People Who Say That The Trump Trials Will Continue Even After The Election

People Who Say That The Trump Trials Will Continue Even After The Election​

Well what's going to happen when Trump gets back in the white house? After all, we already know for a fact that they're only happening because he's running. After his second term is up why would there be any need to go after him anymore? And they can't imprison a sitting president unless he is kicked out of the white house/impeached without being acquitted and that's not going to happen.
No-life humans. Those are the ones who still say there were WMDs in Irak and that Putin stole their socks from the laundry room.
The problem the dems have is they lost too many uniparty rinos by jummping the shark going after TRUMP.
The RINO's know they could be the next victim of the Dem lawfare. The Dem party is circling the drain which makes them dangerous. The more they lose their grip on power, the more desperate they become.
He'll shut down the "investigations".

And they'll bleat about "OUR DEMOCRACY!"

But no one is listening except for their deranged base.

Everyone knows the witch hunts wouldn't be happening now if he weren't running.

Only two types of people say otherwise:

Disingenuous Leftist partisans, and downright morons.
Democrats will start bloviating about impeaching Trump the day after the election, bank on it.
If it's such a deception then why didn't these trials start until shortly after Trump announced that he was running again?
Investigations started long before that, showing that yoru conspiracy theory is really stupid.

And you've got it backwards. Trump announced his campaign in an attempt to squash the investigations.

Remember, Trump cult thugs, you can't gaslight anyone who isn't a member of your moron cult. Only those possessing the lowest of IQ's fall for your nonsense.
Well what's going to happen when Trump gets back in the white house? After all, we already know for a fact that they're only happening because he's running. After his second term is up why would there be any need to go after him anymore? And they can't imprison a sitting president unless he is kicked out of the white house/impeached without being acquitted and that's not going to happen.
Of course they’ll go on. Trump isn’t going to win and he isn’t getting off the hook.
Lets hear what the Jury has to say
Should be pretty easy, Bragg doesn't really have a case. Everything based on what a pornstar and a professional liar have to say. Nobody even knows what the crime is. Democrat heads swelling to explosion point. Democrats are probably readying the pallets of bricks and the maltov cocktails.
Should be pretty easy, Bragg doesn't really have a case. Everything based on what a pornstar and a professional liar have to say. Nobody even knows what the crime is. Democrat heads swelling to explosion point. Democrats are probably readying the pallets of bricks and the maltov cocktails.

It comes down to who is more believable

Trump is claiming he never had sex with her
Will the jury believe Trump?
Well what's going to happen when Trump gets back in the white house? After all, we already know for a fact that they're only happening because he's running. After his second term is up why would there be any need to go after him anymore? And they can't imprison a sitting president unless he is kicked out of the white house/impeached without being acquitted and that's not going to happen.
They can't stop the trials the day after the election, so yea, they almost have to continue or basically they are admitting their own corruption.
We know why you push such a deception.

You're corrupt down to your soul, so you assume everyone must be just as corrupt as you are yourself. You can't even imagine a person not being a corrupt party hack.

We are not like you. Unlike what the Republicans have done nonstop for the past 20 years, we don't engage in lawfare. That sin is unique to your side.

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