pelosi Pushes Trump for Amnesty, 'Immigration Reform' | Breitbart

'House Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded to President Donald Trump’s decision to delay the deportations of a few hundred recent illegal migrants by asking for a nationwide amnesty for millions of migrants living in the United States.'

Democrats REFUSE to ENFORCE existing US Immigration Law - in fact, they break the law and aid and abet illegals in doing so...THEN they call for 'COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM', which EVERYONE knows is just 'Lib-speak' for 'Amnesty for Everyone'!

As the US is TRILLIONS of dollars in debt, it is FISCALLY CRIMINAL for Dems to push for adding the burden of tens of trillions of dollars in debt and adding that financial burden of providing for all of these illegals on US tax payers, especially while demanding Amnesty for millions of illegals WITHOUT AGREEING TO SOLVE AND ACTUALLY SOLVING THE PROBLEM OF OUR POROUS OPEN BORDERS THAT CONTNUE TO ALLOW APPROX 100,000 NEW ILLEGALS PER MONTH INTO THE US 1ST.

Pelousy is out of her mind. Guess she missed amnesty back in the 80's.

Oh wait. I forgot. If the Dems had done their part Amnesty would have worked just fine. Since they didn't it was a bust with even more illegals getting into the country. Never mind.

You're in a row boat in the middle of a huge lake.
There is a hole in bottom of the boat.
Water keeps pouring in.
The Democrat holds a 'patch kit' that could repair the hole...but refuses to use it / let the republican use it
The Democrats tells the Republican they can have it if he agrees to the Dem's demands....
The GOP refuses, insists the Dem help stop the leak / the water from coming in....
The Democrat tells the Republican he better keep bailing water...
While the Republican continues to bail feverishly, the lib uses a pail to add more water into the boat....

That pretty sums up the on-going Illegal Immigration issue and how Pelosi and the Democrats are attempting to blackmail the GOP into 'rewarding' millions of illegals for breaking our laws and invading our country....

Nancy Pelosi to Donald Trump: Thanks for Halting a Few Deportations, Now Give Us a Giant Amnesty

Pelosi Pushes Trump for Amnesty, 'Immigration Reform' | Breitbart

'House Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded to President Donald Trump’s decision to delay the deportations of a few hundred recent illegal migrants by asking for a nationwide amnesty for millions of migrants living in the United States.'

Democrats REFUSE to ENFORCE existing US Immigration Law - in fact, they break the law and aid and abet illegals in doing so...THEN they call for 'COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM', which EVERYONE knows is just 'Lib-speak' for 'Amnesty for Everyone'!

As the US is TRILLIONS of dollars in debt, it is FISCALLY CRIMINAL for Dems to push for adding the burden of tens of trillions of dollars in debt and adding that financial burden of providing for all of these illegals on US tax payers, especially while demanding Amnesty for millions of illegals WITHOUT AGREEING TO SOLVE AND ACTUALLY SOLVING THE PROBLEM OF OUR POROUS OPEN BORDERS THAT CONTNUE TO ALLOW APPROX 100,000 NEW ILLEGALS PER MONTH INTO THE US 1ST.

Certainly you are not so stupid as to be talking about DACA?
Certainly you are not so stupid as to be talking about DACA?

There is no such thing as 'DACA'

After publicly admitting that he could NOT take any action that would affect existing Immigration Law, President Obama violated the Constitution, specifically the Separation Of Powers, by issuing a Presidential EDICT declaring HIS OWN 'LAW' - DACA - was officially in effect, by-passing Congress to do this simply because Barry became frustrated at the GOP for not complying with his demands to officially pass DACA into law.
Amnesty as originally proposed under Reagan was a workable solution, received overwhelming bipartisan support, however without a secure boarder, means to enforce a secure boarder, the essential component agreed upon by both parties of the program amounted to nothing more than kicking the can down the road for others to clean up.
Certainly you are not so stupid as to be talking about DACA?

There is no such thing as 'DACA'

After publicly admitting that he could NOT take any action that would affect existing Immigration Law, President Obama violated the Constitution, specifically the Separation Of Powers, by issuing a Presidential EDICT declaring HIS OWN 'LAW' - DACA - was officially in effect, by-passing Congress to do this simply because Barry became frustrated at the GOP for not complying with his demands to officially pass DACA into law.

Really, YOU, that thinks Trump can call an national emergency to build his wall is concerned about the Constitution?

NO COURT has said DCA was unconstitutional.

You're in a row boat in the middle of a huge lake.
There is a hole in bottom of the boat.
Water keeps pouring in.
The Democrat holds a 'patch kit' that could repair the hole...but refuses to use it / let the republican use it
The Democrats tells the Republican they can have it if he agrees to the Dem's demands....
The GOP refuses, insists the Dem help stop the leak / the water from coming in....
The Democrat tells the Republican he better keep bailing water...
While the Republican continues to bail feverishly, the lib uses a pail to add more water into the boat....

That pretty sums up the on-going Illegal Immigration issue and how Pelosi and the Democrats are attempting to blackmail the GOP into 'rewarding' millions of illegals for breaking our laws and invading our country....

Nancy Pelosi to Donald Trump: Thanks for Halting a Few Deportations, Now Give Us a Giant Amnesty

Pelosi Pushes Trump for Amnesty, 'Immigration Reform' | Breitbart

'House Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded to President Donald Trump’s decision to delay the deportations of a few hundred recent illegal migrants by asking for a nationwide amnesty for millions of migrants living in the United States.'

Democrats REFUSE to ENFORCE existing US Immigration Law - in fact, they break the law and aid and abet illegals in doing so...THEN they call for 'COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM', which EVERYONE knows is just 'Lib-speak' for 'Amnesty for Everyone'!

As the US is TRILLIONS of dollars in debt, it is FISCALLY CRIMINAL for Dems to push for adding the burden of tens of trillions of dollars in debt and adding that financial burden of providing for all of these illegals on US tax payers, especially while demanding Amnesty for millions of illegals WITHOUT AGREEING TO SOLVE AND ACTUALLY SOLVING THE PROBLEM OF OUR POROUS OPEN BORDERS THAT CONTNUE TO ALLOW APPROX 100,000 NEW ILLEGALS PER MONTH INTO THE US 1ST.

Amnesty will never happen even if Democrats win and why?

Because then both sides lose a wedge issue that get their base going nutter over...
No more amnesty! Reagan messed up with that.

Reagan tried to work with the Dems, then got stabbed in the back. Democrats never keep their word about anything. The problems at the border have just gotten worse since then.

Exactly. In Reagan's speech on this issue, prior to signing the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986--the speech from which liberals frequently quote a single sentence, stripped of all critical context--Regan emphasized the threat of Cuba's communist regime getting its hooks into Mexico, which threatened not only to accelerate the spread of communism, but the potential of an enemy existing directly at our southern border. He first mentioned the high unemployment rate in Mexico, and then made the following statement, which is conveniently left out of the left's revisionist description of Regan's signing of the IRCA into law:

"[N]ow this cannot continue without the possibility arising—with regard to that other country that we talked about, of Cuba and everything it is stirring up—of the possibility of trouble below the border. And we could have a very hostile and strange neighbor on our border."

When Regan signed that legislation, he was actively working to avert the spread of the kind of ideals being espoused by the people that are now pushing for open borders and amnesty for all. The geopolitical reasons for enacting the IRCA (and the types of concessions demanded by Pelosi and her ilk) do not exist today.

To lantern's point, the IRCA of 1986 that Reagan signed into law was designed specifically to secure the U.S. border, and included a compliment of laws aimed at doing just that--most of which have been ignored from day one--including strengthened enforcement procedures at the U.S. border and for dealing with future illegal immigrants that weren't amnestied under the bill, and changes to the legal immigration system to include, among other things, background checks. The failure to enforce those laws at the federal, state and local level for the past 30 years is what gave rise to the current situation. The Democrats made promises they never intended to keep simply to push amnesty into the legislation. The fact that the Democrats are trying to pull the exact same charade they did in 1986, demanding amnesty in exchange for their agreement to secure the border, is the very embodiment of the old adage fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
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You're in a row boat in the middle of a huge lake.
There is a hole in bottom of the boat.
Water keeps pouring in.
The Democrat holds a 'patch kit' that could repair the hole...but refuses to use it / let the republican use it
The Democrats tells the Republican they can have it if he agrees to the Dem's demands....
The GOP refuses, insists the Dem help stop the leak / the water from coming in....
The Democrat tells the Republican he better keep bailing water...
While the Republican continues to bail feverishly, the lib uses a pail to add more water into the boat....

That pretty sums up the on-going Illegal Immigration issue and how Pelosi and the Democrats are attempting to blackmail the GOP into 'rewarding' millions of illegals for breaking our laws and invading our country....

Nancy Pelosi to Donald Trump: Thanks for Halting a Few Deportations, Now Give Us a Giant Amnesty

Pelosi Pushes Trump for Amnesty, 'Immigration Reform' | Breitbart

'House Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded to President Donald Trump’s decision to delay the deportations of a few hundred recent illegal migrants by asking for a nationwide amnesty for millions of migrants living in the United States.'

Democrats REFUSE to ENFORCE existing US Immigration Law - in fact, they break the law and aid and abet illegals in doing so...THEN they call for 'COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM', which EVERYONE knows is just 'Lib-speak' for 'Amnesty for Everyone'!

As the US is TRILLIONS of dollars in debt, it is FISCALLY CRIMINAL for Dems to push for adding the burden of tens of trillions of dollars in debt and adding that financial burden of providing for all of these illegals on US tax payers, especially while demanding Amnesty for millions of illegals WITHOUT AGREEING TO SOLVE AND ACTUALLY SOLVING THE PROBLEM OF OUR POROUS OPEN BORDERS THAT CONTNUE TO ALLOW APPROX 100,000 NEW ILLEGALS PER MONTH INTO THE US 1ST.
Bad, bad, bad Democrats...bad, bad...


You are nothing but a pathetic partisan hack, Twinkle Toes.

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